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India needs one language: Amit Shah

Hindi is a degraded, uncultured and unsophisticated form of Urdu. A language spoken by boors and uncivilised maniacs.


Both Hindi & Urdu are artificial languages with no historical roots in the subcontinent.

I would any day take Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Marathi Odiya, Pashto, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Sinhala etc. over artificial languages like Urdu/Hindi.

I agree. If there should be an official language of India it should be English. It is after all a link language even now in India.

Not only in India but it is a link language all over the world.
Both Hindi & Urdu are artificial languages with no historical roots in the subcontinent.

Not really. Hindi and Urdu are India-origin languages.

It is said that Urdu was invented as the means for the Mughals to communicate with and administrate the locals. Urdu seems to be made of Hindi, Farsi ( Persian ), Arabic and Turkic.

Not only in India but it is a link language all over the world.

This fat f*ck is india's most powerful man ;)

Modi is just a front for Amit Shah and RSS. Even you know it, don't you?

Modi may be a front for Amit Shah but certainly not for RSS.

Modi-Shah have been working overtime to make RSS irrelevant.

Infact Subramanian swamy is the front for RSS but he can't even get a ministry in Modi's cabinet.:D:D

Not really. Hindi and Urdu are India-origin languages.

It is said that Urdu was invented as the means for the Mughals to communicate with and administrate the locals. Urdu seems to be made of Hindi, Farsi ( Persian ), Arabic and Turkic.

Exactly! .

You are strengthening my argument. Urdu/Hindi are recent inventions with no historical/cultural ties to people of this land.

Comparing Urdu/Hindi with other native languages is like Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Marathi Odiya, Pashto, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Sinhala etc. is analogous to comparing History of the US to the History of the subcontinent.

The other native languages have 1000s of history while Urdu/Hindi are just few 100 years old.

I would rather take English over Urdu/Hindi any day.

I have noticed that Hindi is propagated a lot as national language of India by BJP/RSS since 90s if we go by their Doordarshan appearances which I watched on TV during that time. Now RSS headquarter is in Nagpur which I always thought was in UP india and I thought it makes sense Bhayya gangus of UP trying to promote their language "hindi" as india's single national language. But recently I discovered that RSS headquarter Nagpur lies in indian state of Maharashtra and all its earliest founders were also "marathi" people. The current leadership Modi, Amit Shah are however Gujarati from indian state of Gujarat. So now it really confuses me that why an organization (BJP/RSS) whose headquarter is located in non-hindi speaking area like Maharashtra and whose current leadership is from another non-hindi speaking area of Gujarat is ridiculously so pro-hindi which is a bhayya language and has got nothing to do with them. An on top of that there is very strong "pro-marathi" language movements within Maharashtra in the form of Shiv Sena and another guy called Raj Thakray who often beat bhayya people from "hindi speaking" states like UP and Bihar coming to Maharasthra (Mumbai etc.) and trying to "impose" their language and culture on the local language and culture of Marathi people in Maharashtra. And another contradiction is that Shiv Sena the pro-marathi party is a hindu fundamentalist party and a close ally of BJP/RSS. So all in all it looks such a strange phenomenon taking place in ganguland, it always confuses my mind.


British created divisions between Hindus and Muslims by dividing the ertwhile Hindustani into Urdu and Hindi.

They then created Indian Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha to support the adoption of these languages to destroy the native languages and cultures.

The plan was to demonstrate that their English language is older than any South Asia languages overtime.

Jinnah has partially succeeded in making Urdu to replace Punjabi, Sindhi etc, in Pakistan but Sanghis have miserably failed to make Hindi replace original/native Indian languages.

Finally.. his talking some sense, make it Hindi and force everyone to speak it within the next 5 years keep marching forward.. Mr. Shah never falter!


Btw, When India dissolves into 50 states, will Pakistan have enough money to have embassies in all of them?.. or will we pick our favourites?

When India gets balkanized, most of those part will merge with Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Maldives etc.

So you just need to plan around 1/2 a dozen more embassies.

