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India only friend of Bangladesh!

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ah. . Now a days you can go to every goli, moholla of dhaka using cng buses. . Their quality is good. . .. . Mayb you dont know about present dhaka condition. . Rickshaw is banned on Many roads now. . .the only bad thing with the transportation is theres so many people, but there is no more room for extra buses in the streets . .
But Sami said that all love big size Jap cars and Pajero is only TaKA 7 LAKH!

theres lot of middle class people in Bangladesh who has ability to buy cars. . But they don't . .Cause it is not necessary. . Rickshaw ride is more than useful. . .i personally like this more than any ride. .
oh man, are you world's greatest think tank right now?? What a luck i have! I met you in my life! Anyway, what i said is the possibile scenario if India attacks ever. . Personally i think india will never attack BD. The country is not that stupid. .She has better things in her Arsenal. . And that is Awamileague!

Well, the idea of India invading Bangladesh is hypothetical at best. And if it does happen, most Indians would oppose it. Let alone reunification of Bangladesh with India, which I don't think even Bangladeshis want. Also, an addition of 160 million people plagued with many problems would be a big burden on India.

Bangladesh military overall is technically no match against the military of India in a head-on confrontation. It can fight a long enduring guerrilla war at best within Bangladesh's own territories. Unless of-course a greater power intervenes.

It can potentially also make India look bad in the face of the globe.

I agree about the Awami League part though. It is no doubt pro-India, and even more so with its damaged relations with the USA. But I think matters in Bangladesh are handled independently for the most part.

Bangladeshi politicians only think about money, that's all they stand for really. Ironic that they happen to be Muslims, and all that lust for some worthless pieces of paper? Total falsehood I'd say, total falsehood. I hope they just disappear someday.
You can say whatever you want... but what I said was the reality... It is not unusual that you bhartis always try to remain in wet dream thinking we are super power that you are not...

N regarding construction of the rail link it already has been started... n the survey that you are talking about was conducted on 1870 not now... PM of bd has inaugurated the contruction of 255 million rail link... read it news again...


N regarding who is backward... dnt let me open my mouth... I just wonder how a person say others backward where the country man of that person drink cow urine... use cow dung to purify stuff... marry female dog and give marriage of young girls to dog for better life... n full of dalit and jaat paat mentality...

Look at your own a$$ before trying to say other backward... n try to improve the life of majority fo the country man those who live a very poor life.. n farmers need to commit suicide for not paying the interest... n try to improve the life of people of bihar, orissa, ne india where majority live a life lower then sub saharan africa...

Lol we are not a supa powah yet but we are on the right direction...And people drinkking cow urine and using cow dung to purify stuff is in the village but i doubt if they still drink cow urine...i ve never heard about it until i read it on PDF somewhere...its there religious beliefs ..leave it at that....About marrying dogs lol...provide a link please...and more over all these you mentioned are mostly in the villages backward villages....well ya our villages are backward not like your villages where everybody owns ferrari, night clubs, mercs, all the luxuries in life, and have no religious beliefs.:woot:
But Sami said that all love big size Jap cars and Pajero is only TaKA 7 LAKH!

Um, no. Pajero costs around Tk. 15,000,000. I even confirmed it with Mitsubishi Bangladesh Facebook page.

By the way, the term "Jap" is racist.

Rickshaws are banned in certain areas such as Gulshan and Uttara highway. There are many cars on the airport highway, traffic now is very bad.

I can say most of them are pre-owned Japanese cars. Don't worry, don't cry that they aren't Indian :P

Also, the public transport (BRTC) buses are from China :china:


The bottom line is, Bangladeshis have strong spending power. They just have to pay more for cars compared to other countries such as India.
Also, please understand that a backward nation should not talk about toilets.

A nation who capital's transportation is rickshaws!

And then talking big!!

This is the recent view of the street of Dhaka... during world cup... which is according to you has the only transportation of Rickshaw....lol

In majority of the major roads rickshaw is not allowed.... but I have no prob with it... n even many people like rickshaw riding... The major problem of traffic congestion is not rickshaw but so many peoples are buying car... n those private cars.

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Um, no. Pajero costs around Tk. 15,000,000. I even confirmed it with Mitsubishi Bangladesh Facebook page.

By the way, the term "Jap" is racist.

it is still costing that much but once it will be assembled in bd then it will cost 6 million tk... now progati is making some pajero mainly V6 SUV which is costing around 38 lakh... your price is for japan imported cars...

n dnt reply to tiki ... he is a troll.
Well, the idea of India invading Bangladesh is hypothetical at best. And if it does happen, most Indians would oppose it. Let alone reunification of Bangladesh with India, which I don't think even Bangladeshis want. Also, an addition of 160 million people plagued with many problems would be a big burden on India.

Why did you use Even. Any Bangladeshi will go out with whatever they have to fight against invading forces except some rich kid like you. Go to border area you will see how people join BDR with primitive weapons in case of any trouble.

Indians will not oppose the extension of their border. No country does. They might think of demogrhapic parity at best.

Bangladesh military overall is technically no match against the military of India in a head-on confrontation. It can fight a long enduring guerrilla war at best within Bangladesh's own territories. Unless of-course a greater power intervenes.

BD army is capable enough to face Indians in case of confrontation. They have their strategy.

It can potentially also make India look bad in the face of the globe.
ohh the crying baby...

I agree about the Awami League part though. It is no doubt pro-India, and even more so with its damaged relations with the USA. But I think matters in Bangladesh are handled independently for the most part.

AL is a India friendly party no doubt. But they will not compromise the national interest except some biitchy behaviour from Hasina which damaged relation with USA.

Bangladeshi politicians only think about money, that's all they stand for really. Ironic that they happen to be Muslims, and all that lust for some worthless pieces of paper? Total falsehood I'd say, total falsehood. I hope they just disappear someday.

This is a third world country and politicians did not come from somewhere else. Heck even American politicians takes money..
The article talks about India being a friend of Bangladesh.

Is that a bad thing?
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