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India must apologize to Sri Lanka

First pak should apoligize 2 India for contributing in the mumbai terror attacks . Then u.s. should apoligize to the planet 4 creating taliban , then india will apolgize to our fellow brother sri lanka ....
First pak should apoligize 2 India for contributing in the mumbai terror attacks . Then u.s. should apoligize to the planet 4 creating taliban , then india will apolgize to our fellow brother sri lanka .
Your post need some correction here :D

i'm not sure what you mean. "west pakistan" would like the Indians to hold the plebiscite they are obliged to hold under international law.

so far india has made kashmir part of india and does not recognize its disputed territory status. so it's in violation of the rights of the kashmiris, to put it another way, india terrorizes the people of kashmir and of sri lanka physically and legally.

pakistan does not as far as i know.
First pak should apoligize 2 India for contributing in the mumbai terror attacks . Then u.s. should apoligize to the planet 4 creating taliban , then india will apolgize to our fellow brother sri lanka .

pakistan didnt do anything in mumbai.

some fat marathi kid from the deccan plains who india claims to be pakistani through dna evidence is nothing for pakistan to apologize for because he is working independently, unlike LTTE and the kashmir land grab which are state sponsored acts of terror that are committed.
Then please do tell me the reason of tamil up-rising and reason why ?
Why the innocent tamils where beaten to death by srilankan forces 20yrs agao.?
Why the local singhli population treat them as 2nd class citizen?
Why the tamil dont have voice in srilankan parliament and armed forces?
Why? Why? Why?

Every country has extremists, TNA gains voting by promoting this situation but it does not mean that all are supporting them, see the election results which held in few months ago if government has killed innocent Tamils then will they give that much votes? Department of Election

Who treat them as 2nd class citizens? Come and see with your own eyes! All citizens have same rights.

Tamil don't have voice in SL parliament? Come on mate, at least use Google. There are dozens of Tamil MPs including pro LTTE ones, SL governments also have Tamil ministers! Sri Lankan police has Tamils, few years ago even when there was terrorists problem our (IGP) Inspector General of Police was a Tamil too! Army has few Tamils coz of security reasons, some of them got killed by Tamil Tigers! coz of security reasons and death treats by Tamil Tigers there are few at the moment, but our intelligence units of army has Tamils.

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

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This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

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This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

Thanks for exposing indian terrorism. "Superpower of the world" india at its best again :rolleyes:
I see this many times from a lot of Indian members here, all are talking about "equal rights", All the Sri Lankan citizens have same rights! Sri Lankan districts aren't base on ethnic groups! Anywhere in the country it's the same right for any Sri Lankan citizen! Laws aren't apply on whether you're Tamil or Sinhalese or Muslim or Burgher or Malay or any other ethnic group.

Are you sure about the equal rights? Why Tamils are not recruited for the army?

Raping a daughter in front of the parents is the equal right that the Singala army has taught the Tamils. Torturing and killing the son in front of the father and brothers is what the Singala Army has taught the world. Do you call this as equality?

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

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This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

Posting some random pics and claiming it to be of India does not hold any water. BTW, can SriLankans be trusted on this? When your PM himself first made a claim that there are LTTE training camps still running in India and later on refuted the claim. What a BS that was?
Sri Lankan citizens had a problem with a ruthless terrorist group called Tamil Tigers, for a government it is their responsibility to protect all Sri Lankan citizens, Even they are terrorists They are Sri Lankans unfortunately, Army had problem with terrorists not Tamil civilians! Tamil citizens know who killed who!
Everyone has equal rights, 2 days ago I saw another Indian saying Tamils aren't have right to vote here etc here's the elected MP, He is a pro Tamil Tiger person, but read what he has to say >Final days in Vanni: 600 Tamils shot and killed as stray dogs- First Person Revelation | Asian Tribune

I know the history of AsianTribune and their affinity with Singla Priests. Do you know the history how the war started? if not please read the history of S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike and is mischievous act.

The LTTE training camp in Kulathur, Salem district, India, where the 16th batch was trained in 1985/6. The photographs were taken by Wasanthan, an Indian national employed by the press section of the LTTE.

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This trained group became the ruthless terrorist organization (according to FBI) in the world! Who trained them, which soil has used for it , there's nothing to hide. Hope they won't train another group against any other country again!

I beg to differ with you. In 1985/6 LTTE was not declared as a terrorist organization, not even by Ceylon. Do you want others to beleive that a website by name lankaweb which make $2/day publishes genuine articles.
Do you know about the racist author "Charles.S.Perera", if not read this small introduction.

There is no doubt Charles S Perera wants to recognize every person who has a Tamil name as a rank racist and that seems his terrible obsession. He could not understand and accept that a Tamil could be a democrat and his first loyalty to the country is as a Sri Lankan. Likewise there are people in the Tamil community who see every Sinhalese as a racist, Charles S Perera of course included, and none could be a democrat and they all consider themselves as Sinhaladipa citizens.

But, fortunately, this is not true at all. Tamils love Sri Lanka and want it as a truly democratic state and the Sinhalese too want it that way. This is the heart and soul of the people of the grass roots all over Sri Lanka. Perhaps Mr Charles S Perera, like this writer had not had the chance to have been widely traveled in the country like him, lived among the Sri Lankans irrespective what community they came from, and the friends he counts among all the people.



If you think LankaWeb is a genuine website and Charles S Perera is not a racist, then srilankaguardian is like gods word.

Before asking anybody to apologize to anybody, Srilanka, Singala community , Singala Army and the Singala Priest community should apologize to the Tamil people for the crime committed for more than 50 years. I am not talking about LTTE , I am talking of Tamil Srilankan Citizens and should request all the refugees to come back home and also should thank the countries that have sheltered those refugees. After this we can start talking about other apologies.
Are you sure about the equal rights? Why Tamils are not recruited for the army?

Yep, Army has few Tamils coz of security reasons but there are Tamils in army intelligence units but we lost some of Tamils coz Tamil Tigers killed them.
I know the history of AsianTribune and their affinity with Singla Priests. Do you know the history how the war started? if not please read the history of S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike and is mischievous act.

It's pro Tamil Tiger person (MP) telling what he experienced while that area!
I do have to say the same, read the history of them and their activities.
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