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India Responds to China Navy

In no way, I am taking the credit from PLAAF for its achievements.......but just saying that compared to the size of PLAAF, it was never involved by China in any war with its full potential, or with what such a big force should be involved. With 2,500+ aircraft of which 1,617 are combat aircraft (1200+ fighters and of those, ~400 are 4th generation or newer) it can win any war on its own. But till now, never used to its full abilities.:smokin:

that's because we've only fought against the best - USAF. if we used our aircraft for say, vaporizing disorganized arabs like the israelis do (nothing against arabs, that's what happened in history, if it wasn't for pakistani pilots they would be speaking hebrew) we'd also look good.
that's because we've only fought against the best - USAF. if we used our aircraft for say, vaporizing disorganized arabs like the israelis do (nothing against arabs, that's what happened in history, if it wasn't for pakistani pilots they would be speaking hebrew) we'd also look good.

we've only fought Thats what I am saying............China never used PLAAF in any of its war effectively. I am not questioning the abilities or records, but the "use."

Between the Vietnam War and the early 1990s, the PLAAF's air fleet consisted mostly of large numbers of near-obsolete Soviet planes. The main mission scenario under consideration by the PLAAF during this time was to support the PLA in defending China against a massive Soviet tank invasion. Under the doctrine of People's War, Chinese air strategy involved large numbers of short-range low-technology fighters.
Tibet and Askai Chin will be flash points in future. And other than fairy tales of Indian media, there is a long way to go to even match china capability let alone beat it. Trillions of dollars n GDP cannot be added over a matter of decade or two.

Hey-hey-hey Calm down bro; take it easy.

I know China is Pakistan's friend; but still.........China is not Pakistan. Then why are you getting so excited. You are a Pakistani naa?........China can talk and fight for itself; better than Pakistan. They have more population, computers, and internet connections to answer Indian bashing (if there is any). So, you take it easy.

Tibet and Askai Chin..........We can solve our matters ourselves.........both are quite mature and older civilizations than you. So you need not to worry.

As far as you are concerned about Indian economy, I just replied in my previous post; plz bother to read it. You can also google BRIC and read that for further knowledge.:tup:

Even the Indian aircraft carrier is a dwarf compared to what China is building.

Even we Indian ourselves hardly know much about Indian Aircraft Carrier...........and I believe the same about most of our Chinese Brothers that they also know only whatever is there in the news. I don't know from where you got so much information that you can announce the winner.

Is anyone thinking about the post growth period?? After the WW2 soviet union was blessed with rapid growth while most of the world had a stagnated start. However they couldn't contain this grown forever?? Even the industrial kingpin USA is not immune to growth stagnation.

In other ways............you want to say that Chinese economy will also collapse soon? If even USSR and USA are not immune, then it can happen to every country............India, Brazil, Mexico, and CHINA too!!! What a friend you are; wishing your best friend's economy to collapse.............shame on you. Even I don't want them to collapse and it will not..........Amen!!!

The Chinese so far are building influence much more rapidly from railway contract to natural resources whole Indian talk about their bollywood as softpower??

Let me teach you a new word..............Demographic Window. Now you will ask; what is this? Here it is: Demographic Window is defined to be that period of time in a nation's demographic evolution when the proportion of population of working age group is particularly prominent.

The exact technical boundaries of definition may vary. The UN Population Department has defined it as period when the proportion of children and youth under 15 years falls below 30 per cent and the proportion of people 65 years and older is still below 15 per cent.

Europe's demographic window lasted from 1950 to 2000. It began in China in 1990 and is expected to last until 2015. India is expected to enter the demographic window in 2010, which may last until the middle of the present century. Much of Africa will not enter the demographic window until 2045 or later.

Can you draw some conclusion now about growth and Demographic Window??? Let me simplify it for you:

Europe's demographic window lasted from 1950 to 2000..............And In World History, that time period definitely belongs to Europe. Most of them made great progress in this time frame.

It began in China in 1990 and is expected to last until 2015................Need not to say anything. Their marvelous record speaks for itself.:tup: And I admire that, like most of the Indians.

India is expected to enter the demographic window in 2010, which may last until the middle of the present century..............Now I leave this up to your foresight and imagination.:smokin:
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You gotta be efin kidding me with your stupidity. A blog, really:woot:

Peter Foster moved to Beijing in March 2009. He was formerly the Daily Telegraph's South Asia Correspondent based New Delhi from 2004-2008. He is married with three children.
:tup:I am surprised as the war between Indian and Chinese keyboard warriors going on for so long. We both as Nations have so much in common, but still we can fight for so long without any reason at all!!!

