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India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

I've lost track of your ideology
I want humanity to be replaced by AI
That's the point.
He think's he's on mission majnu and stops at no avail to split and confuse people trying to understand him.

Just ignore him, or entertain his bs as you please, and his speartip will blunt faster than he can imagine
You got me
So, many Indians' delusional dream of Greater India of all of South Asia and part of SEA is indeed supported and claimed by the gov of India.
Hey dumbo, this mural is to depict the map of some old Empire and not the future plan of India.

There are stupid people like you here too, who take it as the future plan while you start jumping up and down making false and dumb claim.

Do some basic research before creating a thread, rather than coming out like a retard like you are doing here.
Or Empreror Xi and CCP ordered you to create false and dumb threads like this?
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India is not a specific civilisation, it is merely a geographic expression, like the Equator or Africa.
Some read history apart from Islamic studies of Pakistan book. Trust me, you will learn a lot. There are only 2 civilizations left - Chinese and Indian. rest are destroyed by Christian and Islamic invaders.
Hey dumbo, this mural is to depict the map of some old Empire and not the future plan of India.

There are stupid people like you here too, who take it as the future plan while you start jumping up and down making false and dumb claim.

Do some basic research before creating a thread, rather than coming out like a retard like you are doing here.
Or Empreror Xi and CCP ordered you to create false and dumb threads like this?
Emperor Xi talks a lot about Zhongguo, or Middle Kingdom -- something that has continued from Mao's time. Its just that Deng talked about, hide your strength and bide your time.

Chinese are not divorced from their past, listen to Chinese specialists and they will tell you, how Chinese leaders talk about the past a lot.

About heavenly mandate given to Emperor of China, and how the rest are either enlightened barbarians or barbarians. Its just that, till they haven't achieved full supremacy, this past will not become a reality of the world.

The day their ideas come to fruition, see what happens to these two lots (Enlightened barbarians and barbarians, now don't ask me which countries are which. Its a long winding theory)
My request to Indian leadership..pls kuch aisa waisa mat karo.. bakchodi mat karo .

Shaanti se daroo peene do.. ganja marne do hamein pls ...
Hey dumbo, this mural is to depict the map of some old Empire and not the future plan of India.

There are stupid people like you here too, who take it as the future plan while you start jumping up and down making false and dumb claim.

Do some basic research before creating a thread, rather than coming out like a retard like you are doing here.
Or Empreror Xi and CCP ordered you to create false and dumb threads like this?
Fool, why you put the map of India on the current building of Indian parliament. No matter what you try to make up BS excuses, they dont hide you fools true intention, aspiration and claim. Its your fellow Indians questioning India is trying to swallow up its neighbours, not me.
You should be happy.

If Akhand Bharat become a reality then it will accelerate disintegration of India.

A country cannot function with 700 million Muslims.
I am ready to give kashmir to pakistan on one condition if they complete the partition plan of jinnah and take all muslims from India to pakistan including illegal immigrants from Africa nilu pulle, italian Rahul gandhi and few more congressi .
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But, why you put the map on the current parliament building ? That says the attitude of your gov on the matter. If I live in one of those countries, I would definitely get pissed off.

If you guys can claim the territory of neighboring countries based on your history of hundreds of years, why can not we display the map of something which was something to celebrate for us?
Is it, not hypocrisy that Chines people are complaining to us?
If you guys can claim the territory of neighboring countries based on your history of hundreds of years, why can not we display the map of something which was something to celebrate for us?
Is it, not hypocrisy that Chines people are complaining to us?
China doesn't put up supposedly historical claim map on the wall of its current national political power centre parliament. It's not supposedly history book.
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Gangu army getting ready to swallow their neighbors :lol:

I am ready to give kashmir to pakistan on one condition if they complete the partition plan of jinnah and take all muslims from India to pakistan including illegal immigrants from Africa nilu pulle, italian Rahul gandhi and few more congressi .
No, that's unacceptable.

I want the RSS to fulfil its original promise of eliminating all Muslims in the subcontinent.
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