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India opposes fresh sanctions against Iran

good for you. But do buy a begging bowl when you still have money.
You will need it when you run out of oil for export.
84% of iran's exports are petroleum and petro related.
45% of national income is from sale of petroleum.
Why are you so proud of about your economy.If not for oil you would have been alongside african countries with a begging bowl in your hand.
a little bit respect pls

you don't understand how it is to have a boycott
if the country would change for better government, then many Iranian could come back and help give a good economy (incomes of Iranians in US are superior to americans by the way, which means a lot)
good for you. But do buy a begging bowl when you still have money.
You will need it when you run out of oil for export.

CIA world fact book
check it
Iran in the past decade has been moving more and more away from oil
btw oil won't run out for another 30 years and even then we're the second largest owners of natural gas on the planet. Above that Iran hasn't seen major new discoveries due to the lack of Western exploration and once Iran opens up we will possible have new oil discoveries which will last another few decades on top of all this.

btw bud

this isn't an IRanian report, it's a canadian report

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country

It might be the Chinese year of the tiger, but scientifically, 2010 is looking like Iran's year.

Scientific output has grown 11 times faster in Iran than the world average, faster than any other country. A survey of the number of scientific publications listed in the Web of Science database shows that growth in the Middle East – mostly in Turkey and Iran – is nearly four times faster than the world average.

Science-Metrix, a data-analysis company in Montreal, Canada, has published a detailed report (PDF) on "geopolitical shifts in knowledge creation" since 1980. "Asia is catching up even more rapidly than previously thought, Europe is holding its position more than most would expect, and the Middle East is a region to watch," says the report's author, Eric Archambault.

World scientific output grew steadily, from 450,000 papers a year in 1980 to 1,500,000 in 2009. Asia as a whole surpassed North America last year.
Nuclear, nuclear, nuclear

Archambaut notes that Iran's publications have emphasised inorganic and nuclear chemistry, nuclear and particle physics and nuclear engineering. Publications in nuclear engineering grew 250 times faster than the world average – although medical and agricultural research also increased.

Science-Metrix also predicts that this year, China will publish as many peer-reviewed papers in natural sciences and engineering as the US. If current trends continue, by 2015 China will match the US across all disciplines – although the US may publish more in the life and social sciences until 2030.

China's prominence in world science is known to have been growing, but Science-Metrix has discovered that its output of peer-reviewed papers has been growing more than five times faster than that of the US.

Meanwhile, "European attitudes towards collaboration are bearing fruit", writes Archambaut. While Asia's growth in output was mirrored by North America's fall, Europe, which invests heavily in cross-border scientific collaboration, held its own, and now produces over a third of the world's science, the largest regional share. Asia produces 29 per cent and North America 28 per cent.

Scientific output fell in the former Soviet Union after its collapse in 1991 and only began to recover in 2006. Latin America and the Caribbean together grew fastest of any region, although its share of world science is still small. Growth in Oceania, Europe and Africa has stayed at about the same rate over the past 30 years. Only North American scientific output has grown "considerably slower" than the world as a whole.

"The number of papers is a first-order metric that doesn't capture quality," admits Archambaut. There are measures for quality, such as the number of times papers are cited, and "Asian science does tend to be less cited overall".

But dismissing the Asian surge on this basis is risky, he feels. "In the 1960s, when Japanese cars started entering the US market, US manufacturers dismissed their advance based on their quality" – but then lost a massive market share to Japan. The important message, he says, is that "Asia is becoming the world leader in science, with North America progressively left behind".
India is 18.5 times of Iran, your GDP should be 18.5 times of Iran as well, lets see

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$876 billion (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 17
$853.8 billion (2008 est.)
$801.7 billion (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$335.7 billion (2009 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:

2.6% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 69
3.5% (2008)
6.5% (2007)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

$12,900 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 87
$13,000 (2008 est.)
$12,300 (2007 est.)


GDP (purchasing power parity):

$3.56 trillion (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 5
$3.343 trillion (2008 est.)
$3.113 trillion (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$1.095 trillion (2009 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:

6.5% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 12
7.4% (2008 est.)
9% (2007 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

$3,100 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 164
$2,900 (2008 est.)
$2,800 (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars


You guys live like ******* animals
you **** in the streets for gods sake

Mr Illeterate, are you so blind that you dont understand that the same stats that you posted show that India is way better than Iran, Are you so illeterate not to understand what you have posted. Its Iran which is failing and not India

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$876 billion (2009 est.) FAIL Indias $3.56 trillion)
country comparison to the world: 17FAIL (India is no 5)
$853.8 billion (2008 est.) (India has 3.44 trillion)
$801.7 billion (2007 est.) (India has 3.11 trillion)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$335.7 billion (2009 est.) (India has $1.095 trillion)
GDP - real growth rate:

2.6% (2009 est.) (Very laughable and pathetic :lol:. India has 6.5 percent growth rate)
country comparison to the world: 69 (India is 12th)
3.5% (2008)(India has 7.4 %)
6.5% (2007) (India has 9 %)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

Following is a relative term and is not accurate tool to gauge the GDP as it is inversely proportional to population. SO no point in comparing.

