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India not a threat

u seem to be vry happy!
so stop laughing!
Pakistan's Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente

According to sources close to Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Kiyani, senior officers are alarmed at the president's plans to divert troops and aircraft defending Pakistan's border with India and deploy them in a new offensive against Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.

Their rift emerged after Mr Zadari made a number of speeches earlier this week, in which he said India no longer posed a military threat to Pakistan and that his country's greatest threat came from Islamic guerrillas in its tribal areas along its frontier with Afghanistan. Such militants have waged a campaign of suicide bombings throughout Pakistan's major cities and control large swathes of its tribal areas.

His comments raised hopes of a new thaw in the frosty relationship between India and Pakistan, but were questioned by analysts who said it defied the two nation's experience of three wars. They accused Mr Zardari of yielding to British and American pressure.

Both London and Washington escalated their lobbying of Pakistan to address Indian concerns after the November attack on Mumbai, in which more than 170 people were killed. It was blamed on the Pakistan-based Islamic militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Evidence showing the plot was hatched and launched from Pakistan brought the two countries close to war, and sparked an intense diplomatic campaign to persuade New Delhi and Islamabad to step back from the brink.

According to senior military figures, one Anglo-American gambit to Islamabad was a guarantee that India would not be allowed to attack Pakistan if its forces were redeployed to fight terrorists on its Western border.

Analysts last night said they did not expect President Zardari to win his fight to redeploy the army from the Indian border.

"Mr Zardari's statements do not mean that Pakistan will withdraw its troops from the border. For this to happen there has to be a reciprocal action by India," said Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi, a political and defence analyst. "He meant that although India may represent a long-term threat, the immediate threat is from the Taliban," he added.

Lieutenant-General Talat Masood, a respected political analyst, said Mr Zardari's comments were a genuine attempt to shore up civilian-led government in the country by easing tension with India.

"He thinks civilian government will be consolidated if relations with India improve, he thinks it is in Pakistan's interest and for him the militancy is a greater danger," he told The Daily Telegraph.

Despite signals that India would welcome talks - possibly between their foreign ministers at a meeting of the G8 group of nations in Trieste, Italy, this weekend - New Delhi believes a willingness to deport terrorist suspects like Lashkar-e-taiba leader Hafiz Saeed would be a more meaningful statement.

Lt-Gen Masood said Pakistan's military chiefs firmly believed that there must first be progress in finding a solution to their dispute over the Kashmir region before a better relationship could be considered worth having.

Until then, the army chiefs will focus on India's vast military capability rather than its stated intentions. "Intentions can change, and you can't rule out the possibility," he said.
Pakistan's Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente - Telegraph
right! first we use to think that india is the real enemy! bt seeing the taliban in swat region it makes me say dis dat taliban and other terrorist organisationz operating frm our soil are the real enemy! bt i do not rule out the fact dat india in future cannot be seen as a enemy!

Finally i found one!!:victory:
Threads merged and moved to appropriate section.

And whether you disagree with the Pakistani leadership or not, name calling is against the forum rules.
Why is noone answering this? .. The only reason he was so called elected is because of his wife's ticket. There could be other lingering reasons which could highlight the situation later I suppose, but the majority was never interested in him leading this country.

If majority was never interested in him leading the country then whatz the point of keeping him in power?:hitwall:
That is all fine & dandy. But had he said that India is the real enemy, would US have tripled your aid? You accuse him of being a beggar, yet enjoy the benefits of what he is bringing you in form of all that international aid.

We enjoy the benefits, you got to me out of your freaking mind.:tsk: Seriously where did you come up with this one. The corruption in Pakistan has gone 400% up. Do you understand what that means.
Pakistan's Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente

According to sources close to Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Kiyani, senior officers are alarmed at the president's plans to divert troops and aircraft defending Pakistan's border with India and deploy them in a new offensive against Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.

Their rift emerged after Mr Zadari made a number of speeches earlier this week, in which he said India no longer posed a military threat to Pakistan and that his country's greatest threat came from Islamic guerrillas in its tribal areas along its frontier with Afghanistan. Such militants have waged a campaign of suicide bombings throughout Pakistan's major cities and control large swathes of its tribal areas.

