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India must apologize to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Should Apologize to Tamils and Treat Them Equally Like other Citizens with Equal Rights and Then expect Apology from Others

I see this many times from a lot of Indian members here, all are talking about "equal rights", All the Sri Lankan citizens have same rights! Sri Lankan districts aren't base on ethnic groups! Anywhere in the country it's the same right for any Sri Lankan citizen! Laws aren't apply on whether you're Tamil or Sinhalese or Muslim or Burgher or Malay or any other ethnic group.
Srilanka should apologize for the war crimes committed against Tamil civilians.

Skyline, if there is equal rights for every one in Srilanka then why your army had to kill so many innocent Tamil civilians. weren't they executed only because they were Tamils? What's more disturbing is the fact that is most of Srilankans celebrated their killing.
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India should say sorry to all neighbour countries including Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh :D

why ?
Just because India progressed well then other neighbours.
just because India denied to act as a LAP-DOG of its Major neighbour .
just because India today get respected by world over which a rare comodity for its neighbours.
its just because you say so.
I see this many times from a lot of Indian members here, all are talking about "equal rights", All the Sri Lankan citizens have same rights! Sri Lankan districts aren't base on ethnic groups! Anywhere in the country it's the same right for any Sri Lankan citizen! Laws aren't apply on whether you're Tamil or Sinhalese or Muslim or Burgher or Malay or any other ethnic group.

Then please do tell me the reason of tamil up-rising and reason why ?
Why the innocent tamils where beaten to death by srilankan forces 20yrs agao.?
Why the local singhli population treat them as 2nd class citizen?
Why the tamil dont have voice in srilankan parliament and armed forces?
Why? Why? Why?
Same Goes to Your Nation , so Now stop Interfering in Kashmir - Its our Internal Matter

Sri Lanka is not disputed territory. You're interfering in a soverign nation. That would be terrorism.

Kashmir is disputed terriroty. India has stolen some land. That too is terrorism.

Pakistan wants plebiscite in Kashmir. That is not terrorism.

When you look at South Asia with some knowledge, India is the biggest state-backed terrorist unit as the examples above show.
Srilanka should apologize for the war crimes committed against Tamil civilians.

Skyline, if there is equal rights for every one in Srilanka then why your army had to kill so many innocent Tamil civilians. weren't they executed only because they were Tamils? What's more disturbing is the fact that is most of Srilankans celebrated their killing.

Sri Lankan citizens had a problem with a ruthless terrorist group called Tamil Tigers, for a government it is their responsibility to protect all Sri Lankan citizens, Even they are terrorists They are Sri Lankans unfortunately, Army had problem with terrorists not Tamil civilians! Tamil citizens know who killed who!
Everyone has equal rights, 2 days ago I saw another Indian saying Tamils aren't have right to vote here etc here's the elected MP, He is a pro Tamil Tiger person, but read what he has to say >Final days in Vanni: 600 Tamils shot and killed as stray dogs- First Person Revelation | Asian Tribune
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Sri Lankan citizens had a problem with a ruthless terrorist group called Tamil Tigers, for a government it is their responsibility to protect all Sri Lankan citizens, Even they are terrorists They are Sri Lankans unfortunately, Army had problem with terrorists not Tamil civilians! Tamil citizens know who killed who!
Everyone has equal rights, 2 days ago I saw another Indian saying Tamils aren't have right to vote here etc here's the elected MP, He is a pro Tamil Tiger person, but read what he has to say >Final days in Vanni: 600 Tamils shot and killed as stray dogs- First Person Revelation | Asian Tribune

We know LTTE was a ruthless terrorist organization and increasingly became more cruel , immoral and acted against the Tamils. It is good they are gone. But you cannot deny the fact that LTTE was formed because of the injustice that the Tamils faced and lets hope it is not repeated now.
Sri Lanka is not disputed territory. You're interfering in a soverign nation. That would be terrorism.

Kashmir is disputed terriroty. Pakistan has stolen some land. That is act of terrorism.

Pakistan wants plebiscite in Kashmir. That is not terrorism.
So are we in west pakistan (Not sure :D )
When you look at South Asia with some knowledge, pakistan is the biggest state-backed terrorist unit as the examples above shown.

Your post need some correction here :D
On topic - from my side sorry srilanka ,ab nakra mat maar yaar... :cheers:
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