In my view, China and India are two most comparable countries in the world that share the most in common than any other pair.

For thousands of years we have shared a long common boundary and perfected the art of peaceful co-existence, except for that one incident in 1962. That apart, there has never been any violence between the people of the two countries. The Chinese never invaded India and Indians never invaded China. Yet, for most of the twentieth century we had the Asian equivalent of the US-USSR Cold War; all thanks to politics.

At a philosophical level, Hinduism and Taoism are quite similar. Like Hinduism, Taoism believes in the essential oneness of all creation and focuses on meditation as the way to achieve that realization. Buddhism, however, was taken from India by the Chinese who came and studied the religion and then carried with them important scriptures, books and literature on the religion. India or its rulers did not need to send missionaries and crusaders into China to spread Buddhism.

Here are some more similarities, I found (all you can add more and more:tup:):
  • China and India are two most populous countries in the world and both in Asia.
  • Both are proud of their own individual long civilization that goes back some 5,000 years.
  • Both were economical hub in the past, even before the birth of America.
  • Both suffered invasions and colonial rules for centuries.
  • Both won true independence in the late 1940s.
  • Both advocated the principles of peaceful co-existence.
  • Chinese and Indians share similar moral ideas.
  • Both peoples respect family and treasure sincerity.
  • Both share a deep love for their land and culture.
  • Both are peace-loving, and dislike violence.
  • They respond in the same way to different types of movies, liking those that have a happy ending and where the truthful and the just prevail over those who are strong but evil. [Look.......we even share a taste in movies too:cheers:]


Why to waste our hardly-earned achievments on another war, which will only benefit our enemies. We better concentrate on our economic growth. For even better, China and India should work together; as a divided China-India equation makes the whole of Asia weak; whereas united India-China will make the entire continent strong. China is like the left hemisphere of the brain and India, the right. Together, we are complete and effective. Today, China is becoming the factory of the world and India, its so-called 'back-office'. I believe, it's a matter of time before India becomes the ideas factory or the laboratory of the world. China and India will then become the centre of the world and, the middle countries (the meaning of official name of China in Chinese Language). The world will then, again, need Asia and look to it, as it did some centuries ago.

Let us hope to revive the Asian dominance again..........Amen!!!:cheers:

In my view, China and India are two most comparable countries in the world that share the most in common than any other pair.

For thousands of years we have shared a long common boundary and perfected the art of peaceful co-existence, except for that one incident in 1962. That apart, there has never been any violence between the people of the two countries. The Chinese never invaded India and Indians never invaded China.

Good post. :cheers:

It's true that China and India have lived side-by-side in peace, for thousands and thousands of years.

It's also true that China and India controlled the vast majority of world GDP for most of recorded history. Both countries have similar belief systems (Buddhism and Hinduism) that originated in the subcontinent. So really... we should be getting along better than we currently are.

The good thing is that I think Chinese and Indian leaders are both smart enough to realise that cooperation is the way forward. :tup:
Good post. :cheers:

It's true that China and India have lived side-by-side in peace, for thousands and thousands of years.

It's also true that China and India controlled the vast majority of world GDP for most of recorded history. Both countries have similar belief systems (Buddhism and Hinduism) that originated in the subcontinent. So really... we should be getting along better than we currently are.

The good thing is that I think Chinese and Indian leaders are both smart enough to realise that cooperation is the way forward. :tup:


Peace and cooperation................two key factors for future progress. And I am sure that we are lucky enough to have them all; peace, cooperation, future and progress!!!:smokin:
India has no business in the south china sea ...

You have no idea what you are talking about. Let GOI give you a crisp slap on your face:
India challenges China in South China Sea
Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis April 26, 2000


India intends to hold a series of bilateral and unilateral naval exercises in the South China Sea in October and November 2000, according to government sources cited by The Hindustan Times April 24. The decision comes amid debate within the Indian armed forces over the reshaping of naval forces and the expansion of their operational capabilities. By extending its area of operation firmly into the South China Sea, India presents a direct challenge to China,...

Asia Times: India challenges China in South China Sea

...The Chinese, however have a presence in India's immediate neighborhood ...

So go and complain to God, whose mighty allows Him to place China as your immediate neighbor.
So go and complain to God, whose mighty allows Him to place China as your immediate neighbor.

hello no:), why god??, its some *** brained people who live there who have given a peice of land to them. But as long as its silent its fine. Coz this will be the first point of attack, but nothing happening so far...

Anyways we also have a second aircraft carrier in that area. so that negates the presence.
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