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India/Pakistan one soul, we should unite again

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The two countires should never have been divided for many reasons! but again they both two diff nations now we must live with that fact. Second friendship & peace needs to take place follwed by trade and hands in other fields which can benfit both nations! furthermore, there is no way we can become one now! too late for that but its still not too late to shake hands and live in peace and in frienship.... it was the damn british that did all this too us made us fight each other hate each other kill each other .. & now we are at that state with so many years passed & passing we are still hating and wanting to kill each other. I sure hope peace will come soon to our region so both our nations people can live in peace & in happiness GOD bless.
Notice its always indians saying Pakistan and India should be one country and never does a Pakistani ever make this ridiculous suggestion.
I will have to agree with Pakistanis here. It is an unfeasible and impractical suggestion.
partition was a very good idea. If it implemented correctly then we wouldn't have these problems now we are facing. The plan was implemented in a hurry thats why all the bloodshed.:hitwall:
Not at all.....it the dumpest thing I ever heard
First of all why do you want India and Pakistan to be united?
Muslims wanted separate identity and land which is the basis for the formation of Pakistan. If that is their wish then be it. Only thing we want is peaceful coexistence.
There are lot of benefits if the differences between India and pakistan are resolved. Trade between the two countries will benefit each other and similarly pakistan can give India access to the oil and gas of central asia.
Do you know why bollywood is popular in pakistan? the reason is pakistanis are culturally more close to Indians than Arabs. Only thing that has to be done is to improve the relations with each other.
The enmity between both countries is hurting each other for long time, Hope peace will prevail in subcontinent.
our enmity has put us on the map...competition brings out the best in you..otherwise we'd have been like Mongolia...agrarian countries with billions to feed...
I am against enmity...but totally for rivalry...
We already have SAARC that provides the ability form a sort of economic union for mutual benefit. That should be a road map. Political union is not going to happen. If it didn't happen with Bangladesh or even with Bhutan why would it happen with Pakistan.
Oh come on!!!!
we dont want open borders and free travels from here to there or vice versa. thats the foolish thing to do today.. It will only help those brain washed grass eating mullah extremists to tress pass in our country and spread extremism.. We already have our problems to resolve , why to increase it by makng foolish decisions .. More over 99% indians except few emotionally drained out ones will not agree to merge with Pakistan and Bagladesh in near future. We are happy with wat we have, and we already have enough in our hands to take care off... Trade is totally different issue.
At last , As most of Indians I am very happy with partition and not going to accept any merging or something else of same kind......
Democracy! the rule of the majority.
So, my dear friend from across the border want to rule us?
We divided for the very reason. We don't want to be ruled by YOU.
And please make it clear. Pakistan is reality and after 60+ years of independence, Pakistan is an Idea living inside us. This is our ONLY identity. This IS what we are. You cannot talk about taking it from us.
Notice its always indians saying Pakistan and India should be one country

only mgmech says it. All other Indians (XiNiX, PlanetWarrior, New Shivaji, DavyJones, third eye, indianrabbit, ambidex, MilesTogo, sandy. mltr, sukhoi_30MKI, EjazR, jeet and me) are refuting him.

Do you think a single mgmech is the representative of whole Indians?
only mgmech says it. All other Indians (XiNiX, PlanetWarrior, New Shivaji, DavyJones, third eye, indianrabbit, ambidex, MilesTogo, sandy. mltr, sukhoi_30MKI, EjazR, jeet and me) are refuting him.

Do you think a single mgmech is the representative of whole Indians?

Exactly but some people are too blind to read the obvious. Now imagine having people like Omar and Jana sharing the same passport with us :blink:

I will definately surrender my Indian passport and accept Botswana citizenship if that has to ever happen :hitwall:
only mgmech says it. All other Indians (XiNiX, PlanetWarrior, New Shivaji, DavyJones, third eye, indianrabbit, ambidex, MilesTogo, sandy. mltr, sukhoi_30MKI, EjazR, jeet and me) are refuting him.

Do you think a single mgmech is the representative of whole Indians?
Xactly....So...plz moderator delete this thread.....
India is progressing and dont want to through axe on his own leg....
by taking stupid ideas of mgmech
mgmech is most probably a Pakistani poster attempting to infuriate the Indian members of this forum with a ridiculous suggestion which will be a nightmare for India
Its time for You Indians to accept that Pakistan is a Reality and partion is a Reality to.

And no we are not one

I feel the seperation of India and Pakistan was best thing to happen. Our population lacks maturity which is need for a country to be governed of that big size. In the event of this happing we will spend most time fighting with each other. In case we had literate population then this would have made sense. The people like you are less then .05% in India but you will leave the impression that India has not accepted Pakistan.

Not at all.....it the dumpest thing I ever heard

Democracy! the rule of the majority.
So, my dear friend from across the border want to rule us?
We divided for the very reason. We don't want to be ruled by YOU.
And please make it clear. Pakistan is reality and after 60+ years of independence, Pakistan is an Idea living inside us. This is our ONLY identity. This IS what we are. You cannot talk about taking it from us.

its about cooperation....its about love...its about loving and supporing each other...just look at UK and US.. its about that...no problem with india/pakistan living separetely...no unification into one country no problem....its more than that...its about realising that we may be living separately but we were one... we should not be divided at heart.... we can be each other's support system in happpiness, in pain....this is what is one soul all about....

its about sharing the great traditions of india/pakistan....sharing each other's joys and success and failure/problems alike... its about helping each other grow and become stronger/prosperous... its about making this place a example/role model for the rest of world in peace and love...its about showing to the world that we the people of india/pakistan are only separeted by boundries but are one at heart and will always be so....
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