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India’s Muslims. Growing, and neglected.

So what you thing in India WE are not following complete islam ?.there is no complete and uncomplete islam .In islam we are allowed to follow Land Law that is not going against fundamental of islam and since from our independent we never had any problem in this regard.

Again, You are dong Taqqiyah. You cannot alter Islam to meet your narrative. Islam is Static.

Islam is a complete Deen - a System. You cannot peddle some Islamic Laws and replace with Kuffar Laws. A Muslim has to live according to the Islamic system and follow Islamic Laws. Otherwise he will burn in Jahannam.

So Islamic Laws > Laws of Secular Republic of India.

Why muslim dream for something that is already their India Is Dar al Islam.

That is the mandate of Allah. India is still the Frustration of Ummah. It failed to become Dar al Islam even after 1400 years.

Singing Vande matram is against my belief because i as a muslim can only praise almighty and i will show my appreciation& my love by singing saare jaha se achha hindustan hamare .

Allah > India. Allah Triumphs Secular Republic of India.

A Muslim would Dump Republic of India for Allah.

Bowing for allah only but did we bow in air we are bowing in indian soil .so whats your point.

You can only Bow to Allah, not some Kuffar India. That would be Shirk and would become Wajib-ul-Qatl.

First do then preach DumA**

Dar al-Islam (House of Islam)
For other uses, see Dar es Salaam and Dar al-Islam (organisation).
Dar al-Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلام‎ literally house/abode of Islam; or Dar as-Salam, house/abode of Peace; or Dar al-Tawhid, house/abode of monotheism) is a term used by Muslim scholars to refer to those countries where Muslims can practice their religion freely. It's the area of the world under the rule of Islam , literally, "the home of Islam" or "the home of submission." [2] These are usually Islamic cultures wherein Muslims represent the majority of the population, and so the government promises them protection. Most Dar al-Islam areas are surrounded by other Islamic societies to ensure public protection.
Muslim scholars maintain and believe that the labeling of a country or place as being a part of Dar al-Islam revolves around the question of religious security. This means that if a Muslim practices Islam freely in his place of abode despite that the place happens to be secular or un-Islamic, then he will be considered as living in the Dar al-Islam.
Dar al-Islam is also known and referred to as Dar al-Salam, or house/abode of Peace. The term appears in the Koran in 10.25 an 6.127 as a name of Paradise.[3]
According to Abu Hanifa, considered to be the originator of the concept, the two requirements for a country to be part of Dar al-Islam are:[4][5]
Muslims must be able to enjoy peace and security with and within this country.
It has common frontiers with some Muslim countries.

If we decide to walk to pakistan you guys will be minority :lol:


Territory of Islam. Region of Muslim sovereignty where Islamic law prevails.

Is India Territory of Islam? No. Islamic republic of Pakistan is.

Does Islamic Law prevail in India? No. They are Secular Laws - Non-Islamic Laws. Islamic republic of Pakistan has Islamic laws.
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As much as these so called "Troll thread" are entertaining but they build on the propaganda and politics.I saw few guys stated a idea where "Indian Muslim can go to Pakistan if they want to"(i bet he hope they will in his mind or lala land).

What if Indian Muslim wants to go to Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

Islamic republic of Pakistan was created for Indian Muslims.

Well i want to to propose another idea for those who start these kind of threads to troll in the name of religion of others are Ignorant people and i defy them even if they are Indians.

We are only following the Religion if you read the Discussion.

My offer -"If you don't like Indian Muslims then you can leave India as they are part of India and will defend country sovereignty when times come"Yes Yes Yes I am Hindu so don't even go there.

(my first post -Hi guys :))

My Offer - You can Leave for Islamic republic of Pakistan on Samjhouta Express along with Muslims who want to leave Kuffar Secular republic of India to live in Peace and live their life as mandated by Allah.

I dont why every one have a problem with Muslims in India...No body Fuc.king tell us leave or what to do.We have every right to this country as any other Indians...............and for our brothers across the border...............dont worry about us,we can handle ourselves,better mind what is happening in your country

Indian Muslims should live as per Islamic Laws and not Kuffar Anti-Islamic Secular Laws of secular republic of India.
@Banana do you hate muslims??

You a hindu??

Or a maulvi, who guides them? ?
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I am not one to care about religion, but I am a nationalist, and Muslims that are not happy in India should move to Pak because we gave them a freaking country for people like them who want to be religious and live in Sharia and cannot accept a diversity of views/religions.

dafaq are the meanings of "we" here? Are you implying that Indians descent of Queen? Pakistan got Independence from British not Hindus and no Princely state/part of state which was ruled by Hindu was given to Pakistan. Even officially our Independence day is one day before you, So - it's we who have given you place to establish secular Indian Union, And any person of sub-continent origin with any religion can go to India and claim nationality.
Huh no..Pakistan ended the visa abruptly to Indian migrants in 1951 because the Sindhi muslims who wanted to get rid of the Sindhi hindus and in the intitial fervor welcomed the muhajirs, got fed up with them.

Dude - Sindh is part of Pakistan, Sindhi Muslims were already in Sindh (except few who got settled in other areas) and the majority of those who were coming in 50s were not volunteer, they were forced to flee by Hindus. Even if today Pakistan start giving nationality your saffron brigade will push all Muslims into Pakistan. Heck even many took asylum in other countries even after decades of partition including Sikhs.
@Banana do you hate muslims??

You a hindu??

Or a maulvi, who guides them? ?
India is Country with more than 120 crore population..............& Diverse...................
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Islam cannot be altered to your thinking. You have to follow what is in Islam. You like it, don't like it, A Muslim has to follow it.
The world has progressed man. And along with that our religious practices and tolerance has changed too. They can decide on that themselves.
The world has progressed man. And along with that our religious practices and tolerance has changed too. They can decide on that themselves.

Read my post here to understand What Islam is.

Islam cannot be altered. Even in 2200 A.D. Islam will be followed by the same rules.

I don't know why you are having so much difficulty in understanding Islam?
Read my post here to understand What Islam is.

Islam cannot be altered. Even in 2200 A.D. Islam will be followed by the same rules.

I don't know why you are having so much difficulty in understanding Islam?
Maybe coz I am a bit free minded.anyways, your thoughts.
dafaq are the meanings of "we" here? Are you implying that Indians descent of Queen? Pakistan got Independence from British not Hindus and no Princely state/part of state which was ruled by Hindu was given to Pakistan. Even officially our Independence day is one day before you, So - it's we who have given you place to establish secular Indian Union, And any person of sub-continent origin with any religion can go to India and claim nationality.

Pakistan had a lot of Hindus and Sikhs, who were all either killed in 1947 riots or forced to flee to India.Heel we get trains full of Hindus who are running away from Pakistan even today, because Muslims kidnap their daughters and forcefully rape them and marry them to convert to Islam. We took your Hindus, and some of the Muslims we have are anti-India. I want them to GTFO from India into Pak, because thats exactly the kind of country they deserve to live in.
Pakistan had a lot of Hindus and Sikhs, who were all either killed in 1947 riots or forced to flee to India.Heel we get trains full of Hindus who are running away from Pakistan even today, because Muslims kidnap their daughters and forcefully rape them and marry them to convert to Islam. We took your Hindus, and some of the Muslims we have are anti-India. I want them to GTFO from India into Pak, because thats exactly the kind of country they deserve to live in.

Those horrible incidents during partition were not one way trade, same is the stories of Muslims. We have thousands time more brutal and inhuman anti-Pak people in our country as well, are you willing to give them place in India?
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