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India must apologize to Sri Lanka

Yep, Army has few Tamils coz of security reasons but there are Tamils in army intelligence units but we lost some of Tamils coz Tamil Tigers killed them.

LTTE is dead and war is over, now what is stopping SL from recruiting Tamils to armed forces. There are a lot of ex-LTTE fighters out there. They can be absorbed to SLA with minimum training and their skills can be used for the common good. A one sided armed force will be always seen an as a tool of oppression.
I beg to differ with you. In 1985/6 LTTE was not declared as a terrorist organization, not even by Ceylon. Do you want others to beleive that a website by name lankaweb which make $2/day publishes genuine articles.
Do you know about the racist author "Charles.S.Perera", if not read this small introduction.

There is no doubt Charles S Perera wants to recognize every person who has a Tamil name as a rank racist and that seems his terrible obsession. He could not understand and accept that a Tamil could be a democrat and his first loyalty to the country is as a Sri Lankan. Likewise there are people in the Tamil community who see every Sinhalese as a racist, Charles S Perera of course included, and none could be a democrat and they all consider themselves as Sinhaladipa citizens.

But, fortunately, this is not true at all. Tamils love Sri Lanka and want it as a truly democratic state and the Sinhalese too want it that way. This is the heart and soul of the people of the grass roots all over Sri Lanka. Perhaps Mr Charles S Perera, like this writer had not had the chance to have been widely traveled in the country like him, lived among the Sri Lankans irrespective what community they came from, and the friends he counts among all the people.

Sri Lanka Guardian: Charles S Perera sees a terrorist in every Tamil

Sri Lanka Guardian: Charles S Perera goes "ga ga"

You have said you know history of "Asian Tribune" , then showing "SriLanka Guardian"! Be moderate! Spreading racism won't help anyone to keep this peace! As a Sri Lankan I'm always with Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim and other ethnic civilians side but not with any kind of terrorists, separatists or racists!
Yep, Army has few Tamils coz of security reasons but there are Tamils in army intelligence units but we lost some of Tamils coz Tamil Tigers killed them.

Do you have any proof for your claim from any neutral source?

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

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This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

I hope so as well. :tup:

They've been trying to do that in our Tibet region, for over half a century. Luckily, they failed.
You have said you know history of "Asian Tribune" , then showing "SriLanka Guardian"! Be moderate! Spreading racism won't help anyone to keep this peace! As a Sri Lankan I'm always with Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim and other ethnic civilians side but not with any kind of terrorists, separatists or racists!

A person who treats everybody equal wont post articles from AsianTribune and Lankaweb and particualry from Charles. Does that mean Moderate? No where you posts shows that your are with Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim/
You didn't anwer my question about the starting point of war and the role of SWRDB.

I will say this again

Before asking anybody to apologize to anybody, Srilanka, Singala community , Singala Army and the Singala Priest community should apologize to the Tamil people for the CRIMEs/RAPEs/MURDERs/LOOTING committed for more than 50 years. I am not talking about LTTE , I am talking of Tamil Srilankan Citizens and should request all the refugees to come back home and also should thank the countries that have sheltered those refugees. After this we can start talking about other apologies.

LTTE is a dead snake, there is not use in beating that. Let the government of Srilanka try to (Act) be a responsible government as said above
You have said you know history of "Asian Tribune" , then showing "SriLanka Guardian"! Be moderate! Spreading racism won't help anyone to keep this peace! As a Sri Lankan I'm always with Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim and other ethnic civilians side but not with any kind of terrorists, separatists or racists!

I am not talking about Racism. I am talking about the Racism that was started by the Singala community in the name of language, which still persists.
LTTE is dead and war is over, now what is stopping SL from recruiting Tamils to armed forces. There are a lot of ex-LTTE fighters out there. They can be absorbed to SLA with minimum training and their skills can be used for the common good. A one sided armed force will be always seen an as a tool of oppression.

Yep, it's happening but slowly. There isn't a restriction I saw a Tamil some army passing out few months ago.
Already 6000 ex- LTTE carders released after rehabilitation but we can't force them join army, it is upto them to decide whether they are joining to police or not. Government is increasing the Tamil police officers in the north since last years.
I hope so as well. :tup:

They've been trying to do that in our Tibet region, for over half a century. Luckily, they failed.

Ohhh..stop your constant cribbing!! ..India recognized Tibet as part of China long time back..don't come with silly line.."you are hosting are separatist"..they are monks..who were terrorized out of their homes..we have given him place to live..not some training camp to train terrorists.
there is no cradible source of proff that LTTE gets help from indian soil , these are just assumptions from the fact that india has huge population of tamil who could be sympathatic towards LTTE..
the weapons used by LTTE are never found made in india , the granads found in LTTE prossetion were found to made in pakistan , there were enough proof that LTTE gets arms and financial help from al-kaida , i think prople would have not forgoten the event when LTTE called all muslim population from jafana to leave and later withdrow it under some deal...
The United Nations and a western country offered to send a ship for the LTTE
leadership to flee Sri Lanka during the last stages of the war ...

However what remains clear is that fund-raising by the LTTE in Norway is active
and Denmark, Sweden and Finland are considered to be safe havens for LTTE
Regarding Tamils

We have a Tamil Chief Minister

Tamil Provincial Ministers

Tamil Central Ministers

Recently 800 Tamils joined the Police

There are many Tamils working for the Provincial Authority & also with other sectors

Major development projects going on in North & East

Regarding Security

This is our hard earned Peace; we won’t allow any external factor to destabilize us again.

Already a new Security plan operational.

Regarding Friends

Our friends almost doubled economic aid & also doubled military aid to us.

They already showed there support to us internationally.

Now our focus

We are currently developing our country; we will fully focus on our national economic plan.

We learned many things in recent years

Respond intelligently even to an unintelligent treatment.
Ohhh..stop your constant cribbing!! ..India recognized Tibet as part of China long time back..don't come with silly line.."you are hosting are separatist"..they are monks..who were terrorized out of their homes..we have given him place to live..not some training camp to train terrorists.

India supports terrorists and separatists, that is a fact.

Maybe you can tell the Sri Lankan people that LTTE are not terrorists, or maybe you can convince the Chinese government that the Tibetan government in exile are not separatists.

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

Full Article

This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

We fought against LTTE for 3 yrs ..sacrificed hundreds of our soldiers and a prime minister for Sri Lankan cause..gave million of dollars of financial and military aid to Srilanka..that should be sufficient.
India supports terrorists and separatists, that is a fact.

Maybe you can tell the Sri Lankan people that LTTE are not terrorists, or maybe you can convince the Chinese government that the Tibetan government in exile are not separatists.

Do tell ..as of now ..which separatist group do we support...back in 80s we fought a full blown war against LTTE ..have you heard of IPKF?
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