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India refuses to issue visa to Pakistan snooker players

Can't clear mind, scared, hopefully some of your brethren would not blow me up..

The reason you can't clear your mind is your own 'stanky stank' is getting to you! Do it bro take that plunge....
Make that contact with water.....Also, you don't need to dry your hair....Just shake that head of yours! LOL!
With such attitude, they expect Pakistan to give them MFN status.

Karachi- Indian government today has refused to issue visa to Pakistan snooker team to play under-21 championship.

Four players of Pakistan have to participate in the Asian under-21 Snooker Championship which will starts from April 4 in Mohali, India. “Pakistan Snooker team would not participate in the tournament due to non-issuance of visa,” Pakistan Billiards and Snooker Association (PBSA) said. He said that India has denied to issue the visa without telling the reason.

India refuses to issue visa to Pakistan snooker players
Just SHOOT SCARED 'Player, is most likely to beat the Openly Defecating & Incredibly Smelly and Head Shaking India'!

Scared of our players, clearly Pakistanis will beat their shit players.
Like you did in last T20 Cricket Match LOL...

@Airboss786 If you are talking about India that they are Stinky than don't forgot about Pakistan also...
People there also Stinky, Terrorists, Beggar,
more than 20% of Pakistani peoples are also below Poverty line.. Pakistani slum also come in Top 5 Slums in the world..
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I know one guy in USA, who is an American citizen and holds Pakistan's PP too. He did apply for Visa in jan 2014, it took 8 weeks to get his visa. Reason they told was, it has to go to India and ministry has to give nod after verification.

It would be true even if he didn't have a Pakistani PP. Anyone from Pakistan originally or whose parents or grandparents were from Pakistan will have their visa application sent to the home Ministry for approval (post David Headley).
It would be true even if he didn't have a Pakistani PP. Anyone from Pakistan originally or whose parents or grandparents were from Pakistan will have their visa application sent to the home Ministry for approval (post David Headley).

Wat's up dude, long time.
We are afraid that these four are less into snooking and more into sneaking. As far as international reactions go, except Pakistan no one cares.
That used to be the time for any Federal Employee (judges, technocrats and armed forces officers) to enter into any civilian domain, or open their mouths regarding any such subject. Simply put, by law they are gagged for 2.5 years after retirement.

What's the significance of 2.5 years?

Meri jan, I'm well versed in our laws. What I said is the constitution of Pakistan. Did you know that by law, even the COAS has a lower standing than a HC judge? You didn't. Did you?

Thumbs down. :tdown:

These military guys are Pakistanis too. And probably the few that pay taxes. They should have their right to have a say.

It wasn't us saving Pakistanis from floods, but PA.

Have some shame.
It would be true even if he didn't have a Pakistani PP. Anyone from Pakistan originally or whose parents or grandparents were from Pakistan will have their visa application sent to the home Ministry for approval (post David Headley).
Welcome back Bang lore, hope everything is in order!
Yet another half assed decision by the GoI. Sports and entertainment suffers because of our stupid policies aimed at screwing over each other. :(

indians have indeed small hearts , it is visible in the every aspect of their life , when they eat also they eat in small metal pans and they give the same small amount to their guests also

It's obvious that you aren't worthy of my response, but I'll oblige anyway ...

... Here it is : :sarcastic: Sure whatever helps you sleep better at night. Don't bother talking about hospitality when you haven't experienced it for yourself. Stupid comments like yours would only be entertained in a sub-par forum like this one, while anywhere else, both online, and in the real world, you'd be laughed at publicly. How typically self absorbed are some of you? Seriously.
Come back n cry abt it when Pakistanis stop the friendship bus.. Protes infront of it, try to harm the passengers,burn dozens (over hundred) alive in trains n vandalise art exhibitions n attack indian sportsmen n artists n so on.
Pakistani's have already tried to kill the Sri Lankan sportsmen.

Thus no one wants to go there in the first place. There is a reason why no noteworthy international event happens in Pakistan. If it did happen, Pakistani's would try to kill those people too - just like how polio drop nurses are killed.

Get the message conveyed?
Pakistani's have already tried to kill the Sri Lankan sportsmen.

Pakistanis died protecting them from terrorists... Indians burnt Pakistanis alive in buses? Where serving ind army officer was also involved.

Thus no one wants to go there in the first place. There is a reason why no noteworthy international event happens in Pakistan. If it did happen, Pakistani's would try to kill those people too - just like how polio drop nurses are killed.

Get the message conveyed?

Usual bitching ... Go attack artists, sportsmen, give em acid to drink n dance,cry n burn flags infront of frnd ship buses.. Or vandalise art exhibitions ?? Or rape tourists.

We are afraid that these four are less into snooking and more into sneaking. As far as international reactions go, except Pakistan no one cares.

Yeah snooker championship players r spies... Still a better accusation n spy pigeons,planets n camels... Lmao @ India.
Pakistanis died protecting them from terrorists... Indians burnt Pakistanis alive in buses? Where serving ind army officer was also involved.
Im sorry, but unless you missed the memo, those attacking the Sri Lankan sportsmen were Pakistani in nationality. Or is this one conspiracy of the 'kufr'? 'yahoodis' pretending to be momins attacked the Lankans.

Usual bitching ... Go attack artists, sportsmen, give em acid to drink n dance,cry n burn flags infront of frnd ship buses.. Or vandalise art exhibitions ?? Or rape tourists.
Usual Pakistani denial.

Bottomline - Pakistani's attacked the Lankan sportsmen - with RPG's! And you presume other international events will be held there! Good..keep dreaming about 'small hearts' and 'large hearts'
Im sorry, but unless you missed the memo, those attacking the Sri Lankan sportsmen were Pakistani in nationality. Or is this one conspiracy of the 'kufr'? 'yahoodis' pretending to be momins attacked the Lankans.

Usual anti muslim rant.. Typin in kufr,yindu n other retarded nonsense trying to look kewl .. Pathetic failure...grow up.
P.S : troll..,the attackers also had Central Asians in their ranks...the mastermind in jail...our cops died defending the Sri Lankans ...

Usual Pakistani denial.

Bottomline - Pakistani's attacked the Lankan sportsmen - with RPG's! And you presume other international events will be held there! Good..keep dreaming about 'small hearts' and 'large hearts'

Usual shameless troll .. We got terrorism.. We accept .. U got the pathetic indian mentality .. Accept tht.. I've already showed you the mirror .. Keep whining.

India refuses to issue visa to Pakistan snooker players | Page 5

Raping,killing tourists, burning ppl alive, mutilating tourists for ringing some bell, vandalism, attacking, assaultin n threatening tourists... Heck mobs groping cnn journalist while she was covering a terrorist attack .. What a pathetic ppl.
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