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India’s nuclear logic

This is where our region has become much more dangerous.

Control of a tactical missile such as Nasr is in the hands of Local Commanders & not higher Political Establishment.

In a Situation of War, there Nuclear Threshold is much less than the leadership siting in the capital.

But India has made it clear - A Nuke is a Nuke it's size doesn't matter.
And this is the stupidity of Pakistan- thinking that nukes make them safer when in fact their proliferation inside Pakistan just makes them more vulnerable.

Pakistan is not assuming other-wise. India is the one who should be prudent enough not to assume that in a full fledge war Pakistan will abstain from using nuclear weapons. Far too great a difference in conventional means ensure that nuclear option will be a part of any such war with India.

Nukes aren't toys, I cannot understand the logic in saying that India shouldn't assume Pakistan "will abstain from using nuclear weapons" in a full-fledge war. Do the Pakistani leadership not understand the ramifications of the usage of nuclear weapons in any scale or form??

I'm sorry but there seems to be a serious level of ignorance at the very highest levels of the Pakistani establishment who have bought into the "nukes are a God-send for Pakistan" theory that cancels out the supremacy of all of Pakistan's enemies. There doesn't seem to be an appreciation of what nuclear weapons are or the damage they can do.
What Pakistan is not understanding is that any use of the nuclear option on their part will result in a full and crippling retaliatory response, which will ensure the complete destruction of your motherland.

Or maybe that's exactly what the Jihadis in your army want.

They do realize that, that is why there won't be one nuclear strike. That is one major reason why local commanders have been authorized to make the strike.
Do you expect Mr. Zaid Hamid to talk about our nuclear doctrine?

Not really.
But i will only believe in Indian "nuclear holocaust" doctrine when a serving general or minister says so...
huh Last time i check pakistan (source U.S) has more nukes then India and they do have nuclear triad ie sea,land,air and that many number of ways to delivering it all over india so india will run out of them first So it boils down to Who's DIC is bigger then Mine Contest and this guys is delusional pak and india Shell each other with depleted urnaium shell which is considered a nuclear shell according to IAEA SO this guys is Definately delusional

Dude, are you seriously suggesting that Pakistan should try to wait out while India exhausts its Nuclear Weapons? Even if India launches about 8 - 10 nuclear warheads (<10% of our stockpile), that's enough to render your country uninhabitable for the next 50 years.

And don't play on semantics - even you know that when people talk about nuclear weapons, they don't mean DU shells. If that was the case, US has been A-bombing Iraq since 1991. Now that i think of it, they also nuclear bombed Afghanistan and your pet Talibans.

They do realize that, that is why there won't be one nuclear strike. That is one major reason why local commanders have been authorized to make the strike.

So your plan is to take out all Indian nuclear assets in a first strike? Best of luck!

BTW, when you get some time, you should compare land area of Pakistan with India and read up on "Strategic Depth".
It seems that some people just don't understand the virtue of proprotional response.
And this is the stupidity of Pakistan- thinking that nukes make them safer when in fact their proliferation inside Pakistan just makes them more vulnerable.

Nukes aren't toys, I cannot understand the logic in saying that India shouldn't assume Pakistan "will abstain from using nuclear weapons" in a full-fledge war. Do the Pakistani leadership not understand the ramifications of the usage of nuclear weapons in any scale or form??

I'm sorry but there seems to be a serious level of ignorance at the very highest levels of the Pakistani establishment who have bought into the "nukes are a God-send for Pakistan" theory that cancels out the supremacy of all of Pakistan's enemies. There doesn't seem to be an appreciation of what nuclear weapons are or the damage they can do.

What ignorance? India use its conventional might to ensure the fiasco of '71. Nuclear weapons provide Pk with much needed deterrence. India doesn't need to worry about nuclear strike unless they hope to attack Pakistan and wish that under some humanitarian spirit Pakistan shouldn't use Nuclear weapons.

Dude, are you seriously suggesting that Pakistan should try to wait out while India exhausts its Nuclear Weapons? Even if India launches about 8 - 10 nuclear warheads (<10% of our stockpile), that's enough to render your country uninhabitable for the next 50 years.

And don't play on semantics - even you know that when people talk about nuclear weapons, they don't mean DU shells. If that was the case, US has been A-bombing Iraq since 1991. Now that i think of it, they also nuclear bombed Afghanistan and your pet Talibans.

So your plan is to take out all Indian nuclear assets in a first strike? Best of luck!

BTW, when you get some time, you should compare land area of Pakistan with India and read up on "Strategic Depth".

And Indian govt thinks that after first limited nuclear strike Pakistan should wait patiently for an appropriate reply in shape of Indian nuclear strike and so on :lol:
And Indian govt thinks that after first limited nuclear strike Pakistan should patiently for an appropriate strike and so on :lol:

Isn't that the point of a LIMITED NUCLEAR STRIKE - that it's limited? If you are planning for a full-fledged nuclear attack either way, then what's the point of weapons like Nasr?

