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India repeating Gujarat Muslim massacre in Kashmir, says Pakistan foreign minister

ISLAMABAD: The history of Muslim massacres in India's Gujarat is being repeated in occupied Kashmir, Pakistan's foreign minister said Monday, adding that Islamabad would send delegations to different countries to address the issue.

Speaking at a news conference, the foreign minister accused India of state-sponsored terrorism in the occupied valley, and said that the Indian state is "playing holi with the blood of Kashmiris."

Asif's statement came a day after the killing of at least 17 Kashmiri youth, including four killed in firing on funeral processions, in Islamabad and Shopian districts of the occupied valley by the Indian security forces.

The foreign minister said that the situation at the Line of Control (LoC) is tense due to the Indian government.

Pakistan’s Army chief says Indian atrocities cannot suppress Kashmiri struggle for self-determination

He said that the Pakistan's federal cabinet met on Monday with a one-point agenda: to discuss the plight of Kashmiri people.

Asif said that the cabinet agreed to send delegations to different countries in view of apprising them of human rights abuses in the occupied valley.

He said that he discussed Kashmir crisis with the Turkish and Iranian foreign minister, adding that the Muslim nations have openly supported Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

Earlier, Pakistan premier expressed deep shock and grief over Sunday's indiscriminate and vicious killings of Kashmiri youth.

PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said the brutal crackdown, including the despicable use of pellet guns on civilians who were protesting against the killings, is deplorable.

He emphasised that Indian attempts to label the legitimate Kashmiri struggle as terrorism cannot deter the valiant people of Jammu and Kashmir from their demand of exercising their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN resolutions.

PM condemns Indian aggression after 17 youth martyred in occupied Kashmir

Abbasi called on the international community to urge India to allow access to fact-finding missions to occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Abbasi's statement was followed by the Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff (COAS) comments that "Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir can never suppress a just indigenous political struggle for self-determination."

General Qamar Javed Bajwa said the brutalities of Indian security forces against innocent civilians in occupied Kashmir and ceasefire violations targeting civilians along the Line of Control (LoC) and Working Boundary are highly condemnable.

The statements by the Pakistani leadership came amid a complete shutdown marked by curfew and restrictions in occupied Kashmir, against Sunday's killings of Kashmiri youth at the hands of Indian troops.

Thirteen youth were martyred in a siege and search operation and four in firing on protesters and funerals in Islamabad and Shopian districts of the occupied valley on Sunday.

The fresh wave of violence against Kashmiri people also left over 200 civilians injured.


Lets see if Hindu India is killing muslim kashmiri in India then what pakistan is doing:
  1. Killing Shias in Punjab, that too in mosques
  2. Killing Sindis in Sindh
  3. Killing shia/ sunni in Baluchistan
  4. Killing Pashtuns in North west province
  5. Killing Ahmedis in whole pakistan
  6. Supporting 'freedom fighters' to kill shias in Afganistan
  7. so on and on.
Seems it is allowed to kill coreligionist in Pakistan approved by knowledgeable organisation like LeT, JeW and Taliban.
Kashmiris are not Indian Muslims, they hate Indians and never wanted to be part of India they are struggling for their freedom and won't give up

Those who do not want to be Indian were given choices 70 years ago,
Smart people from both side moved to be in the right Nations,

These stupids are too late,te , and they are getting what they deserve
I've been visiting there since 1977, and know this from personal experience. However, the situation took a dramatic turn with the death of Burhan Wani.

There were actually three phases in the ethnic composition of separatism. First, 1989 to around 2002 or so, it was Kashmiri, and it was young people who walked across, got arms training and came back. An enormous amount happened in those days: fake hijackings of planes, genuine hijacking, false flag hijacking, murders of the minorities, a very peculiar episode that the minority concerned claims was purely out of fear, and many thoughtful KMs think may have been orchestrated by one of the villains in Kashmiri history - I shan't name him, he was a governor, brought in to punish - all sorts of things. From 2002 onwards until 2015, it was this pure Punjabi/Pashtun mix, and some of them were bloody men, men, for instance, like that beast Mast Gul who burnt down Chrar-i-Sharif to make his escape. After Burhan Wani's killing, again it has changed back to Kashmiris. All the 13 killed over the last four or five days were Shopian people.

Infiltrators and stone-pelters are two different groups altogether, nothing to do with each other. The stone-pelters are subsidised, and it is a particularly dirty operation: there are agents, and sub-agents, and village level agents, and each has a budget and a quota, and is supervised with a fair degree of control by someone from the Hurriyat. This money all comes from 'abroad'; no prizes are being given away, so don't bother to guess where. Surprisingly, it isn't so much Saudi Arabia, as most people tend to think, but closer to home, people who have also figured in Pakistani intelligence reports that have been leaked through friendly sources (not to me, not to people I know). Stone-pelters are obviously purely Koshur. Not so, until just a year or so ago, for arms-bearing terrorists. The two are different.

Look out for a book being written by B. R. S. Nain. It will annoy some pompous babus in Delhi, and startle and perhaps embarrass Pakistanis; I don't know, I am guessing from hints that some of us have received.

I have friends there still, and can walk in and move around freely, except in curfew zones; my friends, some of them, have political views exactly the opposite of my own, but we try to keep to neutral topics when we meet. However, because of increasing ill-health, age and money being tight, I haven't been there physically for some months now.

I don't trust the media. The mainstream media sitting in Delhi or Mumbai don't have a clue, the locals are - many of them, but not all - bought. There is a 'movement' industry whose members make money from both sides, speak for both sides, build hotels and resorts and send their kids to Malaysia or to Bangladesh (Arabia is too hot and dry for them, and Hyderabad and Bangalore are too boring, and which mental defective will go to Rajasthan or Haryana or Delhi?).

