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India, Saudi Arabia To Discuss Joint Weapon Projects






Next time those Saudi lovers speak in favor of their masters this should do in shutting them up, perhaps even changing their minds.

Your logic does not quite make sense to me. Since when are Saudis supposed to be Pakistan's lapdogs? I have nothing to do with Saudi, but if anything, Pakistan owes Saudi big time for the soft loans on oil they provide you. Least you can do is not bad mouth the very country that has helped you survive.

Every country wants to do business. And India is a major player in the emerging economies with almost 17% of the world population. Its about time Pakistan learns that it cant stop other countries from doing business with India, the only country it can stop is itself (which it is doing so Congrats).
Your logic does not quite make sense to me. Since when are Saudis supposed to be Pakistan's lapdogs?
And i can ask you the same thing, since when did France become india's lapdog? If don't understand my logic then i guess you don't understand your government's logic either.
India Urges France To Stop Arms Sales to Pakistan | Defense News | defensenews.com

I have nothing to do with Saudi, but if anything, Pakistan owes Saudi big time for the soft loans on oil they provide you.Least you can do is not bad mouth the very country that has helped you survive.
We owe them nothing, and i suggest you read some history.
India is the 3rd largest investor in Saudi Arabia.

Its high time we start close military co-operation.
And i can ask you the same thing, since when did France become india's lapdog? If don't understand my logic then i guess you don't understand your government's logic either.
India Urges France To Stop Arms Sales to Pakistan | Defense News | defensenews.com

We owe them nothing, and i suggest you read some history.

What the Indian government did was not right either. But its a different scenario and you did not get what I was trying to say, India can pressure France because France is depending economically on India(for the fighter jet sales). Pakistan on the other hand gets huge aid from Saudi Arabia (all the madrassas and mosques in Pakistan are built with Saudi money, you might not like them but clearly your countrymen want them). Its like you guys beg from them and then try to run their foreign policy.

As for not owing them anything, I would suggest you read some history. I could literally post a million articles about Saudis helping Pakistan. Forget oil, how about when they donated millions in aid for flood victims, highest donor among all nations?

Saudi Arabia tops in flood aid to Pakistan - Arab News
And i can ask you the same thing, since when did France become india's lapdog? If don't understand my logic then i guess you don't understand your government's logic either.
India Urges France To Stop Arms Sales to Pakistan | Defense News | defensenews.com

They are not our lapdogs. But u will agree that we ($18bn) are going to ensure the survivability of the production lines of rafale and supporting tech for the next 15 years. So we do get to say where they are going. We are not telling them stop exporting cashew nuts or some food grain to pakistan ( not that u need it but just an example )
We owe them nothing, and i suggest you read some history.

there goes a saying in sanskrit... "Krithagnata sabse bada paap hai". Means the biggest sin which can be committed by men is not to recognize if a person has done some good for them.

So, u should not look for reason to deny that SA ever did anything to you, but should look for reason if they ever did !!
And i can ask you the same thing, since when did France become india's lapdog? If don't understand my logic then i guess you don't understand your government's logic either.
India Urges France To Stop Arms Sales to Pakistan | Defense News | defensenews.com

We owe them nothing, and i suggest you read some history.

The last time I checked, most of the pakistanis were claiming to be arabians , so, either you are unaware or are trying to create a rosy picture...
I don't think its good for us to continue with this ignorant negative stereotyping of Saudis.

However, i'm wondering why Saudi's are interested in us? Many of Indian military stuff have lot of Israeli inputs.

No problems as long as they fund some of the projects.

I'm looking for a Saudi newspaper to make sure of this news


Here is an article from the Saudi daily Arab news. The editorial gives a good overview of different areas we will be collaborating in. And this is mainly naval and mountain warfare for now.

The agreements that emerged at the end of the two-day visit to the Kingdom this week by Indian Defense Minister A. K. Antony, signal the growing importance of both countries to each other.

India’s thriving economy needs Saudi oil to offset its diminishing liftings from Iran. Likewise, Indian business wants to boost its exports to the Kingdom, not least winning orders as part of the Saudi drive to build major new infrastructure and grow a flourishing nonoil based economic sector. Indian trade with the GCC now tops $130 billion and more than six million Indian citizens live and work in the region, two million of them in the Kingdom. For Saudi Arabia, closer cooperation with New Delhi, particularly in military terms, makes sense in a wider region still beset with instability.

Formalizing closer relations actually reflects a reality of increasing trade links that were given real impetus by the 2006 visit of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to India, with a large official party, including leading Saud businessmen and investors. They were further boosted with the return visit by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2010.

It would, however, be wrong for anyone to imagine that a growing Saudi relationship, even a military one, means that Saudi relations with Pakistan are going to be diminished. It does not have to work that way — and Saudi Arabia certainly does not see it that way. There is no reason therefore why anyone in Pakistan should worry about India’s emergence as a Saudi partner. The Saudi government is friends with both and pursues a very balanced and positive policy toward both. Indeed, Saudi Arabia has long supported increased dialogue between Islamabad and New Delhi and promoted a settlement of their historic differences. If anything, the Kingdom’s drawing closer to India may actually have a positive impact on the relationship between the rival neighbors.

