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India - Russia Friendship

sorry, India just a guest. You are not a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. You need to ask China if wanna be a member, because China is the head of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
Say the same word in SCO summit and Russia will show it's power..
Accept that without Russia SCO will just a group lameduck headed by a blind and arrogant leader..You need russia in order to maintain the power of sco, if Russia is out then just think what SCO will be..
Oh, China? Really? The head of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation you say? Who wouldve guessed? :blink:

I am scared already, please don't create a Beijing Cooperation Organisation!! It would be too much for us weak mortal democracies!!
LOL lot of chinese a$$ burn, apply some lotion. Get it in your heads chinese, the Russians don't like you much. You are just a known enemy who the Russians treat with caution. We don't care much for the sino russian relation - because we know our 65 year old friend and we know you.
Here is my 2Cents for you both

keep it. thats what you need for your daily nan.

Both of you are confused about the difference between Friendship and Strategic Partners. Let me explain

Russia is our friend and it will be our friend for years to come. When US warships was coming towards India in 1971, It was our friend who stooped them. US didn't had any guts to move forward. I am sure you must be unaware about this incident, no point explaining other points. In short - you don't understand the work FRIENDSHIP because you don't have one.

About strategic partnership, I don't have to tell you about that you are masters. Its because of you rest of the world wants to do a strategic partnership with us. Didn't get it? the kind of friendship you have with ;). Similarly we have a partnership with US.

Talking about the truth - my GOD look who is talking

Yes, we import most of our military stuff from Russia, but we pay for that. Anything ringing in your head?

Till late 2000's you were the top importer of military hardware and that too from Russia(nobody else was giving you anything), We don't need your preaching. What ever we are doing is to keep us safe.

Moreover, We don't need your suggestion where to invest our money.


cut it out old man. so boring!

keep ur friends close, enemies even closer .. :lol:

that is true from america with love to indians and more for the suckers:

Wow really such as strong friendship? then why for the last two years russia president visited china twice and not to india:rofl:

boss whats ur problem then we should also tell u that urs and pakistans relation is not friendship its based on oppurtunistic and selfish interests only
india-Russian relationships are time tested they stood with us in the time of our need.
that is what matters the most and russian people love indian music and films alot toooo.
this relationship will continue like dis:smitten::enjoy::meeting:
Both China and Russia are memebers of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, India not. We and Russia are alliance, good friend, good partner too

China and USA has got a direct president phone line 24 hrs ready, India not

what's so special? :undecided:

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation June, 2012 (Great Alliance)




We don't have to be a part of SCO to prove great alliance. Its for you people. We know what are we for Russians and Russia for us. You SCO doesn't proof anything. In term of images I can post many more pic then you.

Is it S.M. Krishna??
haha he would have been like wth they said we will wear grey too :P

I think he wore the gray suit to intentionally stand out in the crowd. He knew some idiots on def pk would say something stupid. And he wasnt wrong :D
You got it my son. Ask your mom she will tell more about me.


she said she dropped down a 10-dollar bill for a beggar round the corner of the thoroughfare when she went shopping for grocery everyday!
she said she dropped down a 10-dollar bill for a beggar round the corner of the thoroughfare when she went shopping for grocery everyday!
10 dollars !!! It is a salary of a whole family in China.. :lol:.. Then tell what your family did for the whole month.. Begging for some Indian Rupee
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