PS: about the highlighted bit, it was precisely true until some months ago - maybe one year.

So what do you think should be the solution.

1. India won't give up Kashmir
2. Pakistan won't let go
3. Kashmiris want freedom

The above three are facts and solution has to be found because 70 plus years of fighting hasn't done nothing but created widows and orphans.
Those who do not want to be Indian were given choices 70 years ago,
Smart people from both side moved to be in the right Nations,

These stupids are too late,te , and they are getting what they deserve

they were given no choice, they hated Hindus like the rest of us but they were forced into a Indian union full of Hindus

all they want is freedom away from indians
they were given no choice, they hated Hindus like the rest of us but they were forced into a Indian union full of Hindus

all they want is freedom away from indians

No body forced them to stay in the Indian state,
There were millions who wanted to be in Pakistan, they moved to Pakistan 70 years ago,
They were given choices to take tier belongings and dear ones across border
No body forced them to stay in the Indian state,
There were millions who wanted to be in Pakistan, they moved to Pakistan 70 years ago,
They were given choices to take tier belongings and dear ones across border

They were in a muslim majority state. .

They had no reason to abandon their land and state to be occupied by foreigners

All they wanted was partition implemented and to seperate from indians
They were in a muslim majority state. .

They had no reason to abandon their land and state to be occupied by foreigners

All they wanted was partition implemented and to seperate from indians

They wanted an Independent state, but Pakistani sent in their tribals to capture the state.
They wanted an Independent state, but Pakistani sent in their tribals to capture the state.

If Kashmiris are given a choice it will be


Its as simple as that. india was retarded to force a muslim state into a hindu majority union
So what do you think should be the solution.

1. India won't give up Kashmir
2. Pakistan won't let go
3. Kashmiris want freedom

The above three are facts and solution has to be found because 70 plus years of fighting hasn't done nothing but created widows and orphans.

Regarding point 1, i think there is disconnect between Indian and Pakistani psyche.

India is in Kashmir because it considers Kashmir part of its culture, not that treaty. Indian soldiers and paramilitary personnel too considers J&K as part of their heritage given we have thousand of years old temples there (Although forces are secular but i am addressing individuals' conscience ). Since Indian army fights a cause it believes in, attacks and counterattacks will result in determination, escalation and anger rather than care and cost in terms of Human resources and unwillingness to continue with the conflict for artificial purpose.

That's the major misunderstanding. Terrorists orgs think India can be made to submit in terms of material costs. Indians would think it that way when WE consider our presence in Kashmir as an INVASION, like NATO/Soviets in AF.

My point is you are trying to corner an enemy in a game ,for eg Chess, but rules and steps are different for him. That's why he is not submitting because you are not thinking from his perspective.

That's the same motivation with Indian civilians otherwise if Indian army and other paramilitary would have been getting so many causalities, do you think we wouldn't be having indigenous movement to call our troops back? Even the treaty wouldn't stand the onslaught by kins of deceased soldiers. All this talk of atrocities or Muslim hating is baloney in terms of Kashmir.

There is subconscious perception in Hindus that Muslims have greed for land and that gives narrative a push that Kashmiris are themselves to blame for their condition. ISIS flags isn't doing much to their reputation.
If Kashmiris are given a choice it will be


Its as simple as that. india was retarded to force a muslim state into a hindu majority union
Kashmiris chose to stay independent but I guess Pakistanis couldn't tolerate that and wanted to takeover Kashmir forcefully.
They were in a muslim majority state. .

They had no reason to abandon their land and state to be occupied by foreigners

All they wanted was partition implemented and to seperate from indians
There were alot of Muslim majority areas in Punjab , Bengal and UP who moved and there we a lot of Hindu Majority areas in Pakistani Punjab and Sindh who came to India

If Kashmiris are given a choice it will be


Its as simple as that. india was retarded to force a muslim state into a hindu majority union
The choice was given in 1947, Secular state or Islamic republic,
Nobody forced them to stay in India
Just give it a thought rationally. Kashmir is a sink for Pakistan. For India it's an active training zone.

Apr 04, 2018 09:28 IST

NSG seeks nod to support forces in J-K counter-terror operations

National Security Guards is doing this in order to maintain its cutting edge as well as acquire much-needed on-field operational experience for its experts, say officials.


With a motive of remaining battle-ready and at the forefront of counter-terrorist (CT) operations, the elite National Security Guards (NSG) has approached the home ministry and top national security planners for permission to send its “house intervention teams (HIT)” in support of counter-terrorism operations conducted by the army and security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

North Block officials confirmed this and said NSG is doing this in order to maintain its cutting edge as well as acquire much-needed on-field operational experience for its experts.

The NSG proposal comes in the wake of security forces losing troopers in high-risk house intervention operations, used to neutralise holed up terrorists or fidayeens (suicide attackers) in densely populated localities of the valley.

Normally, security forces try to tire out the terrorists by constantly firing at the adversary with high caliber weapons. The rate of firing is often such that the structure collapses or catches fire with the holed up terrorists being collateral damage.

The NSG HIT teams use state of the art Heckler and Koch MP5 sub-machine guns, gas guns, M 107 Barret sniper rifles, through-the-wall radars, corner shot rifles and C-4 explosives to neutralize holed-up terrorists with minimum casualties and damage to the structure. A typical NSG HIT team has six troopers led by a non-commissioned officer along with demolition experts and crack marksmen.
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