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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

I believe that the Pakistani people will behave much better compared to their Indian counterparts, Perhaps a treason case wont be registered if things do get out of control.

But..............but...........I cant guarantee that the one wearing Indian flag wont be killed and burnt by Ultra religious mob under the supervision of local mullahs.

Thats the point..

The ' Ultra Religious mob' is also Pakistani isnt it ?
In fact, I have absolutely no ill-will for Pakistan or pakistanis. We have relatives in Pakistan but no longer in touch with them. We enjoy listening to our aunts and uncles about their past stories and we do feel if partition could have been avoided. this has nothing to do with politics, just emotions. I first saw my cousin on this site but when i signed up he was banned but I enjoy the topics on this forum and I just hope people maintain the decency and decorum. Not everyone is comfortable with unparliamentary language. I like visiting pakistani websites and interacting with them but what upsets me when they expect me to take a stand against my own nation as if being an Indian tantamount to apostasy. Worst, the hindu fanatics in India have similar feelings that being a muslim means pro-pakistani as against India. But I have no complex, I say what I have to. Thanks.

You should keep coming to PDF and all other forums that you like to, and keep voicing your perspective and looking for solutions and remedies to concerns via negotiation and dialogue that I feel probably you already do, I also agree with you that it is best for us in whatever situations we find ourselves to concentrate on convergences that may be like 90% and not so much on a few random divergences, that probably make a very small proportion.

And there are humans on both sides of border, irrespective of nationalities and faiths, let's be good neighbors and let humanity prevail the day!

Good wishes to you too! Cheers!
Indian muslim love Pakistan that is why 85 % voted in favor of Pakistan in 1940s . & million moved to Pakistan. Many who couldnt move still love Pakistan even after the years of propoganda done by Indian media.

BTW how can u charge them for teason for wearing a Pakistani t-shirt.
Indian muslim love Pakistan that is why 85 % voted in favor of Pakistan in 1940s . & million moved to Pakistan. Many who couldnt move still love Pakistan even after the years of propoganda done by Indian media.

BTW how can u charge them for teason for wearing a Pakistani t-shirt.
Incorrect. We all try to love you. :disagree:
Any one in the streets of lahore wearing pro-India clothing probably will be given a red carpet welcome.
first of we have much bigger hearts then indians.. secondly 85 % of sub continent muslims voted for paksitan.. Obviously many muslims still love pakistan
first of we have much bigger hearts then indians.. secondly 85 % of sub continent muslims voted for paksitan.. Obviously many muslims still love pakistan
first of we have much bigger hearts then indians.. secondly 85 % of sub continent muslims voted for paksitan.. Obviously many muslims still love pakistan
I am sorry,I am not an expert in measuring the hearts of people based on their nationality.Also, Please elaborate the statement in the bold. And,do you know that 180 million muslims,thats 10.9% of total muslims in the world call India their country?
You Pagans won't understand heart of a Muslim. I know Indian media and politicians try to demonize Pakistan. But do you think are Indian Muslims so stupid to beleive you people?

When something bad happens in Pakistan, we feel like something bad happened to us. Hindus start cheering when a bomb goes off in pakistan but we offer condelonces and hope they see good times. If you think only uneducated and poor Muslims support their fellow Muslims, you are mistaken. I personally know many ivy-league graduates who have immense respect for dawood ibrahmin for avenging babri and anti-muslim riots.

The sell-out muslims like @Razia Sultana @acetophenol fortunately form a minority.
Oh yeah,whatever floats your boat baby. You can live in your fantasies thinking that Indian muslims will support Pakistan,which only a meagre minority will.
Oh yeah,whatever floats your boat baby. You can live in your fantasies thinking that Indian muslims will support Pakistan,which only a meagre minority will.
I bet you haven't even stayed outside kerla. I bet you haven't even stepped out of your city/town. Just visit malapurram.
I bet you haven't even stayed outside kerla. I bet you haven't even stepped out of your city/town. Just visit malapurram.
Again,you are just delusional. I am a college going student,staying with my friends. You can imagine the amount of places I've been to. FYI,I am studying a native of Kerala ,studying and staying at TN, and I've visited several places in India,enjoying the hospitality of several good individuals in different parts of India.
I am sorry,I am not an expert in measuring the hearts of people based on their nationality.Also, Please elaborate the statement in the bold. And,do you know that 180 million muslims,thats 10.9% of total muslims in the world call India their country?
In the Constituent Assembly of India elections of 1946, the League won 425 out of 496 seats reserved for Muslims (and about 89.2% of Muslim votes) on a policy of creating an independent state of Pakistan, and with an implied threat of secession if this was not granted.

