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India Orchestrating Fascism in Bangladesh – Spotlight on Shahbagh Square

If they just supported Pakistan then maybe I wouldn't be so angry . . . . but the crimes they have committed are too much. Again, BAL is a spineless govt who are planning a back-door deal with Jamat. So they made a weak case and excluded many key witnesses.

I don't believe BAL/BNP has more rezakars than BNP. Anyway lets agree to disagree. Staying neutral is a tough ask. Shobai parena. Kudos.

They did and it is not un-natural as for that time period we were traitors to the country of Pakistan. The ones who committed crimes must punished at any cost but we should be more civilized and get more evidence before playing the blame game. Again, i will point at Kader's excellent record in DU. It would be stupid of me if i blame you for a crime which you might have done without any concrete proof, no? And yes, i also heard such rumours about BAL's plan. Seems highly unlikely though as the leading leftists in Shahbag are being protected by chatra league themselves.

No, traitors were Ayub, Yahiya and Bhutto. They denied a democratically elected party to assume power. Sheikh Mujib tried his best to keep Pakistan intact. But you cant get oppressed forever, can you?

Now, man can you link me to a few sources where Kader's DU time is discussed?
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You some times post your views ignorantly, The bolded part is a testimony of your understanding of India and Hindutva.

Hinduism is the only religion which says either you pray in Church or Masjid you will reach GOD.

Same thing you cannot say with Christianity or Islam.

After 9/11 there are lot of attacks in Muslim communities in the West and the bias is getting higher against Islam in the west. The European Govt.s are passing lot of laws which can be used against the spread of Islam and which also hurt Muslims.

You are nothing but a biased poster(India hater) who is hiding behind BD patriotism. :wave:

You want to make India a demon and with that you want to convey your own propaganda. Fear and propaganda exists side by side.
You are calling other who are showing the reality as propagandists.

The difference between the West and India is that the West is a developed entity and when presented with facts they are more rational, although the whole GWOT since 9/11 has been a great and costly over-reaction for the West which has caused immense suffering and loss of lives for some Muslim countries. So in the bigger picture, religious hatred is on a declining trend in a West, which has a well developed economy and well educated developed population.

India on the other hand is just starting to develop and as millions come out of poverty and hunger, a significant portion of this newly emerging and burgeoning middle class are joining and will continue to join the Hindutva rank and become part of the bigot brigade, as we can see with the Internet Hindu phenomenon. The hatred for Muslims will increase with time along with their capacity to hurt and get into conflicts with Muslims in and outside India. Hindu India and the Muslim world are moving towards a clash of civilizations. Water terrorism against Bangladesh and nuclear confrontation with Pakistan is just starting symptoms of this confrontation. This will only increase with time, unless we can bring balance in this situation, by alliance with external players. If there is no balance achieved, the weaker side will continue to get hurt as we see today with Indian interference in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In my estimate, it will take at least 100 years for Hindutva to peak and be on a declining trend as people finally become more liberal and distasteful about religious bigotry. West has gone through that cycle since Renaissance and only in last 5-6 decades have we seen a more liberal population emerge in the Western countries.

One could argue that Muslims are poor and underdeveloped as well, what about their religious bigotry? The difference with Muslims is that Muslims have no large state like India that has close to a billion Hindu, that can become a threatening entity to others. So Muslim intolerance do not pose as great a risk to others as does Hindutva religious intolerance.

What is the proof for this theory:

exhibit A: Partition of 1947
exhibit B: rise of BJP, RSS and Hindutva
exhibit C: discrimination of Muslims in India, Babri mosque and Gujrat incidents
exhibit D: failure of SAARC to amount to something useful
exhibit E: wars between India and Pakistan since 1947 and current nuclear stand-off
exhibit F: ongoing water terrorism of India against Bangladesh
Indian RAW and its collaborators are behind Shahbagh mob

Serajur Rahman renowned journalist, former head of BBC Bangla section and was close to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, wrote an article on Shahbagh. In his article he termed the Shahbagh mob as instigation by indian intelligence RAW and indian collaborator media and personalities.

In his article former BBC Bangla section chief also revealed that there are as many as more than half a million indian, roughly 6,00,000 RAW collaborators working inside Bangladesh. These indian RAW collaborators are active every level of Awami League regime, Bangladesh administration and even in Prime Minister office.

?????????? ?????? ????? ?????????? ??????

Serajur Rahman article further validated when Awami League home minister revealed that

Minister defends border shooting
Wed, Jan 2nd, 2013 7:53 pm BdST

Dhaka, Jan 2 (bdnews24.com)—Home Minister Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir on Wednesday said Dhaka and New Delhi have agreed to permit their border forces to shoot only in "self defense".

Minister defends border shooting | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

And when Sheikh Hasina's (PM) advisor calls Bangladeshis uncivilized over Indian transit fees
Dr Moshiur Rahman on transit for India - YouTube

It is important to note that since Awami League regime came to power huge number of people from specific community were installed in various key govt positions, violating rules and superseding others for purpose of enforcing further indian control over Bangladesh. One can see from flowing link how RAW infiltration is facilitated by Awami League ministers.

