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India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

You are surely mistaken if you think that Allah/ Christian God = God in Hinduism. There is a world of difference. This is the kind of ignorance which allows others to claim that in Hinduism, everything goes.

If you can, please point out where in the scriptures it says otherwise. Else, hold your peace.
i can debate with you on Budhism/Jainism and Hinduism however, this is a lengthy debate.

Your above post supposed to pacify all those who are against missonaries or conversions.

With respects to Surya Kiran, he is absolutely wrong in what he says in his post.

As for debate, Im sure you dont know the fist thing about Sanatan Dharma, and neither the Hindu posters know the first thing about Islam. So, what is the debate about?
my memory says your style of debate is what I alleged , but since you denied it, I take it for now, let's see how you respond in future threads.
I didn't get your point about my comments in this threads or any other ? you mean agnostic can't comment or have an opinion about religious issues ?

An agnostic can debate and comment on issues but if he starts siding with particular god/s then i doubt his agnostic side :)
And the Indians aare still NOT Happy :)

Well I am very happy... the very fact that they needed to customize their religion to suit Indian tastes... it shows how weak their faith is... it just highlights the fact that they could not find any other way of convincing people to convert to their religion..so t hey adopted India symbolism and Ideal worshiping.
With respects to Surya Kiran, he is absolutely wrong in what he says in his post.

As for debate, Im sure you dont know the fist thing about Sanatan Dharma, and neither the Hindu posters know the first thing about Islam. So, what is the debate about?

come in some other thread and will talk about Sanatan dharma :) as for Hindus wlel i believe majority of them are ignorant about their own religion hence their command over mine is almost zero.

Well I am very happy... the very fact that they needed to customize their religion to suit Indian tastes... it shows how weak their faith... it just highlights the fact that they could not find any other way of convincing people to convert to their religion..so t hey adopted India symbolism and Ideal worshiping.

:) they are already successfully converting many without use of symbolism.
come in some other thread and will talk about Sanatan dharma :) as for Hindus wlel i believe majority of them are ignorant about their own religion hence their command over mine is almost zero.

I agree with you there.
Let me ask you respectfully if you are a Hindu. Because my answer will depend on that.

Yes. By the way, what difference would it have made if I was not a Hindu?

With respects to Surya Kiran, he is absolutely wrong in what he says in his post.

As for debate, Im sure you dont know the fist thing about Sanatan Dharma, and neither the Hindu posters know the first thing about Islam. So, what is the debate about?

Would you please point out where I went wrong? It would be nice to hear your point of view on the topic.
come in some other thread and will talk about Sanatan dharma :) as for Hindus wlel i believe majority of them are ignorant about their own religion hence their command over mine is almost zero.

Ahh.. the arrogance of a Muslim Pakistani...or should I say a Pakistani Muslim we have seen that.... "We are better than Hindus, even at knowing their religion"

:) they are already successfully converting many without use of symbolism.

Here is something that you need to read: List of converts to Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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We are doing our share of damage to their religion. it a knife that cuts both ways.
And do you think it's a bad thing if such a figure come up in future ?

Well if Kerala Christians can accept Virgin Mary in slightly dark shade dressed in a Mundum Neriyathium, who am I to complain?...I just wanted to point out that Kerala Christians, who is supposedly the most literate and prosperous X'ian community in India and their community leaders doesn't felt the need to make Virgin Mary or Jesus Indian... why is that some bishop in Jharkand felt the need to so?
i can debate with you on Budhism/Jainism and Hinduism however, this is a lengthy debate.

Your above post supposed to pacify all those who are against missonaries or conversions.

Could you please point out the parts where I am wrong? Else, you are jsut running away from a debate :)

edit - am stepping out for couple of hrs. so will reply back if you reply by evening.

Yes. By the way, what difference would it have made if I was not a Hindu?

Would you please point out where I went wrong? It would be nice to hear your point of view on the topic.

Can I first ask you how you came to this conclusion. Since there are different religions, it would be a natural presumption that the components of each was distinct. But you made an assertion that Allah / Christian god = God in Hinduism, so please tell me where you found this equation.

The reason I asked if you were a Hindu was because then you could at least be expected to know the basics of the religion. And if you are not I may have to start at a lower level.
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