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India releases water into River Sutlej, worsens flood in nearby villages

you just described what happened in a specific year and the fact that pakistanis expect xyz from India. I already explained why it is not possible even within India (when a state is supposed to inform other state).
I dont have anything else to add, but I will be curious to know how long before do you give warning to your own people before opening gates in your dams.

The realtime data can of course be shared but am not sure whether the protocol is in place for that.

I am not harping about India doing xyz for us. I am just trying to make a point that India ought to do its best to pass information on timely basis, since India has multiple dams on river systems that flow into Pakistan.

I am aware of the fact that India can not stop a flood. But the flow of water AND information could be improved upon, particularly since there is a history of mistrust between India and Pakistan. I hope you understand that it is easy to misconstrue anything out of mistrust.

Pakistan has single dams on river systems, and therefore we are constrained in our ability to provide ample notice sometimes. Accidents do happen, like the one in 1993 (?) when Mangla dam could not cope with unusually high & sudden discharge from Jehlum. Consequently, a clan of a Khana Badosh tribe that had made camp on an islet in Jehlum's course was swept away. That was most unfortunate.

The situation from India is a little different on both Ravi and Sutlej, hence my observation that India is in a better position to inform Pakistan well in advance. My issue is about humanitarian impact of a deluge, not its inevitability. It takes time for people & their movable property to get out of the way of a flood.
I am not harping about India doing xyz for us. I am just trying to make a point that India ought to do its best to pass information on timely basis, since India has multiple dams on river systems that flow into Pakistan.

I am aware of the fact that India can not stop a flood. But the flow of water AND information could be improved upon, particularly since there is a history of mistrust between India and Pakistan. I hope you understand that it is easy to misconstrue anything out of mistrust.

Pakistan has single dams on river systems, and therefore we are constrained in our ability to provide ample notice sometimes. Accidents do happen, like the one in 1993 (?) when Mangla dam could not cope with unusually high & sudden discharge from Jehlum. Consequently, a clan of a Khana Badosh tribe that had made camp on an islet in Jehlum's course was swept away. That was most unfortunate.

The situation from India is a little different on both Ravi and Sutlej, hence my observation that India is in a better position to inform Pakistan well in advance. My issue is about humanitarian impact of a deluge, not its inevitability. It takes time for people & their movable property to get out of the way of a flood.

when do Indians notify usually? is it 24 hours before or depends?
thats why a statement from their concerned dept needed... Not bs media making up stories.

In today's environment Pakistani civilian govt foes not have PA's permission to say anything positive for india
In today's environment Pakistani civilian govt foes not have PA's permission to say anything positive for india

I dont think that's the case. Its a non news, but has been picked up by some news site and being blown out of proportion.
its not common human thing.. its a protocol they better adhere to, religiously... and if we dont have, we should sign an agreement perhaps.
Better to have a system in place than depend on courtesy.

Another thing to note is we got huge babugiri/redtape, if you dont have a mechanism, somebody will forget and say.. oops.. :)

and also arrange an hotline if its need .

Hot line? Yeah, but why not put real-time flow data on internet? It is not anything tactical or strategic. As @hinduguy noted, redtape is an issue. When lives are at stake, something ought to be there to cut through bureaucracy.

It is important to note that no matter what anybody like @RazPaK says, India can not stop a flood. Anyone who does not understand this has no business posting on this thread. Also, it is important to note for those who have difficulty grasping the obvious facts, that Pakistan has no capacity / site / geographic feature available to construct a dam to control the flow of streams that flow from India. No harping on dams would do ANYTHING for controlling floods coming in from India.
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when do Indians notify usually? is it 24 hours before or depends?

I would not know sir, I am not an expert. But to me an 18 hour notice (as suggested, not confirmed) is just not enough.

As I have observed just yet, it might be better to put flow data online. That might be a very good initiative, not just for Pakistan-India relations, but for inter-state relations in India as well - especially considering that Indian states themselves have problems with each other about flood reporting.
Hot line? Yeah, but why not put real-time flow data on internet? It is not anything tactical or strategic. As @hinduguy noted, redtape is an issue. When lives are at stake, something ought to be there to cut through bureaucracy.

Actually the level of water in a dam is considered as strategic information and is not normally shared openly. But I agree.. Times like monsoons where every year we have a flood mayhem should have special procedures focused on speed rather than red tapism.

Reminds me of the poem by Vajpayee which foresees what is happening in Pakistan today
Atal Bihari Vajpayee's great poem about pakistan and us ally - YouTube

Awesome.. I had not heard this before.. Considering he said this 10 years or so back... Great foresight..
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@karan.1970 ... dont reply to troll post with more than 1 line... its not worth the effort..
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Hot line? Yeah, but why not put real-time flow data on internet? It is not anything tactical or strategic. As @hinduguy noted, redtape is an issue. When lives are at stake, something ought to be there to cut through bureaucracy.

It is important to note that no matter what anybody like @RazPaK says, India can not stop a flood. Anyone who does not understand this has no business posting on this thread. Also, it is important to note for those who have difficulty grasping the obvious facts, that Pakistan has no capacity / site / geographic feature available to construct a dam to control the flow of streams that flow from India. No harping on dams would do ANYTHING for controlling floods coming in from India.

So India need to build more dams on rivers to store water? Other wise floods are inevitable?

Reminds me of the poem by Vajpayee which foresees what is happening in Pakistan today
Atal Bihari Vajpayee's great poem about pakistan and us ally - YouTube

Damn, bitter hindu nationalists. Even their PM was nutter which tell you the story. Jay Hind
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Calling someone troll just because you dont agree with him is against forum rules, post reported.
post not reported for not reading my post properly.. I did not call anybody troll.. I talked about 'troll post'. :)
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