That's the realilty and it is coming.
Similarly a special article for Sikhs in punjab is also going to go .
There is no end to what a facist government high on people's sentiments and which believes in their religious destiny can do .
Why not impose sanskerit, why hindi .

Sanskrit is not an artificial language like Hindi.

If Sanskrit is adopted then British can never claim their superiority over subcontinent.

British needs artificial languages with no history like Urdu and Hindi to be adopted to demonstrate their superiority.

basically India understands one language.. :guns:

Good one


Very cunning and smart decision.
A concept that I discussed in my Lingua Franca thread.

We Pakistanis really need to get rid of this habit of laughing off everything that the enemy does.

There is nothing smart about this.

Imposing recent artificial languages like Urdu and Hindi on the people of the subcontinent was & is a nefarious design of the British.

Plz declare any one as a national language... And let the show begin...
Starting from tamil and kaerala offcourse

These Sanghis will never declare native languages like Tamil, Malayalam etc.

They are hell bent on imposing artificial language like Urdu/Hindi to destroy the history & culture of the subcontinent.

gujrati will be best

Marathi is also good.

As a South Indian, I would be happy to learn native languages like Gujarati & Marathi over Urdu-Hindi.

It is opposed by many in India as well. But the step itself is not bad.

The concept of having a link language is understandable but the selection of Hindi is cruel, criminal and nefarious.

That's the realilty and it is coming.
Similarly a special article for Sikhs in punjab is also going to go .
There is no end to what a facist government high on people's sentiments and which believes in their religious destiny can do .
Why not impose sanskerit, why hindi .

What do you mean by special article for Sikhs in Punjab? There is no such thing.

moooosss i think easier for hinduboys to understand
thats my suggestion

is hindi part of hindu religion or is it Sanskrit?

Hindi-Urdu has no history unlike other native languages. It is an artificial language with only few 100 years history. It is youngest of all the languages in the subcontinent.

None of the Indian religious/historical literature was written in Hindi-Urdu.

Right now in Tamilnadu


"This Is India, Not Hindia": MK Stalin On Amit Shah's Hindi Diwas Tweet
தமிழில் படிக்க
Hindi Day: Earlier today Home Minister Amit Shah, on the occasion of Hindi Diwas, said that since Hindi is "the most widely-spoken and understood language" in the country it is the only language that can unite the nation
All India | Written by J Sam Daniel Stalin | Updated: September 14, 2019 16:55 IST


This would happen everywhere in India.

Enough of with this Hindi nonsense.

British are no longer ruling India.

Not to be that guy but both have same origin


Hindi-Urdu are the same language with Urdu having some loan words and script from Persian while Hindi having some loan words and script from Sanskrit.

Both are artificial languages imposed by the British to divide and rule India and idiots of this subcontinent still continue to propagate and support this nonsense.

Arabic is taught in Pakistani schools from class 6 to 8 as a compulsory subject it's difficult for Pakistanis Persian would be relatively easier to learn
I think local languages like Pashto Balochi etc should be taught in Pakistani schools as optional or compulsory subjects in all provinces
In few years most of the students would be able to understand these languages

Pakistanis should learn native languages like Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi, Balti etc. rather than alien and artificial languages like Arabic and Urdu-Hindi.

I don't understand why some people in Pakistan try to "prove" that urdu and hindi are two totally different languages, I mean it is ridiculous, I always see urdu as "muslim hindi" and hindi as "hindu urdu", the language is essentially from the same geographical region between Delhi and Lucknow. All languages have geographical origins and in case of hindi/urdu it is the aforementioned region in UP india.

In fact there is hardly any difference between urdu and hindi in grammar, grammatically they are 99% same, the only difference is in vocabulary where urdu evolved by incorporating arabic/farsi vocabulary for sophisticated concepts where as hindi evolved by incorporating sanskrit vocabulary for the same sophisticated concepts.

