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India - Russia Friendship


Sep 18, 2011
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"April 13 this year marks sixty five years of India-Russia diplomatic ties. We have drawn up a year-long calendar of cultural and academic activities to commemorate this anniversary, including a Festival of Indian Films and Culture to be held in Russia this April. India will also host a “Festival of Russia in India” as well as “Days of Moscow in Delhi” during 2012.

So, 2012 promises to be yet another year of concentrated bilateral engagement as our special and privileged strategic partnership with Russia steadily forges ahead", - H.R. Ajai Malhotra, Ambassador of India to the Russian Federation.

India-Russia partnership at 65 | Russia & India Report

The relations between India and Russia can be marked by the phrase ‘continuity in the midst of change.' I doubt whether this can be said about India’s ties with any other countries.

India-Russia ties: 65 glorious years, and more to come | Russia & India Report


It’s tough to fathom the fact that Moscow and Delhi are officially sister cities, while St Petersburg has a similar arrangement with Mumbai. While Delhi and Moscow are both national capitals and have their fair share of history and India’s financial capital and Russia’s northern capital are both by the sea, there isn’t much else to call these two pairs ‘sisters.’ If there are 2 cities that are really sisters in arms, it’s Moscow and Mumbai.

Moscow Diaries: Sisters in Arms | Russia & India Report

65th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations will be celebrated throughout the year - Ambassador Malhotra.

65th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations will be celebrated throughout the year - Ambassador Malhotra | Russia & India Report

H.E. Mr Alexander Kadakin, Ambassador of Russia to India gave speech to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Russia.


Alexander Kadakin, Ambassador of Russia to India (L) and Ajai Malhotra, Ambassador of India to the Russian Federation (R). Source: Press Photo

India-Russia ties: 65 glorious years, and more to come | Russia & India Report

India-Russia Partnership at 65 | Russia & India Report

Can this thread be made into a sticky please.

Friendship based on Money. is it called Friendship?

buy more Russia weapons or no friendship anymore

sorry, I just tell the truth

Here is my 2Cents for you both

Both of you are confused about the difference between Friendship and Strategic Partners. Let me explain

Russia is our friend and it will be our friend for years to come. When US warships was coming towards India in 1971, It was our friend who stooped them. US didn't had any guts to move forward. I am sure you must be unaware about this incident, no point explaining other points. In short - you don't understand the work FRIENDSHIP because you don't have one.

About strategic partnership, I don't have to tell you about that you are masters. Its because of you rest of the world wants to do a strategic partnership with us. Didn't get it? the kind of friendship you have with ;). Similarly we have a partnership with US.

Talking about the truth - my GOD look who is talking

Yes, we import most of our military stuff from Russia, but we pay for that. Anything ringing in your head?

Till late 2000's you were the top importer of military hardware and that too from Russia(nobody else was giving you anything), We don't need your preaching. What ever we are doing is to keep us safe.

Moreover, We don't need your suggestion where to invest our money.

so pls don't call friendship next time.

International Diplomacy based on benefit or interest.

There is a reason why we call it friendship. Coz there is a whole generation of Indians who grew studying Russian published books & using Russian heavy engineering equipment.
Plus Russia is one country that has always sort of guarded India's interest. Its that feeling of gratitude that we call friendship & its something rare to find (In terms of majority of the population having the same view).
Wow really such as strong friendship? then why for the last two years russia president visited china twice and not to india:rofl:
Friendship based on Money. is it called Friendship?

buy more Russia weapons or no friendship anymore

sorry, I just tell the truth

Atleast we pay them good . However we know your relationship with some countries..Relationship based to contain others.
Ultimate friendship test:

If India goes to war with China/Pakistan, will Russia wage full scale war on these countries? Don't think so. (USSR probably would have).

In a sense the only real 'friends' or allies in the contemporary world are the NATO members (some of them), everyone else is using each other (also known as trade and diplomacy).

That said, the diplomatic relationship between India and Russia are warm, with solid military ties (in terms of development and small scale defence co-operation).
Here is my 2Cents for you both

Both of you are confused about the difference between Friendship and Strategic Partners. Let me explain

Russia is our friend and it will be our friend for years to come. When US warships was coming towards India in 1971, It was our friend who stooped them. US didn't had any guts to move forward. I am sure you must be unaware about this incident, no point explaining other points. In short - you don't understand the work FRIENDSHIP because you don't have one.

About strategic partnership, I don't have to tell you about that you are masters. Its because of you rest of the world wants to do a strategic partnership with us. Didn't get it? the kind of friendship you have with ;). Similarly we have a partnership with US.

Talking about the truth - my GOD look who is talking

Yes, we import most of our military stuff from Russia, but we pay for that. Anything ringing in your head?

Till late 2000's you were the top importer of military hardware and that too from Russia(nobody else was giving you anything), We don't need your preaching. What ever we are doing is to keep us safe.

Moreover, We don't need your suggestion where to invest our money.


Both China and Russia are memebers of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, India not. We and Russia are alliance, good friend, good partner too

China and USA has got a direct president phone line 24 hrs ready, India not

what's so special? :undecided:

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation June, 2012 (Great Alliance)



Was it laundry day for the guy with the gray suit? LOLLL:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

sorry, India just a guest. You are not a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. You need to ask China if wanna be a member, because China is the head of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
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