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India - Saudi Arabia : New era of strategic partnership

With lot of billions ,,how about importing law against rape cases from there ..

Women can get a lot of innocent men killed by framing false charges against them. You sure you want to go that way?
Women can get a lot of innocent men killed by framing false charges against them. You sure you want to go that way?

Nah what i mean is ,,,,,,,if proved guilty,,,,DEATH & nothing less..

That carries the Shariah baggage. Not worth it. Our problems demand our solutions.
Besides, it gets far more difficult to prove cases of rape in that scenario.

Nah what i mean is ,,,,,,,if proved guilty,,,,DEATH & nothing less..
I had been specific to only this 1 law,,& not the bunch of nonsense laws
@bornmoron It is easy to prove guys guilty. What say after a hot rough sex session (say girl likes it rough) and the next day she complains he raped her? Who will the court believe? Lot of money to be made that way and lot of scores to settle.

Even today, there are women who have husband's entire family in prison on false dowry cases. The entire family is ruined. Sure there are women being burnt for dowry too, but instead of trying to find out the truth and seek justice, when foolish laws are passed, it will lead to a breakdown of the society.

Also say a rape does happen, why will the guy let the woman live if she is going to talk about him and get him sentenced to death. Surely the man will want to kill her. So what exactly did the law accomplish?

These are societal issues, you cannot put the fear of law in a man and get him to behave. When the core inside is rotten, no amount of external handling will control the situation.
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I really don't think they are going to put that amount of money into India . 200 Billion to 300 Billion is MAX .

Still it is a huge amount.

Every bit counts we are on a mission to take out our people from poverty and get developed.

We welcome strategic partnership, good relations, investments, business, tourism and friendship.

What we should not allow is petrol-dollar funded extremism (wahabi/salafi)

With Modi Coming to power, mission shall be realized very fast.
@bornmoron It is easy to prove guys guilty. What say after a hot rough sex session (say girl likes it rough) and the next day she complains he raped her? Who will the court believe? Lot of money to be made that way and lot of scores to settle.

Even today, there are women who have husband's entire family in prison on false dowry cases. The entire family is ruined. Sure there are women being burnt for dowry too, but instead of trying to find out the truth and seek justice, when foolish laws are passed, it will lead to a breakdown of the society.

Also say a rape does happen, why will the guy let the woman live if she is going to talk about him and get him sentenced to death. Surely the man will want to kill her. So what exactly did the law accomplish?

These are societal issues, you cannot put the fear of law in a man and get him to behave. When the core inside is rotten, no amount of external handling will control the situation.
I was only replying to that guys argument that shariah laws should be imported along with Saudi petrodollars.
no..no...that was not my point..many people are in trouble because of off posting these days..so .....:tup:
Investment and business partnership is ok but this should have no link with injecting their blind ideas on us and creating social unrest.
So much for the Ummah and brotherhood crap. Wonder when Pakistanis will going to realize this:tsk:
So much for the Ummah and brotherhood crap. Wonder when Pakistanis will going to realize this:tsk:

Ummah and brotherhood is all fiction just goes back to history all of arab states keep on fighting themselves and its going on today itself.

Only Indian Muslims cares for Ummah and brotherhood it means we offer our friendship, good wishes and expect cordial relations along with respect for India, Indian secularism.

Muslim + Muslim = brother but one has to realize Indian Muslims + Indian Hindus = brothers too.

India should sell SA the LCA instead of letting them buy JF 17 ;)

Its just a rumor without any substance.
Ummah and brotherhood is all fiction just goes back to history all of arab states keep on fighting themselves and its going on today itself.

Only Indian Muslims cares for Ummah and brotherhood it means we offer our friendship, good wishes and expect cordial relations along with respect for India, Indian secularism.

Muslim + Muslim = brother but one has to realize Indian Muslims + Indian Hindus = brothers too.

Its just a rumor without any substance.

But still......my post has plentiful nusiance value :)
Ummah and brotherhood is all fiction just goes back to history all of arab states keep on fighting themselves and its going on today itself.

Only Indian Muslims cares for Ummah and brotherhood it means we offer our friendship, good wishes and expect cordial relations along with respect for India, Indian secularism.

Muslim + Muslim = brother but one has to realize Indian Muslims + Indian Hindus = brothers too.

Its just a rumor without any substance.

Muslims + Indian Hindus = brothers too

ha your talking shit, how the hell are we brothers with pagans idol worshippers
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