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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

Stop beating around the bush, Just tells me, Brithish Stated from where, who's Empire/King that was (Muslims or Hindu) & then tells me how they completed their subcontinent conquest compaign whose Emipre/King that was in the end after those 90 years of conquest as well (Hindu/Muslim).
which bits of I said you dont believe.
among major kingdoms.. its in this order
bengal nawab
mysore (tipu)

Sikhs were the last major to fall, I am not saying sikhs were mightiest or bengal nawab was weak.. british started the campaign from east.
I love you man! I want to meet and hug you. You are a true muslim. Just share your address.

I will support an Islamic nation over a kuffar nation since I am a practising Muslim. If India was ruled by Muslims then the case would be different.

They didn't target Muslims. Those Muslims were at a wrong place at a wrong time. FYI they let many Muslims walk away after verifying their religion. So what you says is not 100% true.

Most of those who supported didn't migrate. Muslim league got 86% of the Muslim vote from North to Soith India. Last time I checked 4 crore Muslims didn't migrate to Pakistan.

You RSS chaddis are easy to detect. Now don't waste your Shakha's bandwidth unless you have something intelligent to say.
The problem with people like you is that you do not understand the concept of reciprocity.

Cow slaughter is not necessary for Muslims. If you believe that it is, then you dont know your own religion. Muslims can slaughter ram/sheep/buffalow/goat/camel/xyz.
While for Hindus, slaughtering Cows is extremely offensive.

So what sane Muslims or essentially those who understand the concept of 'treat others the way you want to be treated' would not use Cow for the Qurbani, instead use any other animal. This way, they fulfill and celebrate their festival while not offending Hindus.

Similarly, it is not necessary for Hindus or Sikhs to insult Mohammad. But they can under Freedom of Speech laws.
For Muslims, it is extremely offensive if someone does that.

The way Muslims expect that their religious sentiments should be cared for, the same way the onus is on them as well to respect other's religious sentiments.

These things are hard to grasp for those who have been brought up with an Islamist supremacist point of view from childhood. Taught only to take from others and impose your will but never to make others happy by caring for their sentiments.

But for those who do have some semblance of understanding, they do understand these things - and do understand that humanity means caring for other's sentiments as much as you care for your own.

A hindu is telling a muslim how to perform his religious duties !! This guy got his head so deep in his *** , I see no redemption here.
They started from Bengal but what is your point here. Half of Pakistan's population was under Sikh rule. Marathas controlled most of India, not the Mughals as you are trying to pretend.

Simply bcz, Sikhs and Marathas were subsidiaries falls well before Mughals and no one......simply no one from other Hindus or Muslim states comes to their rescue or help, instead when Mughals were under siege everyone be it Muslims or hindu sworn allegiance tho their throne & Kingdom, Mughals no matter how weak they might be, enjoys central position till the end and thats the only reason when they are eventually defeated the very existence of East India company accomplished, abolished by brithishers and the subcontinent gone directly in the hands of Brithis Queen.
The short answer is, British Indian Empire was actually stands mostly on the erstwhile Muslim Mughal Empire, so our demand is just return back the rein from where you got it in the first place if not fully, even partially. So, How its a favor of Hindus of giving anything out of their filled pocket to Muslims when their is none of any kind in the first place.

India is a secular multi religious nation not a Hindu nation in the first place, so all your accommodation is towards the Idea of India the secular one, first carves out a pure Hindu state of your own then your complaint or Owness to muslims could be justified.

The first part of your answer shocked me. Your lack of historical knowledge is deeply disturbing. The british took the majority of India from the Marathas and Sikhs, not the Mughals. The Mughals were basically figureheads after the mid-1700s. That's why there's Anglo-Sikh wars, Anglo-Maratha wars but no Anglo-Mughal wars. Read through history, see who ruled what. You'll find that the people of present day pakistan are going to be the big losers if we go with your idea of giving it back to the erstwhile rulers since Pakistan will be split up between the Afghans, Sikhs and the Baloch.

On the second part, India decided to be secular and every citizen of India has an absolute right to demand equal treatment. However, the Muslims can no longer ask for any special treatment. You asked for a country just for you and you got it. The rest of the land belongs to the people who didn't say that they couldn't live with the Hindus. If you feel so strongly that the whole of India should be returned to the Muslims, you should have stayed and fought for it. Why did you run off?
Anyway there are 30000 illegal slaughterhouses in India despite this and cow meat is consumed throughout the nation.
The illegal slaughterhouses exist because the Government of the day allowed them to. With a pro-nation Government coming to the Center, you will slowly see pressure being built to stop them.
The Hindus/Sikhs of India have been docile and not minded many things out of secular ideals. They are however now becoming more aware of their collective religious identity. You will see these issues being raised more and more now in India. Not for thing is the 2014 election being called a turning point in India's history.
Only out of respect for the Hindus. But in an ideal situation they shouldn't have to give up a part of their religion just to appease the majority. I am not condoning Akbaruddin owaisi's actions but will clearly ask his question again. If the cow is so holy then why sell it to muslims who are going to slaughter it?
2 aspects:
1. Now slaughtering Cows is not giving up a part of Muslim religious identity. You need to understand this clearly. This concept itself is flawed. In your religious scriptures, your Prophet sacrificed a ram.

If Muslims were asked to not sacrifice any animal at all, then it would have rightly been asking Muslims to give up a part of their religion to appease the majority. And I for one would be there condemning it. Asking them to not sacrifice one particular animal is not appeasement. It is simply respect for others sentiments.