Indian RAW and its collaborators are behind Shahbagh mob

Serajur Rahman renowned journalist, former head of BBC Bangla section and was close to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, wrote an article on Shahbagh. In his article he termed the Shahbagh mob as instigation by indian intelligence RAW and indian collaborator media and personalities.

In his article former BBC Bangla section chief also revealed that there are as many as more than half a million indian, roughly 6,00,000 RAW collaborators working inside Bangladesh. These indian RAW collaborators are active every level of Awami League regime, Bangladesh administration and even in Prime Minister office.

?????????? ?????? ????? ?????????? ??????

Serajur Rahman article further validated when Awami League home minister revealed that

And when Sheikh Hasina's (PM) advisor calls Bangladeshis uncivilized over Indian transit fees
Dr Moshiur Rahman on transit for India - YouTube

It is important to note that since Awami League regime came to power huge number of people from specific community were installed in various key govt positions, violating rules and superseding others for purpose of enforcing further indian control over Bangladesh. One can see from flowing link how RAW infiltration is facilitated by Awami League ministers.


Bangladesh will not go anywhere till we find each and everyone of these traitors and put them in jail under charges of treason. For this we need collection of evidence that will stand up in court.
The difference between the West and India is that the West is a developed entity and when presented with facts they are more rational, although the whole GWOT since 9/11 has been a great and costly over-reaction for the West which has caused immense suffering and loss of lives for some Muslim countries. So in the bigger picture, religious hatred is on a declining trend in a West, which has a well developed economy and well educated developed population.

You must be joking, The whole WOT after 9/11 was against Islam, In Iraq alone lakhs died and there is no evidence of WMD's.
Are you aware of Abu garib and Guantanamo ??
Are you sleeping when George Bush said he has to start another crusade on Muslim lands right after 9/11.

After 9/11 Afganistan fell, Iraq was devastated and lakhs of muslims died in the name of WOT, In the name of WOT Pakistan almost became a failed state and is heading in that way.

These are murders committed by western forces in broad day light, West has a habit of fighting their wars in foreign lands and they proved it with WOT.

India on the other hand is just starting to develop and as millions come out of poverty and hunger, a significant portion of this newly emerging and burgeoning middle class are joining and will continue to join the Hindutva rank and become part of the bigot brigade, as we can see with the Internet Hindu phenomenon. The hatred for Muslims will increase with time along with their capacity to hurt and get into conflicts with Muslims in and outside India. Hindu India and the Muslim world are moving towards a clash of civilizations. Water terrorism against Bangladesh and nuclear confrontation with Pakistan is just starting symptoms of this confrontation. This will only increase with time, unless we can bring balance in this situation, by a98lliance with external players. If there is no balance achieved, the weaker side will continue to get hurt as we see today with Indian interference in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Stupid rant out of jealousy towards India, And this is not the first time you have spit your venom on India.

In my estimate, it will take at least 100 years for Hindutva to peak and be on a declining trend as people finally become more liberal and distasteful about religious bigotry. West has gone through that cycle since Renaissance and only in last 5-6 decades have we seen a more liberal population emerge in the Western countries.

100 years for Hindutva to peak??

This is another biggest joke, even in Muslim rule (Islamic rule at its peak) India is a Hindu majority country and Sanathana Dharama or Hinduism never declined in this great land. It is just very few People converted to Islam and Christianity for various reasons.

One could argue that Muslims are poor and underdeveloped as well, what about their religious bigotry? The difference with Muslims is that Muslims have no large state like India that has close to a billion Hindu, that can become a threatening entity to others. So Muslim intolerance do not pose as great a risk to others as does Hindutva religious intolerance.

Are you talking about the racism shown by Arabs and Turks towards sub - continent muslims against Ummah principles??

It is your own problem deal Ummah brothers in middle east and other areas, on the other hand India is a generous nation which gave half of Bengal and Punjab, in return we get terrorists and illegal migrants.

What is the proof for this theory:

exhibit A: Partition of 1947
exhibit B: rise of BJP, RSS and Hindutva
exhibit C: discrimination of Muslims in India, Babri mosque and Gujrat incidents
exhibit D: failure of SAARC to amount to something useful
exhibit E: wars between India and Pakistan since 1947 and current nuclear stand-off
exhibit F: ongoing water terrorism of India against Bangladesh

Regarding point A Converted Bengalis are the ones who wanted partition and it was muslims who started massacres to drive out people of other communities from their claimed lands.(Partition is the fault of these converted people who wanted a separate identity).

Point B In USA there is a conservative party called Republicans who advocate Christianity this is democracy and each one have their own principles, If BJP obeys Indian Constitution what is your problem?? :lol:

Point C : Go to middle east and see how you people are treated??
On the other hand India is a secular country and the justice was given on the two issues raised by you and any India citizen can approach court if he/she is not satisfied. On the other hand what about the rapes and murder of Hindu people committed by Green army in the name of GOD??

