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India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

No surprise with facist modi

Persia were originally Pagans later destroyed and converted by you know who.
Spain was originally a Christian country later occupied by you know who and then recovered.
Pakistan Islamic studies tell that their history starts from Bin Kasim, how come you go back to Indis Valley 4500 BC?
Europe was originally a Pagan civilization later occupied and destroyed by Christians.

Only 2 civilizations have retained their original structure somehow. China and India.
Clueless only reads modi facist history.
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India is not born in 1947. It gets its independence. India is a civilization with thousands of years of history, not some 1400Ys.
And 1000 years of Muslim ruling ancient India. Don't forget that. And history is about to repeat in form of glorious Greater Pakistan prophesied 1400 years ago, Alhamdulillah.
India as it is today did not exist prior to the arrival of the British. It was made up of multiple independent states like continental Europe their unique languages, cultures and Ethnicity. So the hindutvas having a big dream to create something which never existed.
And 1000 years of Muslim ruling ancient India. Don't forget that. And history is about to repeat in form of glorious Greater Pakistan prophesied 1400 years ago, Alhamdulillah.

You should be happy.

If Akhand Bharat become a reality then it will accelerate disintegration of India.

A country cannot function with 700 million Muslims.
A country cannot function with its majority being cow piss drinkers and street shitters.

India is not born in 1947. It gets its independence. India is a civilization with thousands of years of history, not some 1400Ys.
Thousands of years of history just to be street shitters and occupied by every foreign power that stepped foot in india.
Alhamdulillah for Islam it civilized the backward region. What Muslim rule of Hind did in a few hundred years your thousands of years history couldn’t achieve.

That's a great mural. It defines the extent of Hindu civilization and our great culture.
You can stay dreaming. Muslims have ruled the subcontinent for hundreds of years.
Fool, what does the poster say ? Parliament. As the poster say, You Indians are joke.

Wumao, for the n'th time, thats the Mural of Ashokan empire. There's a reason why all names written over it are ancient names of those cities and not the modern ones.
YOU CLAIMED (CLAIMED) that Indians are liars but used a tweet by an Indian to start a thread.

Shows your integrity or lack of it.

The tweet that is the basis of YOU using it to start propaganda is an Indian showing dissent against Indian government. Can any Chinese in China write against Papa Xi?

Any Chinese writing such a thing against CCP would have already lost a kidney or maybe heart.

In India we write what we want to. It is called varied opinions and ideas.

Knock knock knock……
Usko dihadi milti hai roz ki bakwas karne ki CCP se, kahi social credit down na ho jaye bechare ka :lol:.

A country cannot function with its majority being cow piss drinkers and street shitters.
We can see how your country is doing wonders while cow piss drinking streetshitters are going down the drain...

A country cannot function with its majority being cow piss drinkers and street shitters.
Yas. India does not deserve talented Indian Muslimeens. They should migrate to Islamic countries and enrich them. 😁😁
We can see how your country is doing wonders while cow piss drinking streetshitters are going down the drain...

My Sanghi friend told me that India's GDP would have touched $30 trillion by now if there were no Muslims in India.
And 1000 years of Muslim ruling ancient India. Don't forget that. And history is about to repeat in form of glorious Greater Pakistan prophesied 1400 years ago, Alhamdulillah.
Again Islamic studies of Pakistan propagate such shit. The Indian subcontinent is huge, ruling small parts in bits and pieces does not call dominance. Except for Aurengjeb, for 49Y which controlled around 60% of existing India, Pak and Bangladesh, Islam never had a dominant role. Controlling Delhi does not mean ruling India, Vijay Nagar Empire, and Ahoms were a few empires controlling another large swath of India around Mughal time.

And 1000 years of Muslim ruling ancient India. Don't forget that. And history is about to repeat in form of glorious Greater Pakistan prophesied 1400 years ago, Alhamdulillah.
Some months back I shared the map of the Indian sub-continent between 1100 AD and 1700AD and the rulers around that time in one of the threads in the pk defence forum. search it and enlighten yourself.
Brother I guess you missed the part,

where he said the left over civilizations of the past.
He made this a criteria of being a "civillization" , you have to stay the way you're from the beginning to the end to e considered a civillization
If not you're not one
- following "Abrahamic" relgions have "degraded" you from being a "civillization" - that means India is more of a civillization than Europe, Gulf & US at this point in time
& In history is a greater civillization than others cause of Thier relgious beliefs

Quote "There are only 2 civilizations left"
That's the reason I agreed with him.

Of all the civilizations you mentioned -- only Islamic, Korean, Japanese, Turkish civilizations exist and thrive in the same way more or less as their past, and of course the Western civilization (which is the reason why we both are discussing, in the language we are haha).

However you might agree that, Indian and Chinese civilization are considered the oldest surviving civilizations? For those much more knowledged than me, Indian civilization will be a misnomer given the vast differences within this civilization again (to be clear). Still overall different parts of this land, has more or less stuck to the culture and way of living (am not talking about faith here, but then for our side of world faith and culture inter mix heavily)

Pakistan is as much a inheritor of this civilization, as much as we Indians no doubt.
However the majority of your people (other than few, who study these facets and are knowledgeable), like to disassociate from this past right?

I don't mean this in any wrong way, am just stating what I noticed in general conversations here. There is nothing wrong as well, cause identity is important for any person and a Pakistani identifying with Islamic past more is nothing wrong (it gives one continuity and causes no confusion, which is again good for mental peace).

If you think I am wrong on Pakistani viewpoint (as what I wrote, is what I understood), happy to accept a counter point though.

And 1000 years of Muslim ruling ancient India. Don't forget that. And history is about to repeat in form of glorious Greater Pakistan prophesied 1400 years ago, Alhamdulillah.
No gangadesh in Pakistan - I would die for Kashmir not gangaland
Yas. India does not deserve talented Indian Muslimeens. They should migrate to Islamic countries and enrich them. 😁😁
Yes india is not deserving of structures like Taj Mahal. India needs its 5000000 year old cow dung buildings. You should sell your advanced gobar tech to you Israeli masters. They need your 50000000 year old gobar tech.
The world has seen this already with Nazi occupation of Germany and subsequent annexations, wars and misery.
Unlike Germany, India seldom starts a war it isn't confident of winning.
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