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India only friend of Bangladesh!

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Sylhet was Assam, Comilla was Tripura, Chittagong was Arakan.


They were Bengalis nonetheless.

I am not to sure if those from Chittagong are told that they are but Mongs.
All these years of being ruled by the Pakistani Army, I can see why the Bangladeshis have acquired that false feeling of superiority. I really find it hard to believe that normal people actually think this way, and not just trolling on the internet for luls.

You s*b Indian, we are talking about your nonsense country and not about Pakistan. Stay with the topic and put arguments to support whatever claim.
South Bengal?



We know BNP supports terrorists.

Therefore, it should not be a surprise if we don't like this woman who leads terrorists!

Thanks for the correction on Sylhetp
I was making the mistake on the letter 'h', since the Sylhetis emphasise on the letter 'h'.

They can't say 'gas'.

They say 'gesh'.

We had a house in Siddheswari in Dacca, apart from our zamindari in Barisal.

I stayed in Ramna, Dacca when I went to Dacca after Partition. Ramna was being just built. Had Kalachander sandesh and ice cream at Ritz. Uncle Abdullah the DIG was a good friend of our family. He retired and settled in England.

Good days, those!

sylhet came from the word srihotto ! I am from Noakhali. ( sorry it is not south bengal , south bangladesh lol ). Is Ulfa a terrorist org?? What does the international community say about it?? I thought USA doesnt consider it terrorist org. .. and regarding your stay in BD . . Nice memory. . Everyone will be fascinated by our hospitality. . . Even if you manage to find al zakir . . . It is just the internet . . You don't have to show your face. . And can say anything you want to say. . .
Indians remained uncivilized still today, although our forefathers taught them manners when they were ruling India. It is strange, these Indians do not have a manner, they do not know how to respect a woman, a foreign woman.

Don't you worry our BDian subject for we will show immense respect to our obedient subjects in Indian Bangladesh.

You will see how merciful and kind masters we are, my dear BDian subject.
Indians remained uncivilized still today, although our forefathers taught them manners when they were ruling India. It is strange, these Indians do not have a manner, they do not know how to respect a woman, a foreign woman.


Let us not state things that we should not state if one really delves into social history!
You s*b Indian, we are talking about your nonsense country and not about Pakistan. Stay with the topic and put arguments to support whatever claim.

Yes BDian yes!

Release that anger, BDian. It'll will make you a more charming and obedient subject.
I just don't get it. The Pakistanis treated these bengalis as inferiors. How do these guys hold such opinions too? I hope he is posting such asinine comments just out of frustration and is not serious about it.

We the Bangladeshi people also treat Indians as our slaves and inferior to us. What is your point to bring up Pakistan? Stick to your own if you have any. You Indians need a direct sla on your face so that you do not talk again like a woman. Stupid Indian!
South Bengal means Barisal/Bagerhat etc.
Chittagong/Sylhet/Noakhali/Comilla does not fall under any Bengal in traditional sense. Infact they are not Bengali until recently.

i thought noakhali was known as shomotot and a part of Bangla

Have you ever been so mad that you type the same insulting comment twice! Settle down son, and who you calling your Acchyut. I am a Brahmin, I am not meant to touch your kind even by the end of a shytty stick, but am still talking to you aren't I? So don't be mad. Now take it easy. Hindu Bengalis never had a West Bengal Regiment because they had people like you to do the hard work:lol:

Also its Heathen and not Hithen!

ACCHYUTs need a million time of kicking in their to bring civic sense in their heads. Hithen people remain as hithen they were when they were our servants and slaves. These hithens will again be taught a good lesson.
1. Couple of days ago i read a news. . . India has assured hasina that it will take care of Usa in the case of muhammad yunus. . . India is the only ally of this regiment now. . So it depends on india's diplomacy.. 2. Don't know. . I think BNP is pretty much interested in assams independence. . It is true that it helped ulfa . . Even 6 trucks of arms . . .bangladeshi intelligence was behind it. . You know. . . Usa is a clever player . . . It will always change side under circumstances. . .

On the bold part - not necessarily. Bangladeshi politicians are hardly committed to anything for the most part.

I think they were interested in the money. The arms dealing was a profitable business.
sylhet came from the word srihotto ! I am from Noakhali. ( sorry it is not south bengal , south bangladesh lol ). Is Ulfa a terrorist org?? What does the international community say about it?? I thought USA doesnt consider it terrorist org. .. and regarding your stay in BD . . Nice memory. . Everyone will be fascinated by our hospitability. . . Even if you manage to find al zakir . . . It is just the internet . . You don't have to show your face. . And can say anything you want to say. . .

if I see the type of chap who say is merely on the internet, well it is not that I don't have to see his face, it will be a wonder if he still has his face!

I am afraid, I know Bangladesh from the days of East Pakistan till now.

My friends there, and many from the Army, do exhibit excellent hospitality, the same they experienced when they were here with us. In fact, my house where I taught the BD officers, was called jokingly Bango Bhavan.

They came ate and drank as and when they wanted! It was always open to them and others too!

Therefore, it is amusing to listen to Al Zakira and Sami.
We the Bangladeshi people also treat Indians as our slaves and inferior to us. What is your point to bring up Pakistan? Stick to your own if you have any. You Indians need a direct sla on your face so that you do not talk again like a woman. Stupid Indian!

LOL your level of frustration is gotten to your head mate. Well why dont you come from tokyo to India and give us our slap.
I am a brahmin and yes i agree to some extent some brahmins were very much fraud who preached wrong things to others..but you just cant blame them as brahmins were never ever rich..kshatriyas on the other hand could have stopped this as they had all power but they never did..

To us all the Hindus areACCHYUTs. They do not make any difference in our mind if some are Brahmins. Why should there be such a distinction? So, all are ACCHYUTs.
We the Bangladeshi people also treat Indians as our slaves and inferior to us. What is your point to bring up Pakistan? Stick to your own if you have any. You Indians need a direct sla on your face so that you do not talk again like a woman. Stupid Indian!

I like that macho behavior my dear BDian subject. Keep it up.

BTW, what are your industrial skills BDian? Are you good at welding, farming, machining?

We are in the process of alloting jobs to our would be BDian subject.

Tell me your preference BDian so that you get the job of your choice in the factories we will open in Indian Bangladesh.

Oh and here are the compensation:

1. 2 meals a day.

2. Tea/Coffee twice a day.

3. Free uniform with laundry allowance.

4. Flogging only 5 times in a 24 hour period.

5. Only 18 hr working shift.

6. Other perks negotiable.

You see how generous we, your new Indian masters, are BDian.

Now kneel down and embrace your servitude by dear obedient BDian subject.
Not understood 'they are not Bengali till recently'.

If they are not Bengal, then what are they?

Sylhetis and Chittagongians, much like any south Bengali associate themselves more with Burma than India. Their native languages are completely different from mainstream Bengali.

Put a Sylheti or Chittagongian next to each other, they'll get along real well.

It is fair to say that Sylhetis are an Assamese culture in a way.

I have come across some Sylheti fellows back in the UK who do not even speak Bangla. Either English or Sylheti.

I know since I am half Chittagongian ;)

This thread is soooo long :coffee:
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