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India pursuing independent foreign policy: Chinese daily


india is a stooge of the west. washington directly controls india. india has no, i repeat, NO independent foreign policy. india has been following orders from the americans from day 1. india has no independence or spine.

when washington says comes to 'friends of syria' conference, india follows the orders of their white masters.
when washington says 'look east', india follows the orders from the white man. when the white man says jump, india says how high. how can you have independence when the white man said, you indians will adopt our political system, our legal system, our education system, our language, indians said 'yes my master'.

india was a puppet for the british for 100 years and now a puppet of the americans.
india will forever be a puppet.

people's daily is just being diplomatic.
everyone aroud the world knows, india is a western colony.

Regarding the bolded part, I think you actually meant your deeper than ocean freind Pakistan. All that you said better applies to them than India.
Independent. Wow!! Cant grab Hafiz Saeed from Pakistan. For that they have to suck up to US who blunders it big time. If their foreign policy was independent, they would not have involved US in their clown games.

We outsource the work to USA that is they have issued bounty on him. You have been sucking up since 1950's now they are kicking you between your legs and China has started squeezing your balls and at the end you will be left alone nobody to turn to. It is the future of geopolitics and get used to it. I can also speak to you over local radio programme in Toronto area if you wish so. All your radio shows spit the poison about India all the time . You need to clean up your house before worrying about foreign policy of India.
Dont make me to tell it openly why chinese are kissing indian butt but I am sure you do know the fundamental principle of lubrication to reduce friction....:rofl: :rofl:

It is your experience and that is how you found the purpose of lubrication. They found the real colour of Pakistani higher than mountain friendship after becoming the victim of terrorists trained in the land of failed state of terrorist camps.

Now they have to look towards India and bow for friendship. I do not think you guys are capable of understanding the game of geopolitics due to preoccupation with India centric failed policy of the last over 60 years.
okkk then u wanna fight it again. our hdi is higher than urz and ur hdi is going down by 21% since last 5 yrs

Who cares, 70% of your country is still in poverty

Our literacy is 50% while your literacy is 70%.
Do you even know what a foreign policy is? Your foreign policy is controlled by the USA.
Do you even know what a foreign policy is? Your foreign policy is controlled by the USA.

if it was dictated by usa my frnd, why will we be more close to soviet union and iran. yaar tu kyon fuddu baatein karta hai.
if it was dictated by usa my frnd, why will we be more close to soviet union and iran. yaar tu kyon fuddu baatein karta hai.

Why would you be setting up consulates in Afghanistan? Why would you hate China?

Reason is, your foreign policy is dictated by the USA.
Hafeez Sayed is 1)a man who has been declared by the UN security council as a terrorist....And pakistan cant act against him
2) the guy just defied the law recently by having a public meeting in Islamabad and you guys could do nothing about it . heck the Islamabad police were afraid the the punjab police guarding Hafeez would open fire at them if they tried to arrest him
3)the US has set a bounty on Hafeez .This does not mean that India is trying to Suck up to the US rather its the other way around.

@ airmarshal - your great nation cannot arrest him inside your own country and you take pride in that bastard. your country does nothing within your country to gather proof against him and you ask everyone else for proof. Then allow us to enter and investigate inside to your country...we will provide you with all the proof you need and put your incompetant and terror supporting agencies to shame

now since Pakistan based terrorists started entering China...it has come to realize the it too is gonna be having trouble with Pakistan's terror camps and is now coming to understand that even it is gonna face a terror threat irrespective of being a friend of Pakistan....

Actually their law and order situation is so rotten that recently two robbers in a Lahore posh colony robbed a lady who was in her car that too happened in front or near the house of In-laws of I.G. of police they were present guarding the house they did not catch or stop robbers. So how can you expect their law enforcement people to apprehend known terrorist.

