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India relations with GCC(middle East)

Do you think India is more close to GCC than Iran

  • Yes

  • NO

  • Closer to GCC but portrayed closer to Iran

  • Security/strategy wise closer to Iran but economically closer to GCC

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Indeed people on this planet should respect each other and work together to make the planet a better place.

This little video of Saudi Arabian students visiting India might interest you.

Trade and cultural links between ancient Arabia and ancient India date back to third millennium BC.[1]

Heptulla, Nejma. Indo-West Asian relations: the Nehru era. Allied Publishers, 1991. ISBN9788170233404.

This is 5000 years which is quite some time actually.


Your hatred is ignored and trolling will not change my overall positive view of India and the Indian people and the various ethnic groups who live there. Arabs and specially people from the Arabian Peninsula have good historically ties with people of Gujarat and people of Kerala and Western India overall including Tamil Nadu. You can hate the 450 million Arabs be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Atheist alike if this is what you want. Also for your interest I am a normal Muslim. A Sunni Muslim that follows the Shafi'i fiqh (madhab) more precisely if you know what that even is.

Not interested in trolling if you reply. Besides I personally hope that Pakistan and India can live in peace as the GCC and Arab world want to do trade with you both and we have affinity to both especially the Muslims in both countries but also all friendly non-Muslims.

I do like Indian cuisine too which in many ways is similar to cuisine found on the Arabian Peninsula. Arabian cuisine, especially Yemeni, Omani, Hijazi and Gulf Arab has most ties to Indian/South Asian cuisine of all MENA cuisines. If you do some research on your own you will find this to be correct. But unfortunately there are too many ignorants in this world.

Also I am happy that your friend like living in Bahrain and KSA. Indeed the regimes there should be better at treating everyone fair and also some locals who cannot behave but they are a minority although a vocal one unfortunately. It would be foolish to believe that all locals are like those people.
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Indeed people on this planet should respect each other and work together to make the planet a better place.

This little video of Saudi Arabian students visiting India might interest you.

Trade and cultural links between ancient Arabia and ancient India date back to third millennium BC.[1]

Heptulla, Nejma. Indo-West Asian relations: the Nehru era. Allied Publishers, 1991. ISBN9788170233404.

This is 5000 years which is quite some time actually.


Your hatred is ignored and trolling will not change my overall positive view of India and the Indian people and the various ethnic groups who live there. Arabs and specially people from the Arabian Peninsula have good historically ties with people of Gujarat and people of Kerala and Western India overall including Tamil Nadu. You can hate the 450 million Arabs be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Atheist alike if this is what you want. Also for your interest I am a normal Muslim. A Sunni Muslim that follows the Shafi'i fiqh (madhab) more precisely if you know what that even is.

Not interested in trolling if you reply. Besides I personally hope that Pakistan and India can live in peace as the GCC and Arab world want to do trade with you both and we have affinity to both especially the Muslims in both countries but also all friendly non-Muslims.

I do like Indian cuisine too which in many ways is similar to cuisine found on the Arabian Peninsula. It is probably the cuisine that has most ties to Indian/South Asian cuisine of all MENA cuisines. If you do some research on your own you will find this to be correct. But unfortunately there are too many ignorants in this world.
watched that video years ago and it shows how much stupid media is.

Trade and cultural links between ancient India and Arabia date back to third millennium BC.[1] By 1000 AD, the trade relations between southern India and Arabia flourished and became the backbone of the Arabian economy.[2] Arab traders held a monopoly over the spice trade between India and Europe until the rise of European imperialist empires.[3]India was one of the first nations to establish ties with the Third Saudi State. During the 1930s, India heavily funded Nejd through financial subsidies.[4]

Formal diplomatic relations between contemporary India and Saudi Arabia were established soon after India gained independence in 1947. Relations between the two countries have strengthened considerably owing to collaboration in regional affairs and trade. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest suppliers of oil to India, who is one of the top seven trading partners and the fifth biggest investor in Saudi Arabia.[5]

In history there have been three visits to Saudi Arabia by an Indian Prime Minister: Jawaharlal Nehru (1955), Indira Gandhi (1982) and Manmohan Singh (2010/2014).[6] The two countries share similar views on combating terrorism.[7]

India was the only South Asian nation to recognise the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, whereas Saudi Arabia was one of the key supporters of the Afghan mujahideen, who fought the Soviets and their Afghan allies from Pakistan.

