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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

Interesting thread, with people expressing a wide spectrum of views. If I may add a few, largely inconsequential, points to attempt to repair a bond that was destroyed a mere half century ago. All of us, whether we are Pakistani or Indian, face the same problems in life, have the same fears, revel in the same happiness, yearn for the same dreams, and fall prey to the same superficial hatred built on a facade that would disappear with the slightest bit of introspection.

European powers fought wars longer than the history of the post partition sub continent, yet find themselves in a position of strength based on their collective unity. Pakistan and India have far more in common and far less time apart than our European brethren. Yet we let misunderstanding, a thirst for revenge and the general human folly of falling for the emotionally charged, but largely politically motivated speeches, orated by politicians whose job security depends on a divided subcontinent.

In the end, if we are to have a peaceful and prosperous future, it will be together or it won't be realized at all. I will continue to hope, that one day, the generations that follow us will look back with incredulity at the illogical hate and distance that exists between our nations and will laugh at us in unison.
Interesting thread, with people expressing a wide spectrum of views. If I may add a few, largely inconsequential, points to attempt to repair a bond that was destroyed a mere half century ago. All of us, whether we are Pakistani or Indian, face the same problems in life, have the same fears, revel in the same happiness, yearn for the same dreams, and fall prey to the same superficial hatred built on a facade that would disappear with the slightest bit of introspection.

European powers fought wars longer than the history of the post partition sub continent, yet find themselves in a position of strength based on their collective unity. Pakistan and India have far more in common and far less time apart than our European brethren. Yet we let misunderstanding, a thirst for revenge and the general human folly of falling for the emotionally charged, but largely politically motivated speeches, orated by politicians whose job security depends on a divided subcontinent.

In the end, if we are to have a peaceful and prosperous future, it will be together or it won't be realized at all. I will continue to hope, that one day, the generations that follow us will look back with incredulity at the illogical hate and distance that exists between our nations and will laugh at us in unison.

may it be so.
It took 100 years for France and Britain to come to terms with each other. Compared to them, we are nothing.

Eventually, this will all blow over. A time will come when either we or our successors look back at all this and have a hearty laugh.
a broken bond can not be repaired, but yes we can be distant friends but evolving to the next step requires a lot of sanity and forgiveness. At this time both INDIA and Pakistan lags that sanity.
i agree, peace is the way. but right now there is so much hatred in the avg persons mind for their neighbours...moreso on the indian side. the GOI needs to start portraying pakistanis as people who are like them not monsters. right now there is no exposure to the average Indian in the media of what pakistanis are like. I'm not talking about the ones that moved abroad. but the indian media has painted all pakistanis to be terrorists and to 'look like' terrorists. we have been dehumanized in india. at least show them our dramas and entertainment channels instead of blocking them. they should know that we have the same culture and moderate views. their media is very uniform and lobbyist. they are very solid on many issues involving pak.

in pakistan on the other hand you have a diverse range of views both supporting and against our gov't. the 2nd generation (after partition) is particularly hateful of india and indians after hearing all the partition stories and propaganda. our generation i think largely wants peace. thanks to our open and brash media we do get to see differing points of view... views that are critical of our gov't. we watch indian entertainment. we adore their celebrities. to the avg. pakistani most indians are at least humans.

trade, people-to-people exchange, and resolution of core issues such as kashmir needs to occur for there to be peace. kashmiris on both sides should get their right to self-determination.
All this talk coming out of Pakistan about peace is just a small minority realizing their fate, I believe. Let them continue down their path of destruction till all of Pakistan realizes they have no choice.

Then, we will truly have peace.
Some people have such a morbit fear of peace, of normalcy, of the mere thought of friendship.

Then there is the majority who wants to have peace and normalcy and properity for their kids and future generations.

Haters have had their chance for 6 decades and more. Now is the time for the others.
It took 100 years for France and Britain to come to terms with each other. Compared to them, we are nothing.

Eventually, this will all blow over. A time will come when either we or our successors look back at all this and have a hearty laugh.

Closer to 800.

Hope we turn out to be less stupid. :hitwall:
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