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India & Pakistan Ceasefire Violations

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What is togather ??

Who is the real power of Pakistan ? Nawaz ? Zardari ? or PM ? or Mushraf ?

The fact is - most pakistani's are not sure who is in charge!!!!

And about Kabul, your own Prime Minister has agreed to conduct a probe. So lets wait for the result. Or Did you conduct any other probe ?

One month after the bombing, your PM is not sure and agreed to conduct a probe. What does that mean ?

Who is in power for India. We are not sure either.

Stop posting propaganda. We all know who is in charge. If you are confused that doesn't mean that Pakistanis are confused.

Kabul investigation was ordered because of repeated crying by the puppet Karzai and the Indian government. Since India had no prove or evidence other than the usual "everyday sneezing" accusations.

As far as firing is concerned. Pakistan Army has rarely retaliated and this could be one of them. These kind of incidents have happened in the past and we all know who the real culprit is behind these fires.
"The Pakistani army wants to dispel any impression that its authority has been weakened after the restoration of democracy," said a senior army officer.

Ohh come on what BS is this.:disagree: The professionalism shown by General Kayani and the way he has kept the army out of politics, has never ever been done in the history of Pakistan. Same stands for the ISI. You Indians have nothing else left then to blame Pakistan for everything. India is the one that is committing cross border violations, we just respond to it and every time Pakistan lays a protest, India puts all the blame on us.
Pak troops fire at Indian positions in Jammu

New Delhi, Aug 15 (PTI) As India celebrated its Independence Day, Pakistani troops fired mortars and rockets at Indian Army and Border Security Force (BSF) positions at two places in forward areas of Jammu region today, marking yet another ceasefire violation.:disagree:
The two incidents took place within an hour of each other along the international border at R S Pura in Jammu sector and the Line of Control at Mandi in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir, according to Army sources here.

With the two incidents being reported, the number of violations of the November 2003 ceasefire agreement with India by Pakistan Army since January this year has reached 24. PTI

Link please.

Thanks for the I-Day Gift Pakistan! (Or should I say Pakistan Army?):tsk:

Why did you forget that we also released your fishermen today. Or is just that you guys only like to remember the bad image of Pakistan in order to keep the hatred alive.
I think it is just the personal hatred shown by the Indian members here. Indians will tend to believe their government despite of no proofs or evidence against the ISI, even where it might not have been involved.

Pak calibrating LoC stunts

If Jammu and Kashmir is in ferment over the Amarnath temple land transfer issue, the border there is not exactly calm either. Ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops along the Line of Control (LoC) have been taking place with increasing frequency lately - there have been 21 of them this year. The total number of such incidents in the four years before 2008 - ever since the ceasefire agreement was signed in November 2003 - were fewer.

Why is this happening? It is an instance of 'calibrated mischief' by the Pakistani army brass to 'reassert its power', say military intelligence officials.

"The Pakistani army wants to dispel any impression that its authority has been weakened after the restoration of democracy," said a senior army officer.

With the political establishment led by Prime Minister Gilani equally keen to emphasize its position, there is every likelihood of minor skirmishes along the LoC continuing regularly in future.

But the Pakistani army will be careful not to take its adventurism to such lengths that it boomerangs. The intention is not to start a war with India, and burn its fingers again. Defence minister A.K. Antony asserted last month that the Indian Army was fully prepared to deal with any border violations firmly.

"The firing is not of such intensity as to warrant massive retaliation from our side," observed another officer.

However, there is one ominous implication in these firings. Their frequency has increased in June and July, which is the end of summer and just the time of year when infiltration into Kashmir peaks. Are the violations a message as well from the Pakistani army to the infiltrators, saying in effect: 'don't worry, whatever may happen in Islamabad, we are still behind you'? Are the border violations cover fire to enable militants to slip into India?