From there we started viewing pakistan and KSA in same basket and It's high time we should change that.

Just to add up in the post, after searching on the net, i found that Oman and Qatar are few of the Gulf nations which has some defence stargic ties with India...And with the list of friends who stood with India at different period of time, Oman stood our far ahead than others...

Honestly, this is a news to me..I was not expecting that any of the GCC nations would have such good support to India...
But, I must say that the success of the bilateral economic relationship has not been translated in to a stronger political and strategic partnership.

Why the surprise? What possible political & strategic partnership is possible?
Just to add up in the post, after searching on the net, i found that Oman and Qatar are few of the Gulf nations which has some defence stargic ties with India...And with the list of friends who stood with India at different period of time, Oman stood our far ahead than others...

Honestly, this is a news to me..I was not expecting that any of the GCC nations would have such good support to India...

"India opens its ears - European intelligence services are keenly speculating on the purpose of a listening post that has been active for at least two years on the outskirts of Ras al-Hadd, at the northeasternmost tip of Oman. Located on an isolated rocky plateau just 2 km from the sea, the site which is protected by police checkpoints in not among the listed US listening post in the country (see below), and it may be the first Indian listening post in the Persian Gulf. Several reasons make this likely. While Saudi Arabia and most other kingdoms in the region are allied to Pakistan, Oman has active diplomatic relations with India, with whom it signed a defence agreement in 2008. Construction of the Ras al-Hadd listening post was finished a year later. The facility is also located directly across the Arabian Sea from Pakistan. India has had an interception post in the far north of Madagascar since 2007 and is planning to build others in the Maldives, the Seychelles and Mauritius."



Also I must tell you that quite a few Arabians have ancestral ties to India/South Asia as well. Many names in Arabic (surnames) also indicate a connection to India such as Al-Hindi which is not an uncommon name in parts of KSA, for instance Hijaz. After all many Muslim pilgrims from India while performing Hajj or Umrah settled in what is today KSA and many others settled due to trade.

I even think that some of the ruling families (regimes as I like to call them, lol) have intermarried with people of South Asia. For instance the rulers of Qatar but also Oman.

Also Arabs (Arabians more precisely) spread coffee to India and South Asia (coffee was first commercialized and produced in Southern Arabia (Yemen especially) while tea was spread to the Arab world through India (if I recall) although tea apparently originates from China.

Arabians traded spices with Indians mutually and also with South East Asians and there today up to 10 million people are of Arab ancestry, mostly Yemeni and Hijazi which many Indonesian users can confirm and research on this topic.

But leaving history alone, I think that the ties can diversify and improve further. I just want to tell you honestly that we want to have good ties with Pakistan too as we have equally as many ties with them and they are our long and trusted allies.

I can only speak for myself but I hope that Pakistan and India can settle their differences aside but this is easier said than done. I hope the same between Arabs and Jews.

So do not crucify me here. I have to go and a interesting thread and a good discussion. Peace.

Also I just realized that A.P.J. Abdul Kalam appeared in the video I posted in post 31. He was speaking to the visiting Saudi Arabian youth and praising them. I heard that he died. Condolences.

He met with King Abdullah when he was president. King Abdullah also died this year unfortunately.

I think that he had cordial ties with most Arab rulers.
Thanks for your post..Anyway, then may be Pakistan is a factor for which we always feel that you guys support Pakistan against India, that is why we have soft corner for Iran...If i am not wrong you supported position of Pakistan with respect to Kashmir issue too...


Also I must tell you that quite a few Arabians have ancestral ties to India/South Asia as well. Many names in Arabic (surnames) also indicate a connection to India such as Al-Hindi which is not an uncommon name in parts of KSA, for instance Hijaz. After all many Muslim pilgrims from India while performing Hajj or Umrah settled in what is today KSA and many others settled due to trade.

