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India repeating Gujarat Muslim massacre in Kashmir, says Pakistan foreign minister

Kashmir has made Pakistan into a independent state

Without Kashmir, The emnity with India could not be sustained as a result after a decade or two after Partition a more intergrated South Asia would have emerged

India as a 1.3 billion elephant is much bigger than any other south Asian state including a 200 million Pakistan

Economically, culturally, politically we would risk being overawed by India with no reason to resist economic or other intergration

Hatred for India has set us free
Hatred meant we resisted and refused India at every turn, gave India no space, refused any economic, political or other intergration and made sure our military was built up into one of the world's strongest with over 150 nuclear warheads and a array of delivery systems

This was all possible because of Kashmir, you are mistaken if it has hurt Pakistan, it has made us independent, India however has permanent emnity and nuclear capable, 200 million state on its western front and can't even dominate in south asia
First the onus of plebiscite is on you according to UNSC resolution. Vacate P0K and ask all punjabis to return to plains. How many speak kaushar on your side of Kashmir?

Second, take back area of Kashmir that you gifted to China. Let's not say it wasn't your dads property to gift, let's just say it's disputed region.

Thirdly, if I was in corridors of power, I would let Kashmir linger till the time you go bankrupt economically and your social fabric breaks apart.

Let's be real without any sugarcoating, Kashmir has caused you "irreversible" damage. India, on the other hand, is doing fine. So Kashmir has gone for India from a territory to defend to a honey trap.

Just give it a thought rationally. Kashmir is a sink for Pakistan. For India it's an active training zone.

Thanks to the stupidity of politicians ,Kashmiri peoples themselves it will remain as an active training zone .
There is a lots of underflowing going there.
And yet - you lost half your country and are now on the verge of bankruptcy and have been financially bailed out multiple times by USA or Saudi. I don't think your policy has paid off economically, tactically or strategically.
Some independence that.
Bangladesh is a Muslim majority independent state as per Partition, a union of entities separated by so much space should never of happened, the natural occurred

Pakistan is a growing state with immense potential, our politicians are useless sure and this has effected our economic development but things will continue to improve and takeoff, even with the idiot's ruling us we beat India in many quality of life indicators

Yes we are independent, independent of india, with a military strong enough to harm our enemies,

Pakistan is for Pakistanis and Kashmir is an extension of Pakistan
Not much expense for dreaming ,Pakistani .

On topic : You can cry ,shout ,suck or beg in some other nation.
But noone dares to ask us .
We will do what we want to do ,have to do .

Those who takes weapons will perish and send to unmarked grave be it Kashmir ,vebit Kanyakumari
And Soon Your Farts Are Going To Result In Diarrhea Of Small Nations Of India. We Liberated Azad Kashmir And Soon Whole Kashmir, Oh You Can Defend But End Result Is Going To Liberated Jammu Kashmir. InshAllah.
And Soon Your Farts Are Going To Result In Diarrhea Of Small Nations Of India. We Liberated Azad Kashmir And Soon Whole Kashmir, Oh You Can Defend But End Result Is Going To Liberated Jammu Kashmir. InshAllah.

We had already shows you your own place in 71 .
Try to be smart ,same again will happen in Balochistan.
We had already shows you your own place in 71 .
Try to be smart ,same again will happen in Balochistan.
Another Fart 71 Was Already Predicted But you lost in Balochistan and now your *** Is Ready for some old time sake spanking. Soon You Will Loss any influence in Kashmir. So Get ready for your Gangaland diarrhea nations.
Another Fart 71 Was Already Predicted But you lost in Balochistan and now your *** Is Ready for some old time sake spanking. Soon You Will Loss any influence in Kashmir. So Get ready for your Gangaland diarrhea nations.

Not predicted but happened because when Pak media run fake success story in West Pakistan ,90000 was already surrendered there in east
Gujarat haunts Pakistanis more than India.

Is it because of Modi? They hate him very much. Yesterday they were discussing on a t v chennel that modi will make their life miserable if he is reelected.
On reflection, you are right. Most of these infiltrators are Punjabis, recruited in the plains, sent through commando camps in the hills, and then pushed across from 'safe houses' in AJK. They last an average of 3 to 6 weeks; it's really horrible. Don't think anyone likes what is going on. For each outrage and the death of innocents who have nothing whatever to do with violence, there are perhaps 10, perhaps a dozen detections and shootings.