Secondly, the cows are owned by most villagers - whether Hindu or Sikh or Muslim. It can be bought or sold in the market.

What people say about anyone else should be their personal concern. We Muslims should stop taking offense to everything. We must eliminate orthodoxy within our community and defeat people who use religion to murder innocents.
Sure. But I dont see that happening any time soon.

How else should they respect you. By singing songs of jai hind continually? The Muslims should strive for their rights, rights which have been taken from them.
They can respect the others by not slaughtering cows.
Legally, Muslims have absolutely equal rights as any other citizen of India.
Now whether those laws are actually followed or not is another question. There is a gap between the laws and their implementation - that however is because we are developing country. The positive news here is that the State's ability to enforce its laws is increasing each decade in India.

I think you have given me enough reason to try and avoid beef while in India. Only out of respect for the Hindu population. But it still does nothing to improve the average muslims situation. Personally I would rather see the Muslims in UP (trapped there, pro pakistani or pro Indian or whatever) have the exact same religious rights as Muslims in Pakistan where people CAN slaughter cows. Also it is said Ibrahim particularly slaughtered a cow and to follow his tradition many muslims believe it is a cow that should be slaughtered.
No. Ibrahim slaughtered a ram. Not a cow.
Muslims of India can improve their situation by simply getting their children educated. You have no idea exactly how backward Muslims are in education. They are the least educated religious group in India. They prefer to send their kids to madrassas then join their fathers trade - cobbler, singer, tanner, etc...than send them to schools. This is one of the reasons they have simply been unable to compete for the job market in India. In India, every job and opportunity has absolute cut-throat competition - a result of having very high population. The reason is that unlike China we donot have an industrial economy(where uneducated can become factory workers), we have either an agricultural economy(or petty trades) or the Service economy(which requires education and is very very competitive).

Fortunately the newer generation of Muslim parents are realizing this and have now started sending their kids to school. They have understood the importance of education and have realized that in India, the The results of this change will be visible in a couple of decades.
Stop beating around the bush, Just tells me, Brithish Stated from where? who's Empire/King that was (Muslims or Hindu)? & then tells me how they completed their subcontinent conquest compaign whose Emipre/King that was in the end after those 90 years of conquest as well (Hindu/Muslim)?

The British got majority of their territory from the Marathas. When the Bristish East India company started, the Mughals ruled the subcontinent. When they finished, it was the Marathas that dominated the subcontinent.

Secondly, I notice you keep trying to connect yourself to the Mughal empire. The Mughals were central Asians. You're from the subcontinent. Majority of the Muslims in the subcontinent are not related them in any way shape or form. It's kinda sad that you're trying to ally yourself with their 150 year legacy rather our own 1000s of years of history.
Let them wear an Indian flag and watch the fun.

I believe that the Pakistani people will behave much better compared to their Indian counterparts, Perhaps a treason case wont be registered if things do get out of control.

But..............but...........I cant guarantee that the one wearing Indian flag wont be killed and burnt by Ultra religious mob under the supervision of local mullahs.
I believe that the Pakistani people will behave much better compared to their Indian counterparts, Perhaps a treason case wont be registered if things do get out of control.

But..............but...........I cant guarantee that the one wearing Indian flag wont be killed and burnt by Ultra religious mob under the supervision of local mullahs.
we all have our bad apples.
Simply bcz, Sikhs and Marathas were subsidiaries falls well before Mughals and no one......simply no one from other Hindus or Muslim states comes to their rescue or help, instead when Mughals were under siege everyone be it Muslims or hindu sworn allegiance tho their throne & Kingdom, Mughals no matter how weak they might be, enjoys central position till the end and thats the only reason when they are eventually defeated the very existence of East India company accomplished, abolished by brithishers and the subcontinent gone directly in the hands of Brithis Queen.

you are pointing the same, the Mughals were just a symbolic emperor of India, they never controlled any land, not even Delhi as every major princely state had a common enemy in Brits, Mughal Emperor just acted as a symbolic head of India. The fact remain the British conquered majority of India from Hindus and major parts of Pakistan from Sikhs. So, there is no use to needless chest thumping.
Can anyone please FedEx me one of those T-shirts?

Been trying to contact ISI for the past week, they insist they are not in T-shirt business. Only onions and lemons.

Seriously, why does this thread have 17 pages?

I know, pakistan is the guiding light of asia in these things, no cases, no trials, straight beating to death by mobs and then burning the body.

we are so backwards. :(

Isnt it usual business in india to burn dead and live bodies?
Can anyone please FedEx me one of those T-shirts?

Been trying to contact ISI for the past week, they insist they are not in T-shirt business. Only onions and lemons.

Seriously, why does this thread have 17 pages?

I think now it time for our prime agency to invest in T-shirt business to create havoc in our eastern neighbor :D
You can ask @Oscar @Secur @HRK and @Developereo too ! :agree:

Though Oscar is so doom and gloom that it'll be a miracle that he'd say anything positive about this all; though I sympathize with him....I'm sure me walking away with all the beautiful ladies he had a crush on must've been hard for him and on a psychological level its made him antagonistic of us Kashmiris ! :(

You are right.

Indian Muslims are patriotic Indians and Pakistani Muslims are patriotic Pakistanis.

This t-shirt thing is a tantrum of insecurity by the Indian authorities. It would be comical, if it were not so sad for the kids involved.
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