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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'


Aug 29, 2009
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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'
Gandhinagar: The Air Chief Marshal PV Naik on Wednesday admitted that India was no match to China when it came to air power.

"Our present aircraft strength is inadequate. Aircraft strength is one third that of China. The Government of India is doing a lot to augment Air Force capability," Naik said.

Interestingly, former Navy chief Suresh Mehta had also, last month, claimed that India is no match to China when it comes to military strength.

He, however, chose to downplay the threat from India’s eastern neighbour amid reported violations of the Indian airspace and territory by Chinese troops.

No imminent threat

Stressing that India must build up its weapons capability to thwart such attempts, Naik said, “There are two ways to look at Chinese incursions. One way is to take up weapons and go to the border. Other way is to build systematic weapons capability to tackle the threat.”

The IAF chief also stressed that there was no imminent threat from the Dragon.

He also refuted reports of violation of airspace along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) by the Chinese. “As far as Air Force is concerned there are no Chinese incursions,” he said.

Adding that the strategy being adopted by the IAF was to ‘play it cool’ for now.

The IAF Chief’s remarks came a day after China's Ambassador to India, Zhang Yan met Home Secretary GK Pillai and tried to clarify the picture over the reported border incursions.

The Chinese Ambassador's meeting came in the wake of repeated assertions by top Indian officials and even the Army Chief that reported incursions in the recent past occurred due to differences in perception of the LAC.

Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh downplayed the incursions amid reports about Beijing's unhappiness at the way Chinese border transgressions have been reported in the Indian media to conjure up a China threat.

Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao had also last week stressed that there was "no significant increase" in incursions across all sections of the over 4,000 km border between the two countries.

"Contrary to the popular perception, the situation along the border has remained peaceful for decades," Rao said.

National Security Adviser MK Narayanan and Army Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor had also cautioned against the media hype and stressed that there was nothing alarming about the reported incursions.
At the present time china has its own internal problem and India has its own.
Both of the countries are not in the position of war.
Both of the countries should concentrate on solving its problems and in the progress of the country.
Yes we need more aircrafts to deter any Chinese agression

PV naik is indeed a cunning man!:D. yes we need more aircrafts to deter any chinese agression. Govt should sanction a force level of 50 squadrons to counter any threat india might face.:coffee:
PV naik is indeed a cunning man!:D. yes we need more aircrafts to deter any chinese agression. Govt should sanction a force level of 50 squadrons to counter any threat india might face.:coffee:

Thats why I say Indians think quite alike.:lol:

I meant same with the above sentence.... :D
more aircrafts needs a strong financial backing ,govt screw people lives,people will screw the govt,no matter how many aircrafts you have,you can't fight the power from the people

We will manage it within our defense budget which is just 2 to 3 percent. Dont worry about we are not going to increase our budget for that. :no:

At any time we can apply for loan as we are not short of entities to sell us with easy loans and easy terms and conditions so that people do not feel the pressure.:D
We will manage it within our defense budget which is just 2 to 3 percent. Dont worry about we are not going to increase our budget for that. :no:

At any time we can apply for loan as we are not short of entities to sell us with easy loans and easy terms and conditions so that people do not feel the pressure.:D

i don't worry, actully i hope india spent spent more money on military:cheers:
PV naik is indeed a cunning man!:D. yes we need more aircrafts to deter any chinese agression. Govt should sanction a force level of 50 squadrons to counter any threat india might face.:coffee:

in the current situation where every another day we see ..india v/s china..(thanks to our media)..

well he is just doing "chance pe Dance" ........:devil::azn:
i don't worry, actully i hope india spent spent more money on military:cheers:

Nopes we dont spend actually we manage and if government tries anything fancy of either ignoring people or ignoring military it is shown doors. Like Mr. Throor who just tried to call economy class travelers as cattle class. Next day all ministers were traveling in cattle class.:D
cunning SDRE yindoos are at it again! :D

Join me in your league as well......:D:D

We do not have much air power.
We are lacking in army strength.
Our naval force are of no use.
Our nukes have been "exposed".
RAW is understaffed and IB is fighting for its existance.
Indian police is most corrupt of all forces.

BUT, we have cunning brains. Someone rightly said evil Hindoos at work.:devil:

@R.A.W. - you are the man. :toast_sign:
Thats why i never buy those news selling crap from India media;

Its a well organize media war wage against China=China threat label.

A bully, and India is the victim of China's aggression.

But on the other hand, China is doing a good job draging India down

with a arm race, so India cannot concentrate on developing in those

needed issue, since China econmy is way ahead and way bigger.

so at the end of the day, India end up importing more and more of

those expensive war toys trying to do catch up , the burden on the

nation will becoming heavier day by day, Until one day..........

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