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India on way to become global military power: Experts

So India becomes a "global military power". What should Pakistan do? Keep relations hot and nasty, or work to create an entente as peaceful as that between the U.S. and Canada?

this is far deeper than that, this is in many ways a clash of civilisations, india is all about hindu ideological supremacy over its neighbours.

in any case, india does not want a strong economically viable pakistan,it makes no snese for them.

so called fears of militants from pakistan will only be a paper cut in comparison to pak becoming an even stronger military power.
india is all about hindu ideological supremacy over its neighbours.

That explains why Hindu-nationalist parties performed miserably during last general elections in India.

Come up with a better argument next time.
how can a country whose air-force squadron strength is depleting with every passing month , possibly be a global power?????

i know in airforce quality matter more than quantity but even quality wise india is nowhere compared to global powers.
You are just seeing the actual status, without think of all the modernisations that already are going on!
Yes, IAF squad numbers will be reduce, but not uncontrolled!
Fighters that will be phased out till 2015:
~ 60 Mig 27
~ 150 Mig 21
= 210
Fighters that are already ordered and will enter service in the same time:
40 LCA MK1
40 + 50 Su 30 MKI from Russia
~90 Su 30 MKI from HAL
= 220
Not yet ordered, but some of them also falls in this timeframe:
100 LCA MK2
18 + 108 MMRCA

As you can see, IAF not only take care of the squad number problem, but also include a lot of new quality into the fleet and this is only the part of combat fighters. Also keep in mind new C130J, C17 transport aircrafts, most likely A330 MRTT tankers, new trainers, helicopter and so on and so on.
Now it's nearly 2010, think about the IAF in 2020 when all these modernisations had been done and even the co-developments like FGFA, MRTA enters service and then compare it with other major powers, will there still be a difference in quality then?
You can see this kind of modernisations in all Indian armed forces, be it new tanks and artillery for IA, or new subs, carriers and other vessels for IN.
There should be no doubt that Indias forces are going to be pretty comparable to other major powers like Russia, China, France, or GB, because in quality these won't have an edge to India by then. But I would differ in the term of global power, because India don't have the aim of expanding their military power all over the world. Indias aim is only Asia and the Indian Ocean and there are not many countries that can keep up with India in this area.
Ya and how many days ur great commandos used to kill 1 terrorist ?

The question is how many civilians died after commando operation started ??...You seems to forget that those terrorists are in a hotel with lots of rooms and its easy for them to hide anywhere..So obviously need more troops to search and secure every room..
India is no Global Super power.

Its massive infrastructure problems and huge poplulation of very poor people will hold it back.

But theres no doubt that it is a very large developing nation with huge potential. It has all the right ingredients to become a major power in 20 years

Very large land mass with huge natural resources
Huge poplulation and very large middle class population giving internal demand and growth
Big GDP & Forex.
Big interest and FDI from west
Very good relations with both the West & Russia.
ACCESS to all the technology it wants ie no restrictions eg USA nuke deal.

TheY are definitely in the box seat in South Asia. THAT FOR SURE
India as Global Military Superpower?Experts Call it ‘Dreamy Yearning’

Ravi S Jha

NEW DELHI — India’s top strategic experts have scoffed at the idea of the country emerging as a ‘military global super power’.

With India and the United States strongly demonstrating that New Delhi is moving from an era of ‘non-alignment’ to ‘poly-alignment’, and by doing so it is growing from a regional military power to a global power, the Indian defence experts said on Thursday they are far from being convinced.

A top US military think-tank has implied that India’s rise as a regional and future global military power now seems certain. Brian Hedrick of Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of US Army Department of Defence in a paper “India’s Strategic Defence Transformation: Expanding Global Relationship” has suggested that India is bound to become a global military super power.

But India’s independent strategists aren’t buying this conjecture. They 
suggest that such a discourse is just
eyewash. “It’s a dreamy yearning for India to even think that it will be a 
military super power anytime soon,” said Ajai Sahni, director, Centre for Conflict Studies.

“Weak internal security; corruption and inefficiency, ill equipped and under-paid armed and police force,
bureaucratic red tape, outdated laws 
are few reasons why India cannot,” Sahni said. Reacting to SSI’s claim that India’s defence establishment was 
undergoing an unprecedented transformation, Indian experts countered that it was far from being true.