In reality there is a bigger difference between punjabi language of Gujranwala and Punjabi language of "Ludhiana" in indian punjab than the difference between urdu and hindi, yet they are called with the same name as "Punjabi" language. In my view these are trivial things, especially when we know that Urdu was brought to modern Pakistani provinces by the Brits in late 1800s to facilitate the integration of these regions with the hindi/urdu speaking regions to their east and to curb use of "farsi language" which connected the modern areas of Pakistan at that time with the farsi speaking areas beyond their western borders. It is just ridiculous when I read that "urdu" and "hindi" are somehow totally different languages like chinese and german for example.

I couldn't have said it better.

Both Hindi & Urdu are artificial languages with no historical roots in the subcontinent.
This argument is nonsensical. English also has no historical roots in the land of India! Indeed, English has no roots in the land that constitutes the greatest English speaking nation the world has ever known (USA).

If you are choosing English as your national language, at least give a good reason e.g. its universal appeal, scientific lingua franca etc but to dismiss another language because it has "no roots" in the land of India is just odd. Urdu and its derivatives are very poetic and formalised languages and anyone would be proud of such heritage if they paused to reflect upon their true value.
This argument is nonsensical. English also has no historical roots in the land of India! Indeed, English has no roots in the land that constitutes the greatest English speaking nation the world has ever known (USA).

If you are choosing English as your national language, at least give a good reason e.g. its universal appeal, scientific lingua franca etc but to dismiss another language because it has "no roots" in the land of India is just odd. Urdu and its derivatives are very poetic and formalised languages and anyone would be proud of such heritage if they paused to reflect upon their true value.

I never said I would learn English for its roots and historical value rather it is the most widely accepted language in the world today.

On the other hand Hindi-Urdu neither have the world wide acceptability nor historical/cultural significance to the people in the subcontinent.

Learning Hindi-Urdu is total waste of time and adds no value in what so ever dimension you look at it. Learning them is just a burden on the kids.

If you are interested in poetry you are better off learning Persian or Sanskrit or Tamil instead.
On the other hand Hindi-Urdu neither have the world wide acceptability nor historical/cultural significance to the people in the subcontinent.
Once again, you have made two distinct criticisms of Urdu/Hindi, one of which clearly applies MORE SO to English than urdu/Hindi.

Yes, I accept that current universal appeal rests with English and English alone. that's obvious.
Once again, you have made two distinct criticisms of Urdu/Hindi, one of which clearly applies MORE SO to English than urdu/Hindi.

Yes, I accept that current universal appeal rests with English and English alone. that's obvious.

English has international acceptability but no historical/cultural significance for the people of the subcontinent.

Urdu-Hindi has neither of them.
English has international acceptability but no historical/cultural significance for the people of the subcontinent.

Urdu-Hindi has neither of them.
Ok now we're on a similar page.

I would add though that although you are dismissive of Urdu, it is the language of those who built your nation into the commercial empire that it was when the British first eyed it up. The British designs were always of loot and plunder, whereas the mughals wanted a true empire to be sustained in their image. Say what you will, but the Mughal language trumps the British language when it comes to "historical or cultural significance in The subcontinent". In the present day and age, yes English is more useful. But to regard Urdu and its offshoots as irrelevant in India is like suggesting Latin is of no relevance to English in Britain simply because it was introduced by "brutal" invaders. I've said it before on these threads and it's worth repeating... These historical chips on shoulders are pure childishness that other nations have grown out of.
Ok now we're on a similar page.

I would add though that although you are dismissive of Urdu, it is the language of those who built your nation into the commercial empire that it was when the British first eyed it up. The British designs were always of loot and plunder, whereas the mughals wanted a true empire to be sustained in their image. Say what you will, but the Mughal language trumps the British language when it comes to "historical or cultural significance in The subcontinent". In the present day and age, yes English is more useful. But to regard Urdu and its offshoots as irrelevant in India is like suggesting Latin is of no relevance to English in Britain simply because it was introduced by brutality invaders. I've said it before on these threads and it's worth repeating... These historical chips on shoulders are pure childishness that other nations have grown out of.

