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India opposes fresh sanctions against Iran


You talk about persian/iranian culture.. this and that.. Do you know you country is virtually owned by Azeri Turks? Iran has been turkified starting from Afsharid Dynasty..

Most of the rich people in Iran are Azeris.. they make up the elite of Iran and virtually own persians... ;) even most of your mullahs are Azeri turks

and you guyz are so ashamed of Azeri turk domination that you guyz have fanciful theories like "oh azeris are just persians they started to speak turkic languages"..

Do you guyz really think you can fool iranic people from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan?

And you are YOURSELF half Turk.. maybe you are ashamed of your turkic roots and then you guyz hide behind "persian identity"..

Actually most Iranian members here are Azeri turks.. You, Abi, EY-IRAN, PASBAN.. etc etc

stop hiding behind persian identity.. you can't fool your neighbors..

Do you even know what Persian means?
Do know what Azari means?
Do you know the history of Iran?
westing... jinxed girl, i have just reported your account to the mods. cheers, thanks for your identification lolz
Iran was never an ethnically pure country
even today Iran has 54 ethnic representatives but the national language for 2500 years has been Persian.
And I'm talking about the core values, you're knit picking at every small thing that is diff

everything yo have said here implies that there is something contiguous and homogenous about iran/persia that its comparable to the civilisation of thousands of years ago, it seems a loose wand watery set of core values imo.

as i said earlier if something existed for millenia it wont be forgotten easily - but thats not to say it still exists, just my thoughts.
Here is how Iranian women looked during Qajar Dynasty (a Turkic dynasty ruling Iran).. that is why all these Azeris hide behind persian identity..

You guyz can't fool Pakistanis and Afghans..

here is the link ..


god you Indians are so fukin retarded
here I'll post it again

Iran — GDP (PPP) - Per Capita: $10,570 (the rich in Iran live better then europeans)
India — GDP (PPP) - Per Capita: $2,563 (165th)
Pakistan $1,044

PPP is inversely proportional to the national population. SO you cant claim superiority by quoting PPP as it is a reference and relative term.

If a country has only one citizen with 10,571 $$ and absolutely no resorces and no future then it will have a PPP of 10,571 and by your logic, that country is still superior to Iran. Stop foolig yourself with stats.

Talk about real GDP kid and you will know which size balls do Iran have and which ones India has.

Well, lets see if you can really post some sensible data that Iran is indeed superior to India.
everything yo have said here implies that there is something contiguous and homogenous about iran/persia that its comparable to the civilisation of thousands of years ago, it seems a loose wand watery set of core values imo.

as i said earlier if something existed for millenia it wont be forgotten easily - but thats not to say it still exists, just my thoughts.

buddy, Iran is more homogeneous today than it was in the past.
Today all of Iran speaks Persian, back in the day you only heard Persian in the capital, catch my drift?
Core values matter.
Here is how Iranian women looked during Qajar Dynasty (a Turkic dynasty ruling Iran).. that is why all these Azeris hide behind persian identity..

You guyz can't fool Pakistanis and Afghans..

here is the link ..

criteria of beauty was different for them ;)
Qajar dinasties was a disaster for Iran anyway
And Nima would say you : we got very disturbed kings in this period: from torture crazy guy to the guy who was spending all the money of the country to go hollidays in Europe ;)
buddy, Iran is more homogeneous today than it was in the past.
Today all of Iran speaks Persian, back in the day you only heard Persian in the capital, catch my drift?
Core values matter.

anyway buddy, i leave you to it, iranians have a good history, although losing wars to the arabs makes me think it was not so great after all

only kidding :pakistan:
PPP is inversely proportional to the national population. SO you cant claim superiority by quoting PPP as it is a reference and relative term.

Talk about real GDP kid and you will know which size balls do Iran have and which ones India has.

Well, lets see if you can really post some sensible data that Iran is indeed superior to India.

India is 18.5 times of Iran, your GDP should be 18.5 times of Iran as well, lets see

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$876 billion (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 17
$853.8 billion (2008 est.)
$801.7 billion (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$335.7 billion (2009 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:

2.6% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 69
3.5% (2008)
6.5% (2007)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

$12,900 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 87
$13,000 (2008 est.)
$12,300 (2007 est.)


GDP (purchasing power parity):

$3.56 trillion (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 5
$3.343 trillion (2008 est.)
$3.113 trillion (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$1.095 trillion (2009 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:

6.5% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 12
7.4% (2008 est.)
9% (2007 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

$3,100 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 164
$2,900 (2008 est.)
$2,800 (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars


You guys live like ******* animals
you **** in the streets for gods sake
criteria of beauty was different for them ;)
Qajar dinasties was a disaster for Iran anyway
And Nima would say you : we got very disturbed kings in this period: from torture crazy guy to the guy who was spending all the money of the country to go hollidays in Europe ;)

who the pahlavis?
Persian, back in the day you only heard Persian in the capital, catch my drift?
That means , the language/s that the common people living in native persia far from capital are all gone.
So much for your bragging that we have remained same for 3000 years,,,, You have lost your language/s the most important part of any culture.Now that seems to be something you don't know
anyway buddy, i leave you to it, iranians have a good history, although losing wars to the arabs makes me think it was not so great after all

only kidding :pakistan:

we llost to the arabs but we still speak Persian, Egyptians don't, Iraqis don't etc....
We lost to the arabs but we're not sunni
We lost to the arabs but we kept our culture, others didn't
we lost to the arabs but we still kept our ancient religions, noone else did

"The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day. We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an hour."

Harun Al-Rashid, Abbasid Caliph
84% of iran's exports are petroleum and petro related.
45% of national income is from sale of petroleum.
Why are you so proud of about your economy.If not for oil you would have been alongside african countries with a begging bowl in your hand.
84% of iran's exports are petroleum and petro related.
45% of national income is from sale of petroleum.
Why are you so proud of about your economy.If not for oil you would have been alongside african countries with a begging bowl in your hand.

and yet we are not
yet again we Iranians are living better than you
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