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India - Saudi Arabia : New era of strategic partnership

Get it through your head pagan,,, you worship idols and will go to hell

There is no similarity between us and you, Zakir can feel what he wants but he should not make B.S statements
There is no similarity between us and you, Zakir can feel what he wants but he should not make B.S statements

Guess why ? My and brother Zakirs sons and daughters are going to live in peace, get a proper education, earn big bucks and live the new Indian dream, while your sons are going to breed in hatred and prolly going to die in a ditch with an AK-47 and a grenade never knowing what love and fellow feeling could feel like.
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@bornmoron It is easy to prove guys guilty. What say after a hot rough sex session (say girl likes it rough) and the next day she complains he raped her? Who will the court believe? Lot of money to be made that way and lot of scores to settle.

Even today, there are women who have husband's entire family in prison on false dowry cases. The entire family is ruined. Sure there are women being burnt for dowry too, but instead of trying to find out the truth and seek justice, when foolish laws are passed, it will lead to a breakdown of the society.

Also say a rape does happen, why will the guy let the woman live if she is going to talk about him and get him sentenced to death. Surely the man will want to kill her. So what exactly did the law accomplish?

These are societal issues, you cannot put the fear of law in a man and get him to behave. When the core inside is rotten, no amount of external handling will control the situation.

Consensual sex with intention to marry is not rape: Supreme Court
Consensual sex with intention to marry is not rape: Supreme Court | NDTV.com

& if we think everything -ve then things wont go anywhere,,,There ll be lots of ifs n buts for sure,,,,,,,& i am also a Guy,,,so i dont deny you at all....

Isn't that already happening in most of the cases ???

I beg your pardon?
was reffering to d tolerence thread....figured he needs a lesson from u..
btw,,,...is he by any chance saying that is actually preached in Islam...i.e. Tht was pagans,idol worshippers will go to hell..?
was reffering to d tolerence thread....figured he needs a lesson from u..
btw,,,...is he by any chance saying that is actually preached in Islam...i.e. Tht was pagans,idol worshippers will go to hell..?
There is a lot said in the Quran.....I have been told off for explaining by being called a preacher so I will leave it to him to explain or leave you hanging in curiosity....

however 1 thing is for sure, some pagans dont even believe in hell or heaven so it should not matter to them where they end up or who is sending the...

However it does not state in the Quran that you a human should judge them based on this as you do not know the future and every human is only judged on their doings
If we think everything - we then things wont go anywhere,,,There ll be lots of ifs n buts for sure,,,,,,,& i am also a Guy,,,so i dont deny you at all....
Isn't that already happening in most of the cases ???

The point is we have to think everything. Laws should not be lopsided. If law is not about justice then it is tyranny.
go ahead, who needs you KSA? go to India, i have already started disliking your people and specially your kings and princess, there is no limit for your no of
2)meals a day
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