Of course if the options are only English and Urdu-Hindi, then you pick English for international acceptability and Urdu-Hindi for Historical/cultural relevance.

But if you have a wide choice then English is the language for international acceptability and native subcontinent languages like Sindhi, Pashto, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Balti, Bengali, Sinhala, Nepali, Gujarati, Marathi, Odiya, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Persian, Sanskrit etc. will always trump Urdu-Hindi.
It is a social engineering move with an intention to create a "Han Chinese" version in India destined to fail. In case of India, the lines drawn along the edges of languages are thousands of years old, once you take the language away, you essentially take away a cultural identity of the respected people.
India for its own sake of keeping its union, need to stop Modi and his minions.
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Indians should start lynching anyone who dont speak hindi, lynch anyone who eats beef, lynch anyone who doesnt drink gaumutra and last of all rape indian women like national sport.
Arabic is taught in Pakistani schools from class 6 to 8 as a compulsory subject it's difficult for Pakistanis Persian would be relatively easier to learn
I think local languages like Pashto Balochi etc should be taught in Pakistani schools as optional or compulsory subjects in all provinces
In few years most of the students would be able to understand these languages

Hindi and Urdu are same language with different names
Modi may be a front for Amit Shah but certainly not for RSS.

Modi-Shah have been working overtime to make RSS irrelevant.

Infact Subramanian swamy is the front for RSS but he can't even get a ministry in Modi's cabinet.:D:D

Exactly! .

You are strengthening my argument. Urdu/Hindi are recent inventions with no historical/cultural ties to people of this land.

Comparing Urdu/Hindi with other native languages is like Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Marathi Odiya, Pashto, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Sinhala etc. is analogous to comparing History of the US to the History of the subcontinent.

The other native languages have 1000s of history while Urdu/Hindi are just few 100 years old.

I would rather take English over Urdu/Hindi any day.


British created divisions between Hindus and Muslims by dividing the ertwhile Hindustani into Urdu and Hindi.

They then created Indian Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha to support the adoption of these languages to destroy the native languages and cultures.

The plan was to demonstrate that their English language is older than any South Asia languages overtime.

Jinnah has partially succeeded in making Urdu to replace Punjabi, Sindhi etc, in Pakistan but Sanghis have miserably failed to make Hindi replace original/native Indian languages.

When India gets balkanized, most of those part will merge with Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Maldives etc.

So you just need to plan around 1/2 a dozen more embassies.

Sanskrit is not an artificial language like Hindi.

If Sanskrit is adopted then British can never claim their superiority over subcontinent.

British needs artificial languages with no history like Urdu and Hindi to be adopted to demonstrate their superiority.

Good one


There is nothing smart about this.

Imposing recent artificial languages like Urdu and Hindi on the people of the subcontinent was & is a nefarious design of the British.

These Sanghis will never declare native languages like Tamil, Malayalam etc.

They are hell bent on imposing artificial language like Urdu/Hindi to destroy the history & culture of the subcontinent.

As a South Indian, I would be happy to learn native languages like Gujarati & Marathi over Urdu-Hindi.

The concept of having a link language is understandable but the selection of Hindi is cruel, criminal and nefarious.

What do you mean by special article for Sikhs in Punjab? There is no such thing.

Hindi-Urdu has no history unlike other native languages. It is an artificial language with only few 100 years history. It is youngest of all the languages in the subcontinent.

None of the Indian religious/historical literature was written in Hindi-Urdu.

This would happen everywhere in India.

Enough of with this Hindi nonsense.

British are no longer ruling India.


Hindi-Urdu are the same language with Urdu having some loan words and script from Persian while Hindi having some loan words and script from Sanskrit.

Both are artificial languages imposed by the British to divide and rule India and idiots of this subcontinent still continue to propagate and support this nonsense.

Pakistanis should learn native languages like Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi, Balti etc. rather than alien and artificial languages like Arabic and Urdu-Hindi.

I couldn't have said it better.

The sub continent was never united to begin with
Brits were tje folks who really united united this place which was more like Europe when it came to ethnic divisions
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