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India’s nuclear logic

This will clear the Dust and doubts, if their are in the minds of our western neighbor. Regarding the use of Nuke's
Shall just say that Indias nuclear logic is unclear

It is not. It is very pithy. Any use of a nuclear weapon on India's territory or India's forces will result in a massive and disproportionate retaliation. Simple.

It is pakistans nuclear doctrine which is deliberately left unclear. And that is their deliberate policy, to leave it unclear.

So India's response has been to prepare for any eventuality, to face battlefield nukes to strategic ones. That is why we have NBS protection on all our modern fighting vehicles, and nuclear safe bunkers for everybody in the chain of command.
huh Last time i check pakistan (source U.S) has more nukes then India and they do have nuclear triad ie sea,land,air and that many number of ways to delivering it all over india so india will run out of them first So it boils down to Who's DIC is bigger then Mine Contest and this guys is delusional pak and india Shell each other with depleted urnaium shell which is considered a nuclear shell according to IAEA SO this guys is Definately delusional
huh Last time i check pakistan (source U.S) has more nukes then India and they do have nuclear triad ie sea,land,air and that many number of ways to delivering it all over india so india will run out of them first So it boils down to Who's DIC is bigger then Mine Contest and this guys is delusional pak and india Shell each other with depleted urnaium shell which is considered a nuclear shell according to IAEA SO this guys is Definately delusional

You don't have a triad..no submarine launched nukes...check again..no nuke subs and no SLBMs..on the other hand we test fired our SLBM for the 13th successful time..you need more nukes due to the pathetic relative state of your conventional might.

Why don't you check with IAEA again for stockpiles..then you'll get the real picture..half knowledge in dangerous young padawan.
@Armstrong when did you guys get a submarine launched nuke delivery platform..educate this fool please. :cheesy:
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huh Last time i check pakistan (source U.S) has more nukes then India and they do have nuclear triad ie sea,land,air and that many number of ways to delivering it all over india so india will run out of them first So it boils down to Who's DIC is bigger then Mine Contest and this guys is delusional pak and india Shell each other with depleted urnaium shell which is considered a nuclear shell according to IAEA SO this guys is Definately delusional

thats a news to me i didnt knew that u check the nukes of every country and u know the exact details of their numbers and pakistan has a nuke sub.just a note that we are also upgrading of ballastic missile defence.so even if u attacked and it was destroyed it would be still deemed as a nuclear attack.
You don't have a triad..no submarine launched nukes...check again..no nuke subs and no SLBMs..on the other hand we test fired our SLBM for the 13th successful time..you need more nukes due to the pathetic relative state of your conventional might.

Why don't you check with IAEA again for stockpiles..then you'll get the real picture..half knowledge in dangerous young padawan.
@Armstrong when did you guys get a submarine launched nuke delivery platform..educate this fool please. :cheesy:

dont worry about when did pakistan get sub luanched or ship launched Missiles(recent tests with no public relased info) and it is a well know fact that pakistan have more Nuclear Warheads then India does and if you think that in a nuclear war with india Pakistan will Remain inside its borders to launch nuclear weapons then you are seriously mistaken Pakistan Army and Airforce can Use Afghanistan ANy time in Nuclear war with India specially after the formation of Very resourcefull military infrastructure nato had in placed and given the state of afghan army and afghan airforce they dont have a say in it and the actual Thing is that indian Air Nuclear and Sea Nuclear Capability is in testing phase not production phase but pakistan's nuke capable missiles are all in production phases
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This is a SLBM-

Our SLBM, The K-15

That was the last test..held early this year.

Pray do provide proof of the nuclear trIad...do you even know what that means? You need a sub surface platform capable of carrying delivery systems..the only submarines the PN has are Agostas..conventional subs incapable of launching SLBMs..not to mention you haven't developed SLBMs..ask any senior member from your country..Oh and your cheap option was using the Babar as a sub launched nuclear tipped cruise missile which never materialized because you don't have a submarine version of Babar yet.

Your ability sustain a warhead stockpile emerges from your stockpile of weapons grade material (HEU/Plutonium)..and our reserves are far larger than yours given that we have 5 nuclear plants earmarked for our weapons program as opposed to your two.

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What do you think will be a posiable responds by India if NASR is used on our forces inside Pakistan?

Any logical guesses?
huh Last time i check pakistan (source U.S) has more nukes then India and they do have nuclear triad ie sea,land,air and that many number of ways to delivering it all over india so india will run out of them first So it boils down to Who's DIC is bigger then Mine Contest and this guys is delusional pak and india Shell each other with depleted urnaium shell which is considered a nuclear shell according to IAEA SO this guys is Definately delusional

I wonder how suddenly a US SOURCE is accepted by you on CERTAIN issues?

What do you think will be a posiable responds by India if NASR is used on our forces inside Pakistan?

Any logical guesses?

India has already made it very clear that it will not distinguish between tactical and Strategical types of Nuclear weapons.

In order to avoid NASR type threats India has to go for MEADS air defence system which will be useful for us to provide cover for our IBG's Advancing into Pakistan to implement a cold start doctrine.

I believe that a limited War between India and Pakistan can definitely take place.
"The former Indian foreign secretary, Shyam Saran"

I stopped reading here...
I wonder how suddenly a US SOURCE is accepted by you on CERTAIN issues?

India has already made it very clear thpopoat it will not distinguish between tactical and Strategical types of Nuclear weapons.

In order to avoid NASR type threats India has to go for MEADS air defence system which will be useful for us to provide cover for our IBG's Advancing into Pakistan to implement a cold start doctrine.

I believe that a limited War between India and Pakistan can definitely take place.

The good and the bad part is that the decision will be in the hands of our babu's and a responce is not going to come at pace.
Pakistan is not assuming other-wise. India is the one who should be prudent enough not to assume that in a full fledge war Pakistan will abstain from using nuclear weapons. Far too great a difference in conventional means ensure that nuclear option will be a part of any such war with India.

What Pakistan is not understanding is that any use of the nuclear option on their part will result in a full and crippling retaliatory response, which will ensure the complete destruction of your motherland.

Or maybe that's exactly what the Jihadis in your army want.
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