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India’s interest compromised in Siachen

too much is said in that post against Pakistan,His words maybe of an expert to u as yr indian national but not to us as its very one sided.
obious isnt it.He is the one of the most fiercest opposition voice in media on any sort of siachin demilitarisation.If track-2 is on verge of clinching some sort of deal you can sure expect a commando in Lt.Gen P.C.Kotch comes out all guns blazing......:P
India has managed to keep siachen without a single casuality in last 8 years while pakistan has lost 200+ soldiers in the same time frame..

what a joker is this guy
do u know everyday its 2 soldiers atleast who die there in yr army,
as that area is very high altitude area its very hard to adjust with the conditions.
Also yr army is even in higher grounds there where they face 2 soldiers die daily as compared to Pakistan's whose 1 soldier dies daily.
what a joker is this guy
do u know everyday its 2 soldiers atleast who die there in yr army,
as that area is very high altitude area its very hard to adjust with the conditions.
Also yr army is even in higher grounds there where they face 2 soldiers die daily as compared to Pakistan's whose 1 soldier dies daily.
Thats an exaggeration i must tell you that.
obious isnt it.He is the one of the most fiercest opposition voice in media on any sort of siachin demilitarisation.If track-2 is on verge of clinching some sort of deal you can sure expect a commando in Lt.Gen P.C.Kotch comes out all guns blazing......:P

do u seriously think this is the right time to negotiate?
After reading yr threads n post on this matter i think its more in indian favor then ours.
It is something to do with the position of Pakistan also as we r in weak condition so its obvious we will loose the debate in the disputed topics.

I think we should first grow economically n militarily so that when we negotiate, we will come face to face in status Quo.?
Thats an exaggeration i must tell you that.

there is a documentary on siachin made by the Australian Channel n one of the leading Aussie analyst.
Its name is Siachin Syndrome its in utube with same name.
Im basically quoting from that....!!!
do u seriously think this is the right time to negotiate?
After reading yr threads n post on this matter i think its more in indian favor then ours.
It is something to do with the position of Pakistan also as we r in weak condition so its obvious we will loose the debate in the disputed topics.

I think we should first grow economically n militarily so that when we negotiate, we will come face to face in status Quo.?
Actually negotiations were already going on in the background in track-2 meetings away from media glare of both countries in Dubai Bangkok . what i think that track-2 teams of both countries has reached some sort of common ground in negotiations.I've already posted two drafts of the track-2 negotiations report.what i think is only that leadership h of both countries has to decide and announce it and then sign it.

there is a documentary on siachin made by the Australian Channel n one of the leading Aussie analyst.
Its name is Siachin Syndrome its in utube with same name.
Im basically quoting from that....!!!

Even a person with common sense can tell that the figure of 2 soldiers dying daily on indian side and one on pak side is nothing but BS.
what a joker is this guy
do u know everyday its 2 soldiers atleast who die there in yr army,
as that area is very high altitude area its very hard to adjust with the conditions.
Also yr army is even in higher grounds there where they face 2 soldiers die daily as compared to Pakistan's whose 1 soldier dies daily.

That is misinformation, Indian casualty rate was revealed by the defense minister in Parliament-

. India has suffered major casualties on the glacier. Government statistics for the past 10 years reveal that the Army suffered 204 casualties in 2000 in Siachen. It came down to 198 in 2001, 201 in 2002, 187 in 2003, 23 in 2004 (after the Ramzan ceasefire) and just two in 2005. Defence Minister Antony told Lok Sabha that the casualties in 2011 were 26. "The Army is well deployed in the glacier. Its casualties are low and troops as comfortable as the situation permits. Pakistan, on the other hand, is in dire straits. Its troops resent being in those inhospitable conditions and this deployment is hurting Pakistan. Should it deem fit, it can withdraw unilaterally. India will not move forward," says Maj-Gen G.D. Bakshi, former division commander and defence analyst.

Whereas for Pakistan Military says-

Pakistan military spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas told The New York Times on April 14 that about 3,000 Pakistani soldiers have died in Siachen since 1984.

Siachen demilitarisation: Could PM gift away to Pakistan what Army has won? : Cover Story - India Today

So the most recent casualty was 26 in 2011, unless your years have 13 days in them, I don't see how 2 soldies a day are dying in Siachin. :unsure:
There is cabinet reshuffle in India on sunday i wonder if A.K. Anthony will be moved out of defence ministry......?
Actually negotiations were already going on in the background in track-2 meetings away from media glare of both countries in Dubai Bangkok . what i think that track-2 teams of both countries has reached some sort of common ground in negotiations.I've already posted two drafts of the track-2 negotiations report.what i think is only that leadership h of both countries has to decide and announce it and then sign it.
obviously its true no body is denying that.
My point is that is this the right time? when we r in weaker condition n our Enemy is fully loaded.
What i have felt that this negotiations from our side is not giving benefit to us in the long run.
If we look closely even u have posted in detail that in what aspects we r negotiating them!. Which one clearly sees in the indian favor not much in ours, merely a consultation prize is given or won by Pakistan here.
I seriously think that we should grow ourselves to come on par with india to negotiate eye for n eye level.

Even a person with common sense can tell that the figure of 2 soldiers dying daily on indian side and one on pak side is nothing but BS.
yes a common person with common sense will say that the figures r exaggerated but a common person with common sense will not know the conditions or will have any experience in living in those conditions. Also figures of 2 deaths r of basically because of the location of yr army which is stationed higher then Pakistan's.
Miya Ji= Local term for mussalmans in western UP belt...I thought urdu spaeaking guys would know this...anyways

I am from Pakistan and for me it is a bit surprising, some people may use this as their pet name but everybody is not a Miyan Ji here.
obious isnt it.He is the one of the most fiercest opposition voice in media on any sort of siachin demilitarisation.If track-2 is on verge of clinching some sort of deal you can sure expect a commando in Lt.Gen P.C.Kotch comes out all guns blazing......:P

In my honest view, many people in Pakistan may also look at this with a lot of skepticism. The Pakistanis involved are not the kind of guys who could probably bring in a major change in the government thinking. But you never know.
Oh Pakistan has verified and documented our position in siachen ?

AJTR tells us some deal is done on siachen. My guess is that Pak has fulfilled India's request...so now no more soldiers needed on siachen glacier.

Or All this may happen in AJTR's dreams, when she takes her afternoon nap...but hey i am optimistic :agree:
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