You have made a very valid point that China is finally waking up to the reality on the ground regarding the consequences of supporting a failed terrorist state which has become the beggars bowl of the world. Even Pakistanis overseas are ashamed of being called Pakistanis.
Btw, punjabimunda, you have lots of alternate accounts. Can't you serve your ban?

Actually their law and order situation is so rotten that recently two robbers in a Lahore posh colony robbed a lady who was in her car that too happened in front or near the house of In-laws of I.G. of police they were present guarding the house they did not catch or stop robbers. So how can you expect their law enforcement people to apprehend known terrorist.

You have made a very valid point that China is finally waking up to the reality on the ground regarding the consequences of supporting a failed terrorist state which has become the beggars bowl of the world. Even Pakistanis overseas are ashamed of being called Pakistanis.

Lol Indians talking about begging bowl... Everyday on TV a white child has to look at an ad about Indian poverty and how to donate.

Some light colored Indians are so embarresed calling themselves Indians that they call themselves Persian :azn:
Why would you be setting up consulates in Afghanistan? Why would you hate China?

Reason is, your foreign policy is dictated by the USA.

loll we hate china, they are one of our biggest traders and consulates in afghan are for development there and supporting bla. thet doesnt mean we r being dictated by usa. XD
loll we hate china, they are one of our biggest traders and consulates in afghan are for development there and supporting bla. thet doesnt mean we r being dictated by usa. XD

So you're saying you don't hate China? Doesn't seem like it from the comments from Indians here.

Um, you can't suport BLA from so far away. :rofl:
India pursuing independent foreign policy..so? unless it wants go back have a$$ kissing with formal colonial master...:lol:
Add some honey into Indian's curry doesn't Change anything to the recipe...cost China nothing to say it anyway...certainly not the way Indians here imagine that we did that at the expense of Paksitan.

Don't forget what is Pakistan now was part of same colony till two countries were formed. Reading about historical facts will increase your credibility instead of destroying it. About adding honey, I would like to say adding China as reliable friend, sweeter than honey, higher than mountain and deeper than oceans as a friend of Pakistan does not change the mindset of religious terrorist but if they gain foothold in China it will change CCP and PLA outlook of your Government towards Pakistan. So be careful what you write on this post because my pen is mightier than sword and cut your posts into pieces.

We dont care what you say in your newspaper about our internal and foreign policy as long as you stay out of it. Again a suggestion go read the history of India's policy with her neighbours for the last 64 years. Most of those years it was non-aligned only now we have to change due to the changes taking place on the ground.

I am going off topic and have a question for members from China. How many of your nationals working in India have been kidnapped or murdered compared to Pakistan? Than you decide your priorities in formulating foreign policy towards her neighbour's.
Well atleast China doesn't have terrorists trained in slums of India a 4th world country

Training of terrorist your nation's work and now general public is paying the price for that. Instead of owing up to it shameless people boast about it thus driving into hole along with them. Which index in the world you are looking at to say Bharatvarsh is 4th world country? Our foreign reserves stand at over $290 billion and going up where as yours has been sliding down the slopes. It is time to wake up and save your nation from oblivion.
You could use your foreign reserves to get your nation of of poverty?
loll i dont know how ignorant these pakistanis can be?? we have been shouting since long that our policy doesnt depend on anone. we dont give a phuck, we take our interest and then kick them in the ***. even china has now realized that, but these ppl will never cozz i guess their entire country is nothing but a backyard of us where they fire drones iinstead of playing paintball. loll and say we r proxy of usa :rofl:. we refused all their offfers for defence tech. even though we signed the nuclear deal with them but didnt let the america to enter our market even after 5 yrs. reason nuclear deal was just to lift all other trade restrictions on us as a leverage for it, cant u guys see anything. we re getting uranium from australia. we will kick america in the *** too the day we get ahead of them. 25 yrs more thats it. wait and watch.

You could use your foreign reserves to get your nation of of poverty?

ok so so how do we invest in infra, science, drdo, defence, space, debt problems. thanks mr economist.

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