“India takes decades to buy ultra modern defence equipment, even though it doesn’t shy away from signing defence deals all over. The aircrafts which were inducted in the Indian Air Force two decades ago are still no where to be seen,” he said.

Commenting on SSI director 
Douglas Lovelace’s widely published views on India rapidly modernising its military, and seeking strategic partnerships with the US and other nations, ‘with an aim to expand its influence 
in the Indian Ocean and beyond’, 
Indian experts suggested that this is a mere sweet talk, while the US had allowed to fund billions of dollars, and free military aid to Pakistan.

India has increased the number of countries with which it has defence-specific agreements from seven to 26 by the end of 2008. Also undenyingly India has conducted more joint military exercises with the US than with any other country, and the recent series of joint military exercises have now become an annual affair.

But there is a growing concern in India about the substantial increase in US military and economic aid to Pakistan. “There are concerns that these military equipment and funds are being diverted by Pakistan for anti-India purposes,” said former Indian high commissioner to Pakistan, G Parthasarthy. “If India is really emerging a global super power then why isn’t the US addressing India’s concerns on this,” he asked.

Although he agreed that India and the US have forged institutional mechanisms for counter terrorism cooperation after the establishment of the US-India Counter-terrorism Joint Working Group, Parthasarthy added the Kerry-Lugar bill passed by the US Senate tripling non-military aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion per annum for the next five years shows why Washington needs to be explicit in its views.

Reacting to comments made by Hedrick, who is a military advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia at the US State Department, saying that India’s interests have changed over the past decade or more towards attaining the global super power status, the strategic experts pointed out that India will have to stop living in its own imaginary world.

India’s military strategy is entirely made up of Pakistan or China’s counter strategies. India’s military power boasts of offensive, broad front, and highly lethal strategies vis-à-vis China or Pakistan’s counter strategy which is based on comprising war avoidance, counter offensive etc. “Beyond this, India isn’t really global,” said former deputy chief of the army staff Satish Nambiar.

Another veteran Brahma Chellaney, who teaches strategic studies at Centre for Policy Studies, said it is too early to state that India would be a global military power. “India-US strategic partnership appears to be moving towards a higher trajectory. This doesn’t mean India is achieving globally what it should have first achieved regionally,” he said.

India and the US co-operation have been growing in the areas of defence, economy, energy, technology and innovation. “The shared value of democracy has consolidated mutual understanding and partnership with US. The possibility of nuclear use in South Asia increases with the increase in threat to vital interests. There are too many priorities, and India should first address them,” he said.

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India as Global Military Superpower?

Experts Call it ‘Dreamy Yearning’

“Weak internal security; corruption and inefficiency, ill equipped and under-paid armed and police force,
bureaucratic red tape, outdated laws 
are few reasons why India cannot,” Sahni said. Reacting to SSI’s claim that India’s defence establishment was 
undergoing an unprecedented transformation, Indian experts countered that it was far from being true.

“India takes decades to buy ultra modern defence equipment, even though it doesn’t shy away from signing defence deals all over. The aircrafts which were inducted in the Indian Air Force two decades ago are still no where to be seen,” he said.

Ya that's what's called a Hyperbole.


Publish 10000000000 articles as to why India cant be a super power.

At the End of the Day India is the one getting the FDI
India is the one with a burgeoning middle class,
India is the one shopping in Defense mart. India is the 12th largest economy in the world.
India is the one making huge investments in green infrastructure.

Well in line to become the 10th largest in the nest 3 to 4 years.
At the very least India will end up being a G8 country, and eradicate poverty for at least 90% of its citizens.
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^^^ Can you post the link?
Ya and how many days ur great commandos used to kill 1 terrorist ?

back to topic reading this in The Daily Mail world should be more afraid for terrorists geting hand on nukes from India than Iran or any other country.

For me India realy looks like super power :))):taz::taz:

The most vulnerable naked nukes of India
—more than 80% of India’s nuclear and missile infrastructure based in the insurgency-hit areas or extremists’ dominated region

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

First the artcile is from a Pakistani source. About the writer, it is the same who is related to prostitutes in IA. And interestingly, the source was same at that time as well i.e., Daily Mail!!:blah::blah:

Here is something for you.

