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India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

Hindustan Vehicle Factory produced Main Battle Tank is Joint Produced with Arab League.

Total of 2200 MBT Vijayanta were produced by Hindustan Vehicle Factory till production discontinued in 1983.

Check info about Egyptian Main Battle Tank !!!

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Arab league? They had absolutely nothing to do with the Vickers MBT/vijayanta. Its a British tank through and through. The only thing that could be linked to the Vickers mbt and the Arabs would be the Al Jahra MBT which was a Vickers mk1 but with changes to some of its filters to better suit it to desert combat. These were sold to Kuwait. Also why are you showing a pic of an Egyptian T62?
The vijayanta mbt is a licensed copy of the British Vickers Mk1 MBT. It being a good looking tank is debatable, but its performance isn't as good as you think compared to other tanks at time. I mean come on, India did not make this tank. They just had the rights to manufacture it just like with the folland gnat.
India hasn’t made a competent tank in 2022, that should say enough about how capable they were of doing it back in the 70s. The Al-Khalid-1 makes any tank in the Indian armored fleet look like a joke, regardless of where it was made.

India has more than enough money, minds and industry to make a good modern MBT, but they just can’t get it right, and explaining why would take me far too many words than I want to type.
i wish India had not reacted stating every nation has right to protect itself and undermined F16 as threat to our security..but it seems we are still afraid of F16.
So for Pakistan the deals about SU30, Rafale , for choppers etc not a national security issues!!
The reports says that JF17 III woulld be at par with F 16 capability and in BVR could exceed it. You looking at the wrong place my friend, now you have to content with J10s too. So the threats are increasing despite India burning billions trying to compete. Where are the prize "Indigenius" products!!
Mothers in Rome told their kids to go to sleep or else Hannibal would come. In India, mothers tell their kids to sleep, or a PAF F-16 will be in the air. Here we wonder why they soil their Doti's as adults.
India ne bahut galat kiya. India should have requested US to supply better weapons and upgrade the F-16s too.

How can one country try and stop weapons supply to it’s adversary?
Yeh bhi koi baat hui?
India hasn’t made a competent tank in 2022, that should say enough about how capable they were of doing it back in the 70s. The Al-Khalid-1 makes any tank in the Indian armored fleet look like a joke, regardless of where it was made.

India has more than enough money, minds and industry to make a good modern MBT, but they just can’t get it right, and explaining why would take me far too many words than I want to type.

There are no call center or tech scams to build mbts or modern fighter jets or else Indians would be number 1. Indians are great at copying designs and memorizing items later attempting to pass it off on their own.

Lack of critical thinking skills are evident in the whole indian subcontinent. Thus while you have desis overseas who are top knotch scientist and engineers unfortunately you will find very little in subcontinent.
Arab league? They had absolutely nothing to do with the Vickers MBT/vijayanta. Its a British tank through and through. The only thing that could be linked to the Vickers mbt and the Arabs would be the Al Jahra MBT which was a Vickers mk1 but with changes to some of its filters to better suit it to desert combat. These were sold to Kuwait. Also why are you showing a pic of an Egyptian T62?

Yes, Arab League - Member Countries !!!

ALH Ind Tribe are innovative. You know the Truth !!!

Why would Indian Kingship will Collaborate with United Kingdom ???

Union of India - Establishment Authority Central Powers are Religious Hindu Clanships !!!

Indians doesn't have to explain anything about Wider Relations with Arab League !!!
Yes, Arab League - Member Countries !!!

ALH Ind Tribe are innovative. You know the Truth !!!

Why would Indian Kingship will Collaborate with United Kingdom ???

Union of India - Establishment Authority Central Powers are Religious Hindu Clanships !!!

Indians doesn't have to explain anything about Wider Relations with Arab League !!!
What in the actual f*ck?
The fact that the USA has refused to see the relationship only in the framework/prism of "terrorism", shows you how little the USA - Pakistan relationship is worth .... it is worth shit unless it is seen through the eyes of econonmic/trading and technology transfer ...... but we all know that is soley reserved for India ...
Try telling that to the Army brats, they are orgasming just at the sight of potential inconsequential bones thrown to them by their mai baap uncle Sam after all these years.
No cap you are the most cryptic mf on this forum rn. What in the heck are you saying?

No one is interested what you say !!!

Your IP has already been tracked, just think about your existence now !!! Indians should stop everything , Yew Pagans will cease to exist !!!
i wish India had not reacted stating every nation has right to protect itself and undermined F16 as threat to our security..but it seems we are still afraid of F16.
This doesn't mean we are afraid of something.... I agree F16 with AMARAAM is a threat and currently the most advanced fighter jet in South Asia but now J10 with PL series and AESA radar is even bigger threat....

but so what?? every country tries her best to see her enemy is not armed further....

Some years back I remember of coming across an article how America was crying and was concerned about Hugo Chavez Venezuela brought some AK47 rifles from Russia.... does it seriously mean America is scared to AK47???

There are so many factors behind such concerns or protest.... most importantly if we don't protest then America may take us for granted and will enjoy business and clout over both India and Pakistan..... this deal isn't giving them any new weapons but even on such a small deal if we show our concern then maybe (not surely) there are chances they will think over again and again for selling something advance in future.....

So there is no need to jump childishly on a conclusion we are afraid of F16.... from military point of view it's dangerous machine but here try to understand the depth of diplomacy being played....
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