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India progress impresses Pak Punjab C M Shahbaz

Power can be supplied from northern grid in matter of few months... punjab is not very far from our border.

what incentive do the INdians have to do this none I imagine, the day the Indians give electricity Pakistan is the day you guys are going to be chest thumping not only on pdf but outside as well declaring you won and Pakistan is subservient now etc....So I would rather face load shedding than Indian chauvinism, I am sure I am not alone in the sentiment
what incentive do the INdians have to do this none I imagine, the day the Indians give electricity Pakistan is the day you guys are going to be chest thumping not only on pdf but outside as well declaring you won and Pakistan is subservient now etc....So I would rather face load shedding than Indian chauvinism, I am sure I am not alone in the sentiment
I think we supply water to you .. as well as burnol... he he.. just kidding.. :sick:
I want it to be supplied only if we have spare capacity and you pay the price that our industries pay. No free lunch, we dont suffer from big heart syndrome.
what incentive do the INdians have to do this none I imagine,
more revenue for our surplus power in nearby grids, further impetus on power generation.
the day the Indians give electricity Pakistan is the day you guys are going to be chest thumping not only on pdf but outside as well declaring you won and Pakistan is subservient now etc....
are the opinions of a few indian trolls that valuable to you? or the Pakistani ego so fragile?
what incentive do the INdians have to do this none I imagine, the day the Indians give electricity Pakistan is the day you guys are going to be chest thumping not only on pdf but outside as well declaring you won and Pakistan is subservient now etc....So I would rather face load shedding than Indian chauvinism, I am sure I am not alone in the sentiment

You talk like frog in a well!!....The return will out shine the chest thumping anyway!...and what will really happen if few of us thump our chest, who cares, the common Pakistani or the common Indian?

Let go of Ego, its the worst enemy of development.
You talk like frog in a well!!....The return will out shine the chest thumping anyway!...and what will really happen if few of us thump our chest, who cares, the common Pakistani or the common Indian?

Let go of Ego, its the worst enemy of development.

Agreed mate, common sense dictates ignoring egos but the fact is that it would also be strategically wrong in the long term, imagine Pakistan relying on Indian electricity which may be cut off during any minor conflict of interests and inorder to secure the electricity reliably Pakistan would have to be subservient to Indian policies, I dont want to paint India in a bad picture but that is the reality mate, such a deal cold only occur in a perfect world in which nations did not play dirty, unfortunately we live no where near a perfect world....Peace
India faced peak power deficit of over 12,000 MW in 2012-13 - Economic Times

India to see 6.7 per cent power supply shortage this fiscal - Economic Times

Sir, I think India is in no position to be giving electricity to Pakistan, it should first consolidate its own power needs before truning to exports...:coffee:

If India plans to export electricity to Pakistan , it means the Western Grid most probably has a surplus production and it is much more easier to export to Pakistan which is next door than to say Southern Grid or North East Grid .
Ibris bhai

you talk like Pakistan can put a kunda on INdian power lines, like many of us do in Karachi.


Real trade takes time, effort and money.

Many of you sit in US/UK/Canada etc. and do not know how Punjabi industrialists in Pakistan are making agreements with INdian counterparts.

Please avoid comments unless you know something for sure.


sai gal aa bai,,,pata nai ehna nu kuch

both punjabs have same culture,sports,language,terrain

almost everything is ditto same and ppl are very happy to meet each other.
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