Beauty pageants give lawyer something to strive for  - Food and Living - Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports -

Also this was not related to the topic. Better luck next time.:wave:
but what is the use of becoming military superpower??? developing countries with weak economy doesnt have much sustainable military strength, leave alone india, curious enough about your intentions, eh??? for self-defense? noboby will wish to annex your land because your land has been occupied with people already. for fame and glory?? you want to boast your military buildup whilst not invade weaker ones to maintain your fame and glory??

you import massive amount of weapon and dont intend to use them??? and then let the weapons which you bought with the money originally supposed to help your people get out of poverty become obsolete as days passes ??? the opportunity cost for these military expenditure may have helped india catching up with china economically at an earlier date, this way will be more effective if india really wants to become respectable superpower standing on this planet.
but what is the use of becoming military superpower??? developing countries with weak economy doesnt have much sustainable military strength, leave alone india, curious enough about your intentions, eh??? for self-defense? noboby will wish to annex your land because your land has been occupied with people already. for fame and glory?? you want to boast your military buildup whilst not invade weaker ones to maintain your fame and glory??

you import massive amount of weapon and dont intend to use them??? and then let the weapons which you bought with the money originally supposed to help your people get out of poverty become obsolete as days passes ??? the opportunity cost for these military expenditure may have helped india catching up with china economically at an earlier date, this way will be more effective if india really wants to become respectable superpower standing on this planet.

I Agree that The Money being invested is a wastage. But Its a Useless yet an Unavoidable Spending.
Yes, People are poor; But Being poor with Dignity is no Harm rather being rich and Weep to loose Thousand of soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan.

The Money being Spend in Asia is Nothing Compared to what was Invested in the silly Cold War, Which never went Hot.

So i Dont think Its Unwise to spend Money if you ( India ) had the priviledge to face 4 Hot Wars, inorder to avaoid the Fifth One.

Besides,Military Technology NOT always had just one dimension.
In India The Light Alloy developed for Agni Missile had been used for Callipers of Disabled Children. It has reduced the weigh of 7 Kgs of Equipment to a mere 1 Kg !
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My advice to you.. Mind your language first.. No need to get chilli over sarcasm.. You aint talkin to your mohalla-wallas here.. This is a reputed forum.. And i wouldnt fire back at you using the same set of words you used for us.. There is a difference in class between us and you.. And that difference should be maintained..
Do bear in mind that the movie slumdog millionare, where you derive the word SLUM from, got our artist an Oscars.. And if you remember the storyline, there was a dialogue which goes like "India is at the centre of this world".. maybe you dont remember.. Watch the film again.. Watch it over and over again till you start appreciating the fact that, inspite of all kinds of disadvantages with which people live in this country, we are leagues better off now than we were a decade ago.. That is because we dont use "wait and watch".. We have learnt to live in the present.. And our present is helping us improve our future.. When we talk, we know we are talking from a firm foundation..:coffee: I m sure I will live to see Pakistan get back on the growth trajectory.. We have more at stake on what happens on the other side of the western border.. After all, we are the same people..
Now back to topics...:angel:

It is not me it is you who have to mind your tongue as you are talking about my country and the sarcasm part done really cut it here. Also the movie and realities are 2 different things, I know that I am not taking to my mohala walas. Neither are you, what you were poking fun on is my country.
"There is a difference in class between us and you.. And that difference should be maintained.."
Thank you for pointing that out, I shouldn't have stooped down to your level.

After all, we are the same people.. No sir we are not so get out of that dilemma.
I Agree that The Money being invested is a wastage. But Its a Useless yet an Unavoidable Spending.
Yes, People are poor; But Being poor with Dignity is no Harm rather being rich and Weep to loose Thousand of soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan.

The Money being Spend in Asia is Nothing Compared to what was Invested in the silly Cold War, Which never went Hot.

So i Dont think Its Unwise to spend Money if you ( India ) had the priviledge to face 4 Hot Wars, inorder to avaoid the Fifth One.

Besides,Military Technology NOT always had just one dimension.
In India The Light Alloy developed for Agni Missile had been used for Callipers of Disabled Children. It has reduced the weigh of 7 Kgs of Equipment to a mere 1 Kg !

It is obvious that you have little compassion for the poor. If you think India's poors are so content with their lives, why is there widespread Maoist rebellion?

I am not trying to say India should not develop its military. However, I do think that India has been overly militaristic and expansionistic in the past 50 years. If not for the west's concern with China's rapid rise, India will not get a free international pass for its military built up and rampart human rights abuse it is getting now.
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