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India-Pakistan Standoff September 2016 - Member opinions

Go ahead. I'm all ears.

India and Pakistan, not "needing" war as against India "wanting" war. It is the later which is being discussed and in relation to that, what should Pakistan's next steps be.

I understand your frustration with the fundamentalist mindset and agree with you. However, it seems that the Indian political leadership and their appeasing military chiefs have been put in a corner by their public and media, which are demanding military strikes, which we all feel, will only escalate into a war.

I think some war or a conflict is coming.Per my sources two hours ago (consider it direct from Gen. Raheel's desk), the AWACS have been ordered to be on patrol 24 hours, with multiple squadrons are on stand-by for intercept (meaning cockpit alert) and deployed to key locations close to the borders.

The orders are: the second anything crosses the international border (referring to the surgical strikes obviously), there would be an independent counter attack (currently on stand-by), and will be independently initiated, irrespective of the outcome of the incoming attack.

The straight forward order is, when the news hit the media, it shouldn't just read "India surgical striked Pakistan", it should say "Both, India and Pakistan did surgical strikes on each other pretty much at the same time, but Pakistan responded right away to the first surgical strike made by India".

Where is the world going? This is such a poor area with over a billion humans lives at risk. This craziness has a serious chance of gong out of control. Calm down people, I like visiting India and Pakistan!!
About the predictions of ghazwahind etc in separate subject which i couldnt post there and directed here.

You cant base your policies on predictions we would have more support from countries like China if we direct towards Truth and walk with thoughts and logic.

That being said prediction as its name implies is not a certain event. It is not a static future as there are infininite possibilities-knowledge all at the same time. Even the person has high level of consciousness and sees probabilities with higher weight like what is coming at you it shouldnt be accepted as it is but seen as a possibility after rational thinking and if makes sense take precautions just like everone elses predictions.

Your certainity hard work-resistance determines what is actually revealed from these possibilities like zapping a tv channel. So you have responsibility unlike fatalistic interpretations destroying the excersize of will.

This Ayat directs that not a static outcome exist in my opinion. 17-74
"and had we not made you stand firm you would nearly have inclined to them a little"
Here is the reality as we stand today
  • Kashmir is declared disputed territory between India and Pakistan.
True. Any resolution of the dispute is between Pakistan and India, bilaterally, by treaty.

  • Fate of Kashmir is to be decided by Kashmirs by undergoing a plebiscite.
Subject to conditions being met, which have not been met, and which have made the original offer obsolete.

  • Indian authority over Kashmir is nothing more than facilitating this plebiscite and that too under UN observers.
Obsolete. Conditions for holding the plebiscite were not met. Blame the idiots who did not meet the conditions, not India.

  • As per constitution of India - Kashmir is not part of India.

  • As per High court of Kashmir it is illegal to Kashmir an Atoot Ang.
Wrong. The High Court was set up by the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. What the Constitution says supersedes anything else.

  • As per hears and minds of Kashmirs, they are Pakistanis.
Really? Tough luck.

  • As per hearts and minds of Indians, they too have silently accepted this and here in the forum, you'll find them speechless and out of arguments.
I don't remember being speechless or out of arguments on any one of hundreds of occasions when silly little people have raised this. Perhaps you have been talking to your equivalents among the Indian members.

With above learned and understood, bring out your piece of paper and read it and tell yourself how distant from reality you are. You may want to show this document to Indian PM who is out of every option and is preparing for a final fight over Kashmir before it finally loses it.

Read the Indian Independence Act, 1947, and the Instrument of Accession, 1947, and pipe down. If you find it difficult to read these, get them read out to you.

India is a terrorist state and exposed as such.

Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists.

Where did you get that mythical figure?

what he needs to highlight is that india has elected a known criminal (on banned US list for communal violence against muslims). and this criminal is now taking whole south asia to point of no return. he is interfering in Baluchistan, which is an undisputed territory, thus making undisputed indian territories fair game for us. he is interfering in Afghanistan and trying to entice violence. he has imposed a curfew in Kashmir which is now running into third month, with hundreds dead and thousands injured.. his is enticing media to create a war hype, bravado and chest thumping and now is threatening direct military attack on Pakistan... and that THERE ARE LIMITS TO OUR PATIENCE WITH THIS JOKER. that s all he needs to say

Are you referring to the same person who has been received in the White House?
Pakistanis, time to show what you got....Strike so fast and hard that Indians will be in shock and awe......

All the best to offensive corps of Pakistan Army and Pakistan Airforce....
I never said India would kill its own soldiers, in fact it's quite the opposite of what I believe.