$12,900 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 87
$13,000 (2008 est.)
$12,300 (2007 est.)

I would advise you to stop making yourself and your country a laughing stock in front of others. Your own post contradicts your stand. Indias economy is 4 times that your economy as suggested by the same stats that you have posted. Go and hide your face somewhere and never again boast yourself to be superior to India, either economically, or millitarily.
@Nima, don't make 1 billion peoples as enemy.

It is all GDP of country maters. India can buy 100 jets but Iran can't.

I guess you got the difference.
India is nothing
China will become a power but India is just like North Kroea

hungry and uneducated people all living like **** with a strong military
boo fuckin hooo
you won't get anywhere
Mr Illeterate, are you so blind that you dont understand that the same stats that you posted show that India is way better than Iran, Are you so illeterate not to understand what you have posted. Its Iran which is failing and not India

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$876 billion (2009 est.) FAIL Indias $3.56 trillion)
country comparison to the world: 17FAIL (India is no 5)
$853.8 billion (2008 est.) (India has 3.44 trillion)
$801.7 billion (2007 est.) (India has 3.11 trillion)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$335.7 billion (2009 est.) (India has $1.095 trillion)
GDP - real growth rate:

2.6% (2009 est.) (Very laughable and pathetic :lol:. India has 6.5 percent growth rate)
country comparison to the world: 69 (India is 12th)
3.5% (2008)(India has 7.4 %)
6.5% (2007) (India has 9 %)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

Following is a relative term and is not accurate tool to gauge the GDP as it is inversely proportional to population. SO no point in comparing.

$12,900 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 87
$13,000 (2008 est.)
$12,300 (2007 est.)

hey you stupid fag
total gdp is relevant when two countries have the same population you moron
India is 18.5 times larger than Iran
Iran's gdp 900 bill
18.5*900=16.65 trillion <<<< even here you would ONLY JUST BE EQUAL TO IRAN TODAY
what a moron
@Nima, don't make 1 billion peoples as enemy.

It is all GDP of country maters. India can buy 100 jets but Iran can't.

I guess you got the difference.

Iran can't?
Iran is richer than India you moron

It's like saying saudis are poorer than India b/c they have a lower total GDP HAHHAHAHAHHAHA

18.5 * 900=16.65 TRILLION DOLLARS
@ 16.65 trill you will just be where Iran is
a family of 30 makes 60 dollars
a family of 3 makes 30 dollars

who is richer?
GDP (purchasing power parity):

$876 billion (2009 est.) FAIL Indias $3.56 trillion)
country comparison to the world: 17FAIL (India is no 5)
$853.8 billion (2008 est.) (India has 3.44 trillion)
$801.7 billion (2007 est.) (India has 3.11 trillion)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate):

$335.7 billion (2009 est.) (India has $1.095 trillion)
GDP - real growth rate:

2.6% (2009 est.) (Very laughable and pathetic :lol:. India has 6.5 percent growth rate)
country comparison to the world: 69 (India is 12th)
3.5% (2008)(India has 7.4 %)
6.5% (2007) (India has 9 %)
GDP - per capita (PPP):

Following is a relative term and is not accurate tool to gauge the GDP as it is inversely proportional to population. SO no point in comparing.

$12,900 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 87
$13,000 (2008 est.)
$12,300 (2007 est.)

I would advise you to stop making yourself and your country a laughing stock in front of others. Your own post contradicts your stand. Indias economy is 4 times that your economy as suggested by the same stats that you have posted. Go and hide your face somewhere and never again boast yourself to be superior to India, either economically, or millitarily.

Prayag, good post but he is blind in his PoV. He will never turn around and accept anything. Clearly shows in the arrogant posts. so just leave him to gloat.
Prayag, good post but he is blind in his PoV. He will never turn around and accept anything. Clearly shows in the arrogant posts. so just leave him to gloat.

dumb ***

a family of 30 makes 60 dollars
a family of 3 makes 30 dollars

who is richer?
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