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‘India’s claims of Pakistan ceding territory in 1963 are false’


Nov 28, 2006
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NEW DELHI: Prominent lawyer AG Noorani has rebuffed the impression created by the Indian government, and widely accepted by Kashmiri leaders, that Pakistan ceded some Kashmiri territory to China in 1963.

At an Indo-Pak peace conference on Monday, People&#8217;s Conference Chairman Sajjad Ghani Lone had accused Pakistan of &#8220;gifting&#8221; Kashmiri territory to China. A few years ago, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front chief Amanullah Khan had levelled similar allegations. Separatists have recently picked up the issue and demanded Beijing&#8217;s involvement in the Kashmir dispute. &#8220;Based on documentary and archival evidence, Pakistan did not cede any land. On the contrary, it was China which ceded 750 square miles of administered territory to Pakistan under the Pakistan-China boundary agreement of March 3, 1963,&#8221; Noorani told Daily Times.

He said according to Article 2 of the agreement, after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations about the boundary with the Chinese government of the People&#8217;s Republic of China. iftikhar gilani
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Here is his analysis
Facing the truth

It basically boils down to the fact that, the British maps that outlined J&K boundaries and hence Indian and Pakistani maps that defined these boundaries which included the Shagsam valley was inaccurate and China was actually claiming much more deeper territory in comparison. Eventually China agreed to take a little "less" but still most of the Shagsam valley.

Its a very roundabout way, but since the British boundaries brokered boundaries wether it be the Durrand line or Mcmohan line or the boundaries of J&K are usually considered the official boundaries, the Shagsam valley would be a part of J&K then.
Ah well that we know, I was interested in what they gave us.

Kashmiri separatists don't seriously lay claim over the icy piece of land, anyone with a history knowledge knows it was incorrectly termed part of J&K. The Maharaja's 'Kingdom' never reached that icy glacier.
Professor M. Taylor Fravel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has written a definitive work on China's territorial disputes. In an outstandingly able survey, he provides, with copious references to Chinese sources, an overview that reveals China's outlook on the disputes. This is what this scholar of unimpeachable credentials has to say on what the China-Pakistan boundary agreement actually provides:

&#8220;China maintained control over more of the disputed territory, but the agreement overall was more favourable to Pakistan. China kept roughly 5,309 square kilometres it contested in the Shaksgam Valley. However, it transferred control of some 1,942 square kilometres of territory in the Oprang Valley to Pakistan, which also maintained control over an additional 1,554 square kilometres of territory it already held. On balance, Pakistan seems to have gained more from the deal, as the final borderline followed closely the line of actual control advocated by Pakistan. China not only abandoned its claims to the Hunza, but Pakistan also received grazing areas in the Prang and Bund Darwaza valleys, the Kharachanai salt mine, and the town of Sokh Bulaq. In addition, Pakistan kept control over three-fourths of K2 as well as six of seven disputed mountain passes. Finally, Pakistan transferred no territory already under its control to China.&#8221; (Page 116) It was instead China which &#8220;transferred control of some 1,942 square kilometres&#8221; to Pakistan.
China & Kashmir
Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China&#39;s ... - M. Taylor Fravel - Google Books
Chinese are trustworthy people (Y)

Stupid british making four neighbors fight :mad: I hope in the future Pak-Afghan and India-China can work toghether and cooperate more
Can somebody post the map, I don't see any pre-1947 Chinese territory joining GB.
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