My stance is that this attack was not planned in Pakistan, nor did anyone cross the LoC from the Pakistani side to the Indian side; I believe that it was planned within India, by people living within India's side of Kashmir. The unrest in Kashmir was likely the main motivation for the attack, and these types of attacks are likely to increase in number, the longer this situation goes unresolved.

In other words, Pakistan had nothing to do with it, nor was this some sort of Indian false flag operation.

The reason why I believe Pakistan should mention Uri at the UN, is to preempt India, and make sure the world realizes that Pakistan had nothing to do with this attack. No matter how small the chance may be, Pakistan needs to make sure that India cannot try to internationally justify starting a war with Pakistan; Preempting Indian, and speaking about Uri at the UN would actually deescalate the situation, by forcing India to back off.

Thank you for small mercies, but nobody in Kashmir speaks Pushto.

As for the rest, it is naive of those who think that there will be immediate retaliation.

Pakistanis, time to show what you got....Strike so fast and hard that Indians will be in shock and awe......

All the best to offensive corps of Pakistan Army and Pakistan Airforce....

Friendly advice (it's also free :D) - DON'T hold your breath!
Where is the world going? This is such a poor area with over a billion humans lives at risk. This craziness has a serious chance of gong out of control. Calm down people, I like visiting India and Pakistan!!

Hence both the countries (more so, Pakistan) need something like Kashmir to exist eternally, to divert attention from domestic problems whenever it suits them... Creating countries overnight solely on religious and ethnic identities without any proper economic development or potential, can only take you so far in the practical world!
I would ignore the other posters however you are a think tank...so a question ....

Why do think this year UN meeting was so special that we would kill our own soldiers to deflect some attention..is this is the first time large scale protests happened in the valley or people dying due to police actions??...hasn't Pakistan gone to all corners for the same already?? ....I mean how idiotic it would sound if i have to say that Pakistan faked terror attacks so as to show the world that she is a victim of terrorism to so that she can deflect attention from her wrong doings....?? Even with all the bitterness it is very hard for me to claim something like that...how come you think that it was a false flag....in fact are there such instances where country's kill their own soldiers to malign a particular country in a forum which don't even give two hoots about the whole issue for that matter.....

I think you have no idea how world is running.
india is doing what is good for its future embarrassment and stakes are high india is fail to deal with 700 thousands army and Mody is terrorist PM. and he wants to act as macho man..
india have been doing this from long time.. killing Innocent people in samjotha express and calling it Pakistan.. matter fact Pakistan is reason of india's huge population cuz indian just cant find any other excuse to tackle their problems any more.
mody will regret if india try to do anything funny... its very serious game.
Pakistanis, time to show what you got....Strike so fast and hard that Indians will be in shock and awe......

All the best to offensive corps of Pakistan Army and Pakistan Airforce....
Actually India would like that as it will give a legitimate reason for attack. It is history repeating itself. In 1971 Indira Gandhi wanted to attack in May - June but was advised to hold for some time. Pakistan obliged by attacking India and then we retaliated
Jets are flying over Islamabad . . .

Guys any updates
Friendly advice (it's also free :D) - DON'T hold your breath!

:-).....What can I say? U are king....

Actually India would like that as it will give a legitimate reason for attack. It is history repeating itself. In 1971 Indira Gandhi wanted to attack in May - June but was advised to hold for some time. Pakistan obliged by attacking India and then we retaliated

It is in India's interest to divert attention from IOK.....So, it will be India who will fire the first shot, Pakistanis will return the fire...
All i read in this whole article the chest beating by my Indian friends. Screw UN it was made to safeguard there interest and keep an upper hand in the world by the westren thugs and their fellow. UN is like a criminal organization which tends to act all noble and just when it comes to them but we all have seen in the past that they have failed miserably to stop any war originated by USA. UN will act according to there leaders demand.
everyone should feel sorry for the loss of human life because before we are Pakistan/Indian Muslim/Hindu we are human being. one should ask what will be going through the families of 17 soldiers who have died in URI but on the same hand Indians brother should also feel the pain of Kashmirs because in the end its all politics and we all here are just wasting our time.
Hence both the countries (more so, Pakistan) need something like Kashmir to exist eternally, to divert attention from domestic problems whenever it suits them... Creating countries overnight solely on religious and ethnic identities without any proper economic development or potential, can only take you so far in the practical world!

Well ......is it really Pakistan that has more poverty or India? Pakistan may be smaller and weaker in terms of the economy, but in India, over 700 million people don't have proper bathrooms, sanitation cookware, etc, etc. So doesn't it make sense that India needs Kashmir to keep scaring off the Indian public about Pakistan, so the public won't ask the real questions, as to where are the dozens of billions of dollars.....and why aren't they spent on public welfare??
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