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India’s Democracy - Beginning To Ask The Right Questions

My knowledge of internal affairs is poor of India. From what i hear they realize they have an issue with corruption and recently attempts are being made to counter this.
The basic structure set by nehru is brilliant, it is deviation from that structure that leads to problems. MOST of the succession movements in india can see their roots in the emergency of indra gandhi. Sure she got us the green revolution and won us 71 war but she was in parts, VERY undemocratic(see. kashmir). Since that fuged election, the hurriat has gone underground and become soo extreme.

Corruption is the 21 century cause of conflict. It is EVERYWHERE, from the halls of the white house to the mining company in orissa. Look at orissa and chattisgargh, they have some of the best mineral reserves in the world but after years of not getting anything while some corrupt 2nd or 3rd rung politician gets it all the supported the maoists. Now the maoists have beome like most gurrella forces, extortionists and crooks. Smugglers and kidnappers. Some benifit from this activity but it is another solution that come from poverty and ignorance but can not solve it. (See taliban)

Corruption is not due the top leaderships of parties. The congress and bjp head commands are actually relatively honest(note i did NOT say some of the state parties, Akali dal, dmk, aiadmk bsp rjd). The corruption is SYSTEMIC. If i have to hire 100 people i need a license. Its easier to mine on the moon than to shut a factory or fire a person in india cause of the license raj. Forget labor costs, The amount of taxes and bribes it take to move goods from one state to another is HUGE. It gives babus powers that the soviet commisars would be wishing for.

The only reason that we took to technology this well is cause there were no programmers unions and the government couldnt tax code or services.

The second wave of reformes need to happen and we need more transparency if we are to overtake china and crush ideas that should have died 30 years ago.
I dont think you are aware of the issues. Why dont you look at the last 20 posts by Indians and you will see. Im am only basing my thoughts on what i see. Read the aricle carefully to remind yourself as i think you have a leaky memory young man. Our obsession is PDF and India is an excitable neighbor hence we discuss.
Do me a favor and dont bring China and Pakistan relations as that would be off topic and its taken me 100s of posts to get you to focus on topic i wouldnt want you to fall into bad habits. Have a nice evening mate.

You mean what you read on defense forum of Pakistan? Well it is quite remarkable than Pakistani people know more about Indian problems than Indians itself. Too bad most Indians are quite clueless about Pakistan. I guess Pakistan shares the burden for both.
From the article:

The plight of most Indians is ignored by discussions of India’s unrealised economic potential. Manmohan Singh described malnutrition in India as the country’s ‘blackest mark’ whilst Syeda Hameed, a member of India’s Planning Commission, conceded that India is worse than Bangladesh and Pakistan in terms of a failure to provide basic nourishment. India’s Family Health Survey reported that just under 46% of children under three, roughly 80 million, are undernourished. The current percentage represents a mere 1% improvement after seven years. Unicef reports that 2.1 million children die annually in India before the age of 5 as a result of malnutrition, a lack of health facilities and poor hygiene.

No one ignores this. People just don't obsess over this. India has 1.2 billion people. Some states have taken leap and some are falling behind. Hunger is not an "India" problem, it is state problem. States with highest population growth are also the poorest and most backward. And they are dragging down the rest.

and i hope you have enough brain capacity to see i didnt highlight this as thats a taboo that all our nations have
Yet that can not be made as a excuse my brother, the rich has to have some social responsibility of supporting the poor by any means that is feasible to them, The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer not only in India by the rest of the world and the Global leaders turn a blind eye on this reality be cause the money of the corporates keeps them in the power they are in.

I don't believe poverty is somehow growing in India. It is going down and income inequality rampant in all developing countries.
1) Hunger issue. This is not due to lack of food. Women in poor areas ween babies of very quickly and that is real culprit. Blame corruption and socialist attitude for this. 50 year old habits don't die easily. Now that Indian government is aware of the problem, one can only hope.
2) Poverty, education. Indian government only liberalized economy halfheartedly. Even today it plays vote bank with poor. It doesn't work. Create jobs, not handout. Educate them, not feed them. That's what China did. It didn't spend trillions on food distribution.

---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

and i hope you have enough brain capacity to see i didnt highlight this as thats a taboo that all our nations have

Nah, you just posted 1000 word article. So innocent. I guess you assumed that being PDF, no one will bother to read it unless you HIGHLIGHT it;)
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