What you are missing is that the issue is not whether Indian can invade and conquer Pakistan and whether Pakistan can stop it using their nuclear option. The issue is that deployment of tactical nuclear delivery vehicles like Nasr is not in Pakistan's interest. From India's perspective, a tactical or limited strike is no different from a full-fledged attack and will elicit a full retaliatory response. And with the decision making apparatus for these tactical devices being devolved to regional/local commander levels, you reduce what little civilian control you have and also make it more likely that such weapons may be used by terrorists and Ji**di sympathizers in the army who would love nothing more to see India and Pakistan destroyed in a rain of fire.
Isn't that the point of a LIMITED NUCLEAR STRIKE - that it's limited? If you are planning for a full-fledged nuclear attack either way, then what's the point of weapons like Nasr?

What you are missing is that the issue is not whether Indian can invade and conquer Pakistan and whether Pakistan can stop it using their nuclear option. The issue is that deployment of tactical nuclear delivery vehicles like Nasr is not in Pakistan's interest. From India's perspective, a tactical or limited strike is no different from a full-fledged attack and will elicit a full retaliatory response. And with the decision making apparatus for these tactical devices being devolved to regional/local commander levels, you reduce what little civilian control you have and also make it more likely that such weapons may be used by terrorists and Ji**di sympathizers in the army who would love nothing more to see India and Pakistan destroyed in a rain of fire.

- Those weapons will never be used by terrorists, far too much has already been written about it.

- If India attacks, Pakistan will try its best to cripple the nuclear strike capability of India in the first strike (which will be composed of many nukes). That is the very reason of Nasr's deployment.

- India's whining how deployment of Nasr is not in Pakistan's interest is a joke, you do realize Pakistan/ India fought four wars.
well let me make this CLEAR
Pakistan has 2:1 advantage over warheads with india
all of india is in Pakistan Range
Only Problem india Poses pakistan is with the Ballistic SUB which only have limited payload with limited capability
IN case of nUclear war Pakistan will Use 90% of stockpile of warhead in first 2 days because in if india Implement Cold Start pakistan will USE NUCLear as it cannot match india Man for Man in battle field
well let me make this CLEAR
Pakistan has 2:1 advantage over warheads with india
all of india is in Pakistan Range

Only Problem india Poses pakistan is with the Ballistic SUB which only have limited payload with limited capability
IN case of nUclear war Pakistan will Use 90% of stockpile of warhead in first 2 days because in if india Implement Cold Start pakistan will USE NUCLear as it cannot match india Man for Man in battle field

wishful thinking, yeah... pakistan don't have that much to use all of it's nuke weapons... and you guys can't escape... only few people can...
well let me make this CLEAR
Pakistan has 2:1 advantage over warheads with india
all of india is in Pakistan Range
Only Problem india Poses pakistan is with the Ballistic SUB which only have limited payload with limited capability
IN case of nUclear war Pakistan will Use 90% of stockpile of warhead in first 2 days because in if india Implement Cold Start pakistan will USE NUCLear as it cannot match india Man for Man in battle field

^ I didn't want to touch on Afghanistan but you are correct that in case of war PA hopes to use Afghan soil.
well let me make this CLEAR

Strategic depth? hasn't that concept already taken its toll with 35k Pakistanis dead?

Pakistan has 2:1 advantage over warheads with india


all of india is in Pakistan Range
Andaman and Nicobar Islands isn't within range of Pakistani Ballistic missile.

Only Problem india Poses pakistan is with the Ballistic SUB which only have limited payload with limited capability

Nope! Indian SLBMs will take another decade to operationalize.

Bigger concern for Pakistan is lack of strategic depth, Indian ABMs, also Indian full scale strike in the event of tactical nuke launched on Indian troops on Pakistani soil.

IN case of nUclear war Pakistan will Use 90% of stockpile of warhead in first 2 days because in if india Implement Cold Start

What nonsense! 2 days for a pre-emptive strike?

pakistan will USE NUCLear as it cannot match india Man for Man in battle field

There comes the problem.
here ...
i have detonated the whole of Chinese nuclear arsenal on Islamabad...Still much of Pakistan remains intact..
so stop talking of total annihilation with measly Indian or Pakistani nuclear arsenal

NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
They do realize that, that is why there won't be one nuclear strike. That is one major reason why local commanders have been authorized to make the strike.

Local Commanders have been authorized with the launching of ONLY tactical missiles such as NASR & as @Dillinger clarified earlier, you need a miniaturized nuke to assemble it with NASR, a tech. which Pakistan don't have currently.

BTW, the range of NASR (i.e. 60 kms) makes it pretty clear that it will be used WITHIN Pakistani Territory on Advancing Indian Troops & not on Indian Cities.

What ignorance? India use its conventional might to ensure the fiasco of '71. Nuclear weapons provide Pk with much needed deterrence. India doesn't need to worry about nuclear strike unless they hope to attack Pakistan and wish that under some humanitarian spirit Pakistan shouldn't use Nuclear weapons.


Please tell me WHO started all the FOUR wars??
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