yeah i know 18 million Muslims live in Hindustan so what kinda point u r trying to prove ? that u have a say there? u live as a minority .. u have to prove ur loyalty occasionally. ur forefathers probablly choose muslim league and supported creation but couldnt come as they migrating and leaving ur everything is a very big deal. weak willed people cant do it .
Thespian Dilip Kumar on Gujarat and the Divisive Politics of Hate“My Heart Is Lacerated”
Firoz Bakht Ahmed
had the following interview with veteran actor Dilip Kumar recently

What is the way out?
The most practicable method is that Hindu communalists must be sidelined by good, balanced, secular and sensible Hindus, while Muslim fundamentalists should be taken care of by right-thinking liberal Muslims. I think that in both communities there is no dearth of talented young people who are dedicated to the nation and should be provided an opportunity to lead and replace the corrupt system with an honest one. Besides, I believe that a constructive dialogue should always be on as Ali Sardar Jafri once said: Guftgu band na ho baat se baat chale/ Sar pe hansti hui taron ki raat chale.

At whose behest these lumpen elements go on a rampage every now and then?
In fact, the poison of communal hatred has percolated down the system because of the politicians who have always considered people not humans but commodities to be used as votebank. The truth is that because of the unbiased media today, these covetous politicians have been exposed. In order to remain in power, these people instigate one community against the other. I believe that incidents like Godhra are always stage-managed by politicians.

What about religious fundamentalists?
Fundamentalist clerics on both sides form part of the criminal nexus that ignites communal fires. In fact, these are the people who have been flouting court rulings to fulfill their lawless demands by exploiting public sentiment. Anyone can grow a beard and start quoting the Gita or the Quran. The most unfortunate aspect of it is that they misinterpret religion. No religion asks its followers to lunge for the jugular of people from other religions. Hinduism believes in Vasudeva kutumbakam (the whole world is a family) while the Quran says Lakum dinokum waliya deen (you follow your religion, I follow mine).

Thespian Dilip Kumar on Gujarat and the Divisive Politics of Hate, TheMilli Gazette, Vol.3 No.15, MG61 (1-15 Aug 02)
In the Constituent Assembly of India elections of 1946, the League won 425 out of 496 seats reserved for Muslims (and about 89.2% of Muslim votes) on a policy of creating an independent state of Pakistan, and with an implied threat of secession if this was not granted.

yeah i know 18 million Muslims live in Hindustan so what kinda point u r trying to prove ? that u have a say there? u live as a minority .. u have to prove ur loyalty occasionally. ur forefathers probablly choose muslim league and supported creation but couldnt come as they migrating and leaving ur everything is a very big deal. weak willed people cant do it .
In India, no religion has to be a majority to have a say, unlike in your country. And lol, you are talking as if Pakistan is a heaven for muslims! Being a minority is infact an advantage in India, where you get reservations and other special allowances, which even though benefits me,is unfair IMHO. Look at the TATAs, they belong to Parsi faith, which isn't even 1% in India. Look at the heights they have reached!

India is a place for every religion. A muslim in India has more opportunities than a muslim in Pakistan.
In India, no religion has to be a majority to have a say, unlike in your country. And lol, you are talking as if Pakistan is a heaven for muslims! Being a minority is infact an advantage in India, where you get reservations and other special allowances, which even though benefits me,is unfair IMHO. Look at the TATAs, they belong to Parsi faith, which isn't even 1% in India. Look at the heights they have reached!

India is a place for every religion. A muslim in India has more opportunities than a muslim in Pakistan.
If u r happy living in hindustan. I have no problem with it. u can enjoy all the minority advantages . our hindus have special seats and advantages as well.
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