Typically, they are found in transit between the forests and settlements, or travelling between settlements, and go to ground in civilian houses. There is a compulsion to eliminate them immediately, since a protective mob forms within an hour at most, if all this is near a settlement, so the patrol that finds them is the one responsible for getting them. As a result, most of them are killed with rifles and LMGs; there is no time to call for any heavier ordnance. It would easy enough to blow up the house and the infiltrators along with it, but that cannot be done; so it is rifle and LMG all the way. This is where the casualties occur, among the Army, or the RR, or the BSF, or the armed police.

People talk about unmarked graves and hint darkly at unknown deaths. An American research team, doing a census in the Punjab, found that their figures for the number of volunteers for training and infiltration into India matched the number of graves, within less than 5%. The reason is that the team responsible for the elimination hands over bodies to the local police for disposal, and what happens thereafter is up to the local police. They aren't very methodical in their disposal methods.

This is not something I liked writing. Only since you made a pertinent remark.

The map - can you explain it to me sometime? It totally confused me.

joe do you write for indian news channels? how do you know what I have highlighted. its just what your media says and you have repeated. I am sure you don't want me to start naming kashmiris who are dying for their rights. its not Punjabis confronting your occupation with stones and bare hands. its not Punjabis tied to military jeeps and paraded. if it is Punjabis then why are you punishing kashmiris? doesn't make sense does it
joe do you write for indian news channels? how do you know what I have highlighted. its just what your media says and you have repeated. I am sure you don't want me to start naming kashmiris who are dying for their rights. its not Punjabis confronting your occupation with stones and bare hands. its not Punjabis tied to military jeeps and paraded. if it is Punjabis then why are you punishing kashmiris? doesn't make sense does it

I've been visiting there since 1977, and know this from personal experience. However, the situation took a dramatic turn with the death of Burhan Wani.

There were actually three phases in the ethnic composition of separatism. First, 1989 to around 2002 or so, it was Kashmiri, and it was young people who walked across, got arms training and came back. An enormous amount happened in those days: fake hijackings of planes, genuine hijacking, false flag hijacking, murders of the minorities, a very peculiar episode that the minority concerned claims was purely out of fear, and many thoughtful KMs think may have been orchestrated by one of the villains in Kashmiri history - I shan't name him, he was a governor, brought in to punish - all sorts of things. From 2002 onwards until 2015, it was this pure Punjabi/Pashtun mix, and some of them were bloody men, men, for instance, like that beast Mast Gul who burnt down Chrar-i-Sharif to make his escape. After Burhan Wani's killing, again it has changed back to Kashmiris. All the 13 killed over the last four or five days were Shopian people.

Infiltrators and stone-pelters are two different groups altogether, nothing to do with each other. The stone-pelters are subsidised, and it is a particularly dirty operation: there are agents, and sub-agents, and village level agents, and each has a budget and a quota, and is supervised with a fair degree of control by someone from the Hurriyat. This money all comes from 'abroad'; no prizes are being given away, so don't bother to guess where. Surprisingly, it isn't so much Saudi Arabia, as most people tend to think, but closer to home, people who have also figured in Pakistani intelligence reports that have been leaked through friendly sources (not to me, not to people I know). Stone-pelters are obviously purely Koshur. Not so, until just a year or so ago, for arms-bearing terrorists. The two are different.

Look out for a book being written by B. R. S. Nain. It will annoy some pompous babus in Delhi, and startle and perhaps embarrass Pakistanis; I don't know, I am guessing from hints that some of us have received.

I have friends there still, and can walk in and move around freely, except in curfew zones; my friends, some of them, have political views exactly the opposite of my own, but we try to keep to neutral topics when we meet. However, because of increasing ill-health, age and money being tight, I haven't been there physically for some months now.

I don't trust the media. The mainstream media sitting in Delhi or Mumbai don't have a clue, the locals are - many of them, but not all - bought. There is a 'movement' industry whose members make money from both sides, speak for both sides, build hotels and resorts and send their kids to Malaysia or to Bangladesh (Arabia is too hot and dry for them, and Hyderabad and Bangalore are too boring, and which mental defective will go to Rajasthan or Haryana or Delhi?).

PS: about the highlighted bit, it was precisely true until some months ago - maybe one year.
well this time modi will go unpunished again but after coming to power in next elections the real rebellion will start of many groups in india and that will lead to a war with Pakistan i say the year will b 2023-2025
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