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India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

"Can you ban missionaries ? Can you get away with laws banning conversions even if these are at free will?"
Evangelizing should be banned.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...-virgin-mary-baby-jesus-12.html#ixzz2YogVwXTj
We all know that. The question is when India/Indians are themself responsible for the conversions then why accuse missionaries in the first place?

The onus is on?

Can you ban missionaries ? Can you get away with laws banning conversions even if these are at free will?

This is the exact headline of BBC news. So NO there is no reason to change the actual headline of the news
Clamp down completely on the incentivization of evangelical faiths. Its not difficult. The will needs to be there. Yes they will find loopholes, so be on your toes and keep blocking them. Do that and the conversions will dry up. India is not the West starved for spirituality and culture and some meaning and roots in life. We have had all of that long before the newer evangelical faiths were born. In our country being poor is the issue, not being a dalit.
We all know that. The question is when India/Indians are themself responsible for the conversions then why accuse missionaries in the first place?

The onus is on?

You are changing your stand according to your convinence.. First you blamed Hindu religion weak enough that people convert to other religion.. I was pointing that it was not because of Hinduism but because of the negligence of the government this kind of things happened.. I agree that we Indians have collective responsibility for all these but its just plain wrong that some one try to flourish their religion exploiting peoples poverty and hunger..

Can you ban missionaries ? Can you get away with laws banning conversions even if these are at free will?

Forceful conversion should a big no in every countries.. You just cannot blame every missionaries for the act of some.. There are plenty of Priests and Missionaries here who are doing many charity works with out asking for conversion or any favor...A country like India which have different religions and culture, people should learn to respect other religions.. You just cannot go on and insult other religion because your view point does not agree with their view points..I am in favor of banning conversion with out the free will of a person..
Though its not a issue for a social protest, Christian missionaries are targeting well. Tribal regions, anywhere, and they are there.
I support the good deeds, they are doing socially, and it should be welcomed, but however attempts like this for conversion, and many such tactics like showing wooden cross floating on water, when a rock hindu statue, sinks to fool the tribals must be stopped.
its time everyone come to their senses.
Post reported.

why ? what's wrong with it?

They only preach peacefully. If there are proofs that Christians are converting Hindus through force then you are justified.

There is also no denying that Western churches are invovled, Missionaries are involved but again they can question your religious philosphy wherein you claim that Hinduism is not a religion but way of life and can have many gods.

We are very very clear about our religion. We have defined rules whether you like or not we do belief in absolute repsect for our Prophet (PBUH), so we react to any stupid attempt.

If Christians want to see Mary in their local traditional dress than how its hurting you?

You misread my post.. I meant that the reaction of Hindus to this is incorrect..
Did jesus look like that? Did he even look like the jeff lebowski representation given all throughout christian times? I cannot comment on that.. heck I dont know...and in my view neither do many. It not my place to comment on these great men.. that being said. the intentions of the people that did do so.. I can tell you.
I still see nothing wrong with it as such apart from theological differences that I as Muslim do not agree with in representation of Prophets in facial features. Its a basic attempt to have people relate to Jesus... as to bring them into an alien concept through what they can accept easier.
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