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India not willing to play by the rules: US lawmakers


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India not willing to play by the rules: US lawmakers

Jun 29, 2013, 05.10AM IST

WASHINGTON: Top American lawmakers on Friday criticised India's trade and business policies, saying that New Delhi is not willing to play by the rules.

"When you look at India's industrial policy, trade barriers, the rampant piracy, the tax discrimination and what appears to be an absolute disregard for our intellectual property rights, you realize that India is a country that is not willing to play by the rules right now," Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn said at a Congressional hearing.

"What's worse is that they're trying to gloss over this. And here's an example. Last week, the Indian ambassador sent a letter to my office defending their abusive practices that are killing jobs of millions of hardworking Americans," Blackburn said in reference to the letter sent by ambassador Nirupma Rao.

"India's principles set a disappointing example to the rest of the world. No country that calls itself a friend of the US would celebrate isolationism the way that India is doing," Blackburn said.

"We have overwhelming bipartisan agreement in Congress that India's government must reverse course or risk seriously threatening our bilateral relationship," said the Congresswoman from Tennessee during the Congressional hearing on "A Tangle of Trade Barriers: How India's Industrial Policy is Hurting US Companies".

The hearing was convened by the commerce, manufacturing, and trade subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The letter written by the Indian ambassador to Congressmen was also made part of the record of the Congressional hearing as part of India's position on the issues.

Expressing deep concern over the Indian policies related to the intellectual property rights, Congressman Leonard Lance from New Jersey said the United States must exhibit leadership in the area of protecting IP rights.

"Emerging companies that adopt the Indian model of intellectual property policymaking also pose a risk to United States companies. We must make it clear to all trading partners that these policies set a bad precedent and undermine our mutually beneficial trade agreements," he said.

Congressman Peter Olson from Texas expressed his anger over the recent Indian policies, which he said is badly hurting American companies and called for taking actions against New Delhi.

"Like all of you all, my blood boils when I hear that India is revoking and denying patents and granting compulsory licenses for cancer treatments or adopting local content requirements," he said.

"As a nation, we should handle India like my dad did when I was growing up and I made his blood boil: He put his arm around me and or pulled me where he would go, to make sure his fingers were resting firmly on my shoulder just to inflict some pain if I diverted from the course we would go down. That's what we should do with their government," Olson said.

India not willing to play by the rules: US lawmakers - Times Of India
america needs to shut up they are the most protectionist nation on earth
NEW YORK: Senior Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was indicted for visa fraud and making false statements but can leave the US as she has been accorded diplomatic immunity.

The charges against 39-year-old Khobragade will remain and she will have to face trial, if she returns to the US without diplomatic immunity, US attorney Preet Bharara said in a letter to District Judge Shira Scheindlin.

Bharara said the grand jury has indicted the diplomat on two counts of visa fraud and making false statements in connection with the visa application of her domestic help Sangeeta Richard.

"There will not need to be an arraignment on the Indictment scheduled at this time. We understand that the defendant was very recently accorded diplomatic immunity status," Bharara said in his letter.

"Therefore, the charges will remain pending until such time as she can be brought to court to face the charges, either through a waiver of immunity or the defendant's return to the United States in a non-immune status. The time between now and the time that she is able to be brought before the Court is excluded automatically under the Speedy Trial Act, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 3161(h)(3)(A), which provides for the exclusion of any period of delay resulting from the unavailability of the defendant," he said.

When contacted, Khobragade told PTI, "I will show my immunity to the court. The court will see that I have diplomatic immunity. Only then I will leave the US."

A 1999-batch IFS officer, Khobragade, was arrested on December 12 on charges of making false declarations in a visa application for her maid. She was released on a $250,000 bond.

The diplomat was strip searched and held with criminals, triggering a row between the two sides with India retaliating by downgrading privileges of certain category of US diplomats.

"The government respectfully writes to advise the court that earlier today, the grand jury voted on and returned the enclosed Indictment charging Devyani Khobragade, the defendant, in two counts with visa fraud and making false statements in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1546, 1001, and 2," Bharara said.

"In this case, the defendant is unavailable because her 'whereabouts are known but [her] presence for trial cannot be obtained by due diligence or [she] resists appearing at or being returned for trial'," he said.

Bharara made it clear that Khobragade will be prosecuted if she returns to the US without diplomatic immunity.

"We will alert the Court promptly if we learn that the defendant returns to the United States in a non-immune capacity, at which time the Government will proceed to prosecute this case and prove the charges in the Indictment," he added.

After the row broke out, Khobragade was transferred to India's permanent mission to the UN. Following her arrest, her passport was kept in court's custody.

Indians need not worry. They kind of like to do it to assure themselves of their high ethical standards and feel good among themselves and we are a familiar target where their ethical superiority can be easily demonstrated.
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You Indians should tell that to US face more often.

It seems like your entire life is revolving around India. There are 1.3 billion people to worry about India and can take care of their country. Get some rest .
Dear Yanks......How much is your federal government giving as farm subsidies creating an imbalance in trade throughout the world? Billions of dollars, and most of it going to your fat cat Billionaires!

Are you playing by the WTO rules? NO! So just STFU and get your own house in order first before pointing your soiled fingers at others.

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