His comments raised hopes of a new thaw in the frosty relationship between India and Pakistan, but were questioned by analysts who said it defied the two nation's experience of three wars. They accused Mr Zardari of yielding to British and American pressure.

Both London and Washington escalated their lobbying of Pakistan to address Indian concerns after the November attack on Mumbai, in which more than 170 people were killed. It was blamed on the Pakistan-based Islamic militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Evidence showing the plot was hatched and launched from Pakistan brought the two countries close to war, and sparked an intense diplomatic campaign to persuade New Delhi and Islamabad to step back from the brink.

According to senior military figures, one Anglo-American gambit to Islamabad was a guarantee that India would not be allowed to attack Pakistan if its forces were redeployed to fight terrorists on its Western border.

Analysts last night said they did not expect President Zardari to win his fight to redeploy the army from the Indian border.

"Mr Zardari's statements do not mean that Pakistan will withdraw its troops from the border. For this to happen there has to be a reciprocal action by India," said Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi, a political and defence analyst. "He meant that although India may represent a long-term threat, the immediate threat is from the Taliban," he added.

Lieutenant-General Talat Masood, a respected political analyst, said Mr Zardari's comments were a genuine attempt to shore up civilian-led government in the country by easing tension with India.

"He thinks civilian government will be consolidated if relations with India improve, he thinks it is in Pakistan's interest and for him the militancy is a greater danger," he told The Daily Telegraph.

Despite signals that India would welcome talks - possibly between their foreign ministers at a meeting of the G8 group of nations in Trieste, Italy, this weekend - New Delhi believes a willingness to deport terrorist suspects like Lashkar-e-taiba leader Hafiz Saeed would be a more meaningful statement.

Lt-Gen Masood said Pakistan's military chiefs firmly believed that there must first be progress in finding a solution to their dispute over the Kashmir region before a better relationship could be considered worth having.

Until then, the army chiefs will focus on India's vast military capability rather than its stated intentions. "Intentions can change, and you can't rule out the possibility," he said.
Pakistan's Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente - Telegraph

Zadari sb to kisi or he dunyah main rehta hain, time for him to come back to earth and face the reality. If the news is taken to be credible, it seems some one is trying to put some sense into the thick skull.
Zadari sb to kisi or he dunyah main rehta hain, time for him to come back to earth and face the reality. If the news is taken to be credible, it seems some one is trying to put some sense into the thick skull.

Who can it be besides your Army for that.
Pakistan's Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente

According to sources close to Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Kiyani, senior officers are alarmed at the president's plans to divert troops and aircraft defending Pakistan's border with India and deploy them in a new offensive against Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.

He will not remain in office for long if he makes irresponsible descisions like that, and I doubt the army will even listen to him if he orders massive troop movement from our eastern borders to our western borders. The army cares more about Pakistan's safety than Zardari does.

The next thing you know Zardari will want to sell Pakistan to India and run to his mansion in Dubai.

Keep dreaming Zardari, our army will never let Pakistan fall.

If majority was never interested in him leading the country then whatz the point of keeping him in power?:hitwall:

The only reason why he's in power is because the nation was grieving when his wife died and the nation was sick of Musharaf so they elected PPP. Then Zardari announced he will lead PPP until his son finishes his studies. These people now running PPP are nothing like the founder of the party, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a good leader.
Why is noone answering this? .. The only reason he was so called elected is because of his wife's ticket. There could be other lingering reasons which could highlight the situation later I suppose, but the majority was never interested in him leading this country.

Sir I wanted to ask....so when are the next general elections in Pakistan?
Also who would be the most likely candidate to win?....Is it Nawaz Sharif...coz from what I hear he might not be the Mr.10% but 9.5% definitely.....Is he really the one who you think should be leading?

Frankly Im a Musharaff fan.....In any case how exactly do you think someone else should be handling this situation??..I feel like what Zardari is doing is diplomatically correct...I mean making statements like this pleases everybody.....dont you think?? I look forward to your response....
So if not Zardari, whose the alternative? Nawaz Sharif? Isn't he worse?
So if not Zardari, whose the alternative? Nawaz Sharif? Isn't he worse?

Its too early to even talk about alternatives. However when the time comes so will an alternative. And yes you are right Sharif is worse.
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