An aggressive stance on the LoC helps the Pakistani army cultivate an image of being a champion of the Azad Kashmir cause. And it is certainly betting on this image to score brownie points with jehadi elements and radical Islamic groups back home.
© Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times
I don't understand how Pak army is reasserting itself in Pakistan by mischief with India? :D
What is togather ??

Who is the real power of Pakistan ? Nawaz ? Zardari ? or PM ? or Mushraf ?

The fact is - most pakistani's are not sure who is in charge!!!!

And about Kabul, your own Prime Minister has agreed to conduct a probe. So lets wait for the result. Or Did you conduct any other probe ?

One month after the bombing, your PM is not sure and agreed to conduct a probe. What does that mean ?

Dude quit trolling. Add something constructive to the discussion and not your usual anti Pakistan rant.

India is following the exact same power management pattern that we are. Allow me to explain. PM Singh sb forming a collation government while congress leader Sonia gandhi controls from the back ground, then is your president.

Pakistan, we too have a collation government for the first time so obviously both PP and PML(N) has the say in government but that does not mean that there is a power struggle between them. PM Gillani as the main figure head same as your Singh while party leadership remains with Zardari. Then comes the president who was once the single figure head for Pakistan but not any more and that is why you don't hear him out. Army as i stated against Flintlocks post, is keeping out and General Kayani has done the best job in keeping both the ISI and army out.
So i don't see where the problem lies for India? but then again India is known for creating issues where none actually exists.
As Pakistan has pointed out to Afghanistan, India and the US - if you have evidence, share it

It is extremely dangerous for the region that it continues to follow policies of destabilization in Balochistan.

Hmm, why is that you don't share any proof with us. Dont you think you are contradictiong yourself( as seen from your previous posts too). Every time you accuse India of not sharing the proof in a platter, what about your own nation. You accuse us of abetting terrorism in your soil, fermenting insugency in Balochistan and yet you fail to provide us any proof. No arms catch, no Indian ordinance, no intercepts, no cash transferres that can be traced back to India. AM it works in both ways too.....

Glad you see the flaws in that position.

Hmm, why is that you don't share any proof with us. Dont you think you are contradictiong yourself( as seen from your previous posts too). Every time you accuse India of not sharing the proof in a platter, what about your own nation. You accuse us of abetting terrorism in your soil, fermenting insugency in Balochistan and yet you fail to provide us any proof. No arms catch, no Indian ordinance, no intercepts, no cash transferres that can be traced back to India. AM it works in both ways too.....

I agree that we should share evidence about India's culpability, and per recent reports that evidence has been shared with the US.

However I must point out that Pakistan's accusations have only become sharper in the aftermath of the Indian accusations, and even so we have not held bilateral relations hostage to them, preferring to move ahead on CBM's and developing shared interests as the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability.

So I'd argue that the onus to stop this blame game is on India, since she started it.
Isn't that just another blame game?

We could both stop at the same time - but going by MMS's speech on independence day, doesn't look like the Indian side is interested.

On the other hand I am not aware of any comments by PM Gillani or Musharraf that blamed India for terrorism in Pakistan on our Independence day, despite our concerns and the recent sharing of evidence with the US on that issue.

I'd say we have already taken that step - your turn to tone down the rhetoric.
Well if Manmohan Singh thinks that Pakistan is not doing its bit, then its pretty obvious that it isn't.

I didn't realize he got promoted to be an infallible heavenly deity.

No evidence, no guilt.

Could we do more in the WoT on the Taliban front?

Yes - we agree on that, but that has its own complexities.

So you prefer that India continue the vitriolic rhetoric that it has so far - don't complain about Pakistan's protests over kashmir then.
Well if Manmohan Singh thinks that Pakistan is not doing its bit, then its pretty obvious that it isn't.

Yeah great look who saying it? Pakistan is just doing fine, if Singh thinks we are not doing enough, he can suck it up along with his pet in Afghanistan. We don't give a ****.
dont get frustrated mate singh is a fine gentleman:cool:
'This thread is just jingoism from both sides'
yes i admit that we still inherit our jingoistic forefathers:agree:
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