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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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There are saints living in the Himalayas, do they eat meat? No they don't. we choose where we are born according to our Karma. My Guru says, " Depending on our karma we are given a set of choices as to where we can take birth, who our parents will be, who our life partner will be, what kind of a life we can have etc. etc. Then from the choices presented to us according to our karma, we choose what we want". if in your past birth you were evolved and did not eat meat, then you may not have to take birth in a meat eating family. more the good karma, better will be your life.

They do not eat meat because they are saints. All human beings cannot be saints. The very purpose of live is variety. If everyone is behaving and thinking the same way then the purpose of creation ends.

The canine teeth of carnivorous animals are meant to pierce the flesh of their prey and tear it apart. our teeth are not as sharp as theirs. we use them to cut or break food items. there is a difference.

The canine teeth in human is also meant for the same purpose. To cut and break food we have incisors, molars, and premolars.

Did the world end after satyuga? or did it move to tretayuga, dwaparyuga and the current kaliyuga? Did evolution stop after satyuga? No.
Evolution is not limited to evolving from meat eating to vegetarian food. there are more stages of evolution. you are focusing only on the physical level. there are higher levels too.
kaliyuga is meant to practically show what happens when people follow a path devoid of moral values, when people follow a path full of material desires and such lifestyle and ignore the spiritual part of the life. it is meant to show what happens when we allow vices to control us. it is meant to make us realize the importance of virtues. Kaliyuga is primarily for those beings who have not evolved to such an extent as to realize this. such beings incarnate in kaliyuga to learn by experience. While divine beings or evolved souls also incarnate in Kaliyuga to show the right path. Then there are beings who have evolved but they re-incarnate to exhaust their karma.

After Satyuga and all those other yugas, we devolved. So if this Earth as we know it has to exist, then we just cannot afford to become saints. This physical level is my concern right now.

The world will not end if everyone became saints. there are those beings who have incarnated as animals, birds and other beings who have to exhaust their karma and then re-incarnate in a human birth later on, for further evolution. The Buddha supported this view. The Hindu and Jain scriptures too support this view. Also most religions talk about end of the world- pralaya and then a re-creation of the world. so the world will end only at the appointed time and not before it, even if everyone became saints. Although its destruction can be accelerated by sinful activities.

Look I love human life. Plus we have quadrizillions of bacterias and microbes which are still evolving. So animal eating is not going to end any time soon and Kaliyuga is here to last a long time. Hence the scenario of everyone becoming saints wont arise.
See. there lots of alternate. Like haj subsidy. you can demand for that. But you should not offend other's sentiment.
Qurbani is based purely on your earnings. Anyone who is Sahib e Nisab must offer sacrifice.
The first sentence of the first paragraph would be valid if freedom existed.
The second paragraph is just stupid. Animal rights? I don't see you guys having housing schemes, education, representation in government and the other basic rights for cows, in your country. A cow, and other animals are part of the food chain. Deal with it.

so are you a slave? you don't have any freedom? freedom exists. But not absolute freedom.
No, the second para is not stupid. if you cannot understand something, then it does not mean that it is stupid. Actually your comment is a bit stupid. There are big differences between human beings and animals. By animal rights i meant, their right to live, eat, drink, reproduce. other things that you mentioned in your post apply to human beings only, not to animals.
Going by your logic a human being can also be a part of the food chain of carnivorous animals, so should we deal with it the way you said?
Animals do not have a choice. They have to act according to their nature. But we humans are more evolved and we have the power to choose. As higher beings shouldn't we make better choices? why act like animals?
Qurbani is based purely on your earnings. Anyone who is Sahib e Nisab must offer sacrifice.
Then I believe they can afford goats. Look if money is the problem, then we can use subsidy. But offending other's sentiment is not the right thing.
And also people forget that all plants that grow from the soil feeds of dead animals(Insects etc) and manure as well.

Yes plants grow from soil feeds of dead animals. That is the food chain and circle of life. But those plants are not killing the animals themselves. All our bodily elimination too goes down to soil to replenish the earth and become soil feeds for plants, you do not recommend eating those too, do you?
And also people forget that all plants that grow from the soil feeds of dead animals(Insects etc) and manure as well.
hik hik...who cares??..I eat both beef and pork...
What it had to do with Bengalis??
Cow slaughtering during eid is a common practice among all World Muslim communities..

Majority of the animals slaughtered for Eid is Bakri. That is why the festival is also called Bakri-Eid. The prophet also sacrificed a ram instead of a cow. The Bengalis encourage Muslims to slaughter cows just to offend the Hindus.
I love goat chesse too..so i should stop eating Goat!....The only thing I personally feel that needs to change is how the animal is killed...preferably not the slow killing method!

Civilized and cultured behaviour wouldn't not hurt. :coffee:
D FUQQQQQQQQQQQ.. BTW which is more expensive there?? Mutton or meat? Here its mutton 550 rs per kg.. Beef are available for Rs220 /kg
Sorry, I have no time to inquire about local beef prices. :)
Majority of the animals slaughtered for Eid is Bakri. That is why the festival is also called Bakri-Eid. The prophet also sacrificed a ram instead of a cow. The Bengalis encourage Muslims to slaughter cows just to offend the Hindus.

Bengalis muslims are cowards. Just give a good thrashing ,next time they will not dare this.
Yes plants grow from soil feeds of dead animals. That is the food chain and circle of life. But those plants are not killing the animals themselves. All our bodily elimination too goes down to soil to replenish the earth and become soil feeds for plants, you do not recommend eating those too, do you?
Excuse me ...I was only replying to someone who said what the Pigs eat....I was trying to make him understand that with the above example..hope that clarifies.
Then I believe they can afford goats. Look if money is the problem, then we can use subsidy. But offending other's sentiment is not the right thing.
Fulfilling the shares of the mature members of the family is necessary.
so are you a slave? you don't have any freedom? freedom exists. But not absolute freedom.
No, the second para is not stupid. if you cannot understand something, then it does not mean that it