The deal to supply the Indians with more crude from the Kingdom’s two million barrels a day spare capacity comes at a key moment. Saudi Arabia is already India’s largest supplier and because of payment clearing problems, Indian refiners have been cutting their purchases of Iranian crude. Delhi’s attitude to Tehran also hardened last week after Iranians were blamed for a bomb attack in the Indian capital, as well as another in Bangkok. Indeed closer cooperation on terrorism was an issue that was discussed during the Indian defense minister’s stay.

The fine print of the Saudi-Indian defense deal will be worked out in advance of a visit by Defense Minister Prince Salman to New Delhi later in the year. A joint committee is looking at a range of defense cooperation options.These will include defense production and increased training of personnel, which could involve Indian mountain troops training their Saudi counterparts in the Kingdom. However, it is already clear that ground-breaking joint exercises are in the offing. There are also likely to be high-level army, naval and air force exchanges, as well as goodwill visits by ships from both navies. Of especial importance is the scheme to work closely on combating piracy in the Indian Ocean where commercial vessels from both countries have fallen victim to attacks from pirates based in Somalia.

That the Indians are very serious about military cooperation was made clear by the top brass who traveled to the Kingdom with Defense Minister Antony and Defense Secretary Shashi K. Sharma. They included Vice Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. S.K. Singh, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff Vice Adm. Satish Soni and Air Vice Marshal M. R. Pawar.

One early sign of the increased cooperation is likely to be in hydrography. The Indian Navy would be working with their Saudi counterparts on nautical chart-making and the hydrographical surveys of key Saudi coastal areas, ports and harbors and sea areas. A substantial expansion of hydrographic training programs is also planned. Indeed, Indian officials have already been helping in the field.

Saudi Arabia’s continued new focus upon Asia, while by no means ignoring its historic relations with Europe and North America, is an inevitable reflection of the slow but steady shift of economic and geopolitical power to the East.

Even though the final details have yet to be worked out, it is clear from the mood music from both sides during this Indian visit, that this has been a highly successful trip which will be leading to a growth in relations, at both a military and commercial level.
What the Indian government did was not right either. But its a different scenario and you did not get what I was trying to say, India can pressure France because France is depending economically on India(for the fighter jet sales). Pakistan on the other hand gets huge aid from Saudi Arabia (all the madrassas and mosques in Pakistan are built with Saudi money, you might not like them but clearly your countrymen want them). Its like you guys beg from them and then try to run their foreign policy.
No body is trying to "run" their foreign policy, and secondly we don't need their madrassahs, in fact if they stop funding those extremist factories no one will be more happier than us Pakistanis, if Saudis want to do any good to Pakistan then they can fund schools for children rather than madrassahs, or invest in other Pakistani industries.

Now you brought up the matter of "Aid", just because they gave us "aid", does that mean we should support them on every matter unconditionally, even if it goes against our Nation's interest?

Since india too has received aid from foreign countries in the past (Britain for example) does that mean india must tow the line of Britain and support them on every matter unconditionally, even if it is against india's interests?

This is what your logic is.

As for not owing them anything, I would suggest you read some history. I could literally post a million articles about Saudis helping Pakistan. Forget oil, how about when they donated millions in aid for flood victims, highest donor among all nations?

Saudi Arabia tops in flood aid to Pakistan - Arab News

Again, this does not mean anything, your logic does not make sense, if anything india owes a lot to Britain if going by your logic.
The last time I checked, most of the pakistanis were claiming to be arabians ,

Oh really? Please provide proof of that MOST Pakistanis claim to be Arabians, otherwise please stop bull***ting.

so, either you are unaware or are trying to create a rosy picture...

Unaware of what and rosy picture of what? That "most Pakistanis claim to be arabians"?? lolz:lol:
They are not our lapdogs. But u will agree that we ($18bn) are going to ensure the survivability of the production lines of rafale and supporting tech for the next 15 years. So we do get to say where they are going. We are not telling them stop exporting cashew nuts or some food grain to pakistan ( not that u need it but just an example )
I posted that link in response to your compatriots hypocritical post in which he said that i supposedly consider Saudis as Pakistan's lapdogs, when its indian government who expects every country to limit its relations with Pakistan and isolate it because in their day dreams india is a super power. Maybe you should check next time who i'm replying to and why.

there goes a saying in sanskrit... "Krithagnata sabse bada paap hai". Means the biggest sin which can be committed by men is not to recognize if a person has done some good for them.

So, u should not look for reason to deny that SA ever did anything to you, but should look for reason if they ever did !!

Who's denying anything? point that out in my posts where i denied anything genius. And secondly, providing aid doesn't mean they get to have a free ticket in the region to do whatever they want and gain our unconditional support regarding regional matters.
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