Point D: What about OIC?? What it has achieved??
SAARC is a group which includes India, As India rises SAARC will be strengthened and will have significant say in world matters.

Point E: India never initiated any war with Pakistan it was Pakistan's will to wage a war with India. India has no first use nuclear policy.Ours is a defensive posture when it comes to Nuclear weapons.

Point F: Laughable at its best, On the other hand China is building three Dams and diverting all its water to its deserts and you are ranting about India :lol::lol::lol:.

teesta water deal is almost concluded and Padma dam negotiations are on , Border deal is almost done.

All the above points says that you live in some kind of delusion.

India generous in dealing with Islam or Christianity, Since we are tolerant people than anybody in this globe.
You must be joking, The whole WOT after 9/11 was against Islam, In Iraq alone lakhs died and there is no evidence of WMD's.
Are you aware of Abu garib and Guantanamo ??
Are you sleeping when George Bush said he has to start another crusade on Muslim lands right after 9/11.

After 9/11 Afganistan fell, Iraq was devastated and lakhs of muslims died in the name of WOT, In the name of WOT Pakistan almost became a failed state and is heading in that way.

These are murders committed by western forces in broad day light, West has a habit of fighting their wars in foreign lands and they proved it with WOT.

Stupid rant out of jealousy towards India, And this is not the first time you have spit your venom on India.

100 years for Hindutva to peak??

This is another biggest joke, even in Muslim rule (Islamic rule at its peak) India is a Hindu majority country and Sanathana Dharama or Hinduism never declined in this great land. It is just very few People converted to Islam and Christianity for various reasons.

Are you talking about the racism shown by Arabs and Turks towards sub - continent muslims against Ummah principles??

It is your own problem deal Ummah brothers in middle east and other areas, on the other hand India is a generous nation which gave half of Bengal and Punjab, in return we get terrorists and illegal migrants.

Regarding point A Converted Bengalis are the ones who wanted partition and it was muslims who started massacres to drive out people of other communities from their claimed lands.(Partition is the fault of these converted people who wanted a separate identity).

Point B In USA there is a conservative party called Republicans who advocate Christianity this is democracy and each one have their own principles, If BJP obeys Indian Constitution what is your problem?? :lol:

Point C : Go to middle east and see how you people are treated??
On the other hand India is a secular country and the justice was given on the two issues raised by you and any India citizen can approach court if he/she is not satisfied. On the other hand what about the rapes and murder of Hindu people committed by Green army in the name of GOD??

Point D: What about OIC?? What it has achieved??
SAARC is a group which includes India, As India rises SAARC will be strengthened and will have significant say in world matters.

Point E: India never initiated any war with Pakistan it was Pakistan's will to wage a war with India. India has no first use nuclear policy.Ours is a defensive posture when it comes to Nuclear weapons.

Point F: Laughable at its best, On the other hand China is building three Dams and diverting all its water to its deserts and you are ranting about India :lol::lol::lol:.

teesta water deal is almost concluded and Padma dam negotiations are on , Border deal is almost done.

All the above points says that you live in some kind of delusion.

India generous in dealing with Islam or Christianity, Since we are tolerant people than anybody in this globe.

You have not refuted any of the points I made. In fact the word logic should feel insulted if it is used to describe the arguments you just made. But it is good to expose your kind and the delusions you suffer from.

But I give kudos to the time and effort you put in.
You have not refuted any of the points I made. In fact the word logic should feel insulted if it is used to describe the arguments you just made. But it is good to expose your kind and the delusions you suffer from.

But I give kudos to the time and effort you put in.

Indians and their partner Awami League has no logical and civilized defense. All they have are fascism and propaganda rant.
You have not refuted any of the points I made. In fact the word logic should feel insulted if it is used to describe the arguments you just made. But it is good to expose your kind and the delusions you suffer from.

But I give kudos to the time and effort you put in.

Since the points you have raised are illogical ones.
You, a perfect example of "Internet Hindu", as demonstrated by your post above, is exhibit G, now bask in your own glory.

You may call me that I have np. But I never advocated any religion nor written any thing against any religion.
When there is no enough ammo people go for personal abuse :wave:.
You may call me that I have np. But I never advocated any religion nor written any thing against any religion.
When there is no enough ammo people go for personal abuse :wave:.

You want more proof why you are an example of "Internet Hindu", here I will quote a few select pieces from your post:

China is building three Dams and diverting all its water to its deserts and you are ranting about India .
Irrelevant and untrue, China is not diverting water, yet.

India is a generous nation which gave half of Bengal and Punjab, in return we get terrorists and illegal migrants.
Yes, and we can say our idiot ancestors were generous and because of them we lost access to the rest of the Indian landmass.

Converted Bengalis are the ones who wanted partition and it was muslims who started massacres to drive out people of other communities from their claimed lands.(Partition is the fault of these converted people who wanted a separate identity).
You missed the point about why they felt they should have partition, its because they did not feel secure living in the same state under majority Hindu rule, I wonder why? May be you should research this question, before blaming it on one side.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=234387#ixzz2Ku1pPbxD
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