I even think that some of the ruling families (regimes as I like to call them, lol) have intermarried with people of South Asia. For instance the rulers of Qatar but also Oman.

Also Arabs (Arabians more precisely) spread coffee to India and South Asia (coffee was first commercialized and produced in Southern Arabia (Yemen especially) while tea was spread to the Arab world through India (if I recall) although tea apparently originates from China.

Arabians traded spices with Indians mutually and also with South East Asians and there today up to 10 million people are of Arab ancestry, mostly Yemeni and Hijazi which many Indonesian users can confirm and research on this topic.

But leaving history alone, I think that the ties can diversify and improve further. I just want to tell you honestly that we want to have good ties with Pakistan too as we have equally as many ties with them and they are our long and trusted allies.

I can only speak for myself but I hope that Pakistan and India can settle their differences aside but this is easier said than done. I hope the same between Arabs and Jews.

So do not crucify me here. I have to go and a interesting thread and a good discussion. Peace.

Also I just realized that A.P.J. Abdul Kalam appeared in the video I posted in post 31. He was speaking to the visiting Saudi Arabian youth and praising them. I heard that he died. Condolences.

He met with King Abdullah when he was president. King Abdullah also died this year unfortunately.

Why the surprise? What possible political & strategic partnership is possible?

Indian AND UAE and look about india and oman and india and quatar.

You would come to know we already have security relations with those 3 GCC countries. so why not possible to make more friends?




Also I must tell you that quite a few Arabians have ancestral ties to India/South Asia as well. Many names in Arabic (surnames) also indicate a connection to India such as Al-Hindi which is not an uncommon name in parts of KSA, for instance Hijaz. After all many Muslim pilgrims from India while performing Hajj or Umrah settled in what is today KSA and many others settled due to trade.

I even think that some of the ruling families (regimes as I like to call them, lol) have intermarried with people of South Asia. For instance the rulers of Qatar but also Oman.

Also Arabs (Arabians more precisely) spread coffee to India and South Asia (coffee was first commercialized and produced in Southern Arabia (Yemen especially) while tea was spread to the Arab world through India (if I recall) although tea apparently originates from China.

Arabians traded spices with Indians mutually and also with South East Asians and there today up to 10 million people are of Arab ancestry, mostly Yemeni and Hijazi which many Indonesian users can confirm and research on this topic.

But leaving history alone, I think that the ties can diversify and improve further. I just want to tell you honestly that we want to have good ties with Pakistan too as we have equally as many ties with them and they are our long and trusted allies.

I can only speak for myself but I hope that Pakistan and India can settle their differences aside but this is easier said than done. I hope the same between Arabs and Jews.

So do not crucify me here. I have to go and a interesting thread and a good discussion. Peace.

Also I just realized that A.P.J. Abdul Kalam appeared in the video I posted in post 31. He was speaking to the visiting Saudi Arabian youth and praising them. I heard that he died. Condolences.

He met with King Abdullah when he was president. King Abdullah also died this year unfortunately.

I think that he had cordial ties with most Arab rulers.

Yes my friend i agree and we have thousand of years old trade routes between India and Arab peninsula






Why would we will ask you not to have good relations with Pakistan brother and we wpould hope you make them choose good path of development and mutual cooperation like how KSA developed.

Our ancestors were friends and why wouldn't we be too.

(Not only respected kalam sir but every indian have cordial ties with GCC (it's western media who portrayed not too so we can't be what we were in the past)

Thanks for your post..Anyway, then may be Pakistan is a factor for which we always feel that you guys support Pakistan against India, that is why we have soft corner for Iran...If i am not wrong you supported position of Pakistan with respect to Kashmir issue too...
Yeah USA did too in the past so why would we have security relation with USA? (why is KSA different in this regard?)
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Some very nice maps and funny Latin names of cities in Arabia I must say. Yes, indeed as can be seen on 1 map, in Hijaz (my ancestral region) wine was produced of good quality but after Islam the drinking of alcohol stopped for religious reasons but grapes are still grown and produced especially in the mountainous regions and highlands. My suspicion is that Arabians back then drank too much alcohol. Today many people in Yemen cannot stop chewing this idiotic qat leaf either.

Khat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A funny thing I noticed also is that in Southern Arabia (especially Yemen) people wear what you call Lungi in Hindi I believe or a similar garment. This is mostly worn in Southern Yemen. I don't know if this is an Indian influence.

Lungi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In parts of KSA and Oman it is also worn by some people (not too many though) and it is called Izar among other names in Arabic. Fishermen especially wear it.

Yemen is unfortuantely a poor country and need more help from GCC leaders.

Here is another map of the migration of humans. Humans crossed the Arabian Peninsula on both routes before they reached India. So probably all the ancestors of Indians/South Asians and all others not from Africa lived on the Arabian Peninsula for quite some time before migrating elsewhere in the world. Speaking about maps.;)


Some very nice maps and funny Latin names of cities in Arabia I must say. Yes, indeed as can be seen on 1 map, in Hijaz (my ancestral region) wine was produced of good quality but after Islam the drinking of alcohol stopped for religious reasons but grapes are still grown and produced especially in the mountainous regions and highlands. My suspicion is that Arabians back then drank too much alcohol. Today many people in Yemen cannot stop chewing this idiotic qat leaf either.

Khat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A funny thing I noticed also is that in Southern Arabia (especially Yemen) people wear what you call Lungi in Hindi I believe or a similar garment. This is mostly worn in Southern Yemen. I don't know if this is an Indian influence.

Lungi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In parts of KSA and Oman it is also worn by some people (not too many though) and it is called Izar among other names in Arabic. Fishermen especially wear it.

Yemen is unfortuantely a poor country and need more help from GCC leaders.

Here is another map of the migration of humans. Humans crossed the Arabian Peninsula on both routes before they reached India. So probably all the ancestors of Indians/South Asians and all others not from Africa lived on the Arabian Peninsula for quite some time before migrating elsewhere in the world. Speaking about maps.;)

I believe whenever India flourished economically arabia flourished too as that's a common sense.Both are closer and trade(sea trade) will be immense between us than any other continent people.

Yeah lungi is indian garment for men :D

well people make so many maps about migration theory and it changed time to time so in this regard all i have to say is "we all are humans" so all are same.

@Saif al-Arab

Watch this

@Saif al-Arab

my problem is only with a particular strain of Islam, wahhabi/salafi.. it's poisonous, expansionist, supremacist, fascist, and breeds terrorists like nothing else on earth. It's also solely responsible for the mess across our western border.
It has nothing to do with India and if it's not then pakistan would have used anything else against India (for recruiting proxies)
It has nothing to do with India and if it's not then pakistan would have used anything else against India (for recruiting proxies)
but where does it originate ?
but where does it originate ?
As i said it's a tool not the enforcing hand.

Example - if i want to cut you then would cut you with knife ,sword or any sharp object ,it's not factory fault who made them but the guy who are using against you. (if not knife he would have used anything else as his objective is to cut you)
I don't get why some (many?) Indians hate Arabs when they allow us to go to their country and work there, to rise and own massive businesses, to outnumber them (like Oman which is 80% Indian), when we have strong cultural ties with them? Our problem is with pakistans not muslims. Idiots need to learn the difference.
I don't get why some (many?) Indians hate Arabs when they allow us to go to their country and work there, to rise and own massive businesses, to outnumber them (like Oman which is 80% Indian), when we have strong cultural ties with them? Our problem is with pakistans not muslims. Idiots need to learn the difference.
Yeah i agree they say KSA supported pakistan on Kashmir issue well so does western world (especially USA) so why do we have good relations with them.

I think there is a psychological warfare going on in Indian media ,i believe once we are close to GCC than they too will start taking neutral stance on the K issue.

Million of indians go to GCC if they were that bad then why would they go?

Economic collaboration is vast 150 billion trade per year and growing which is larger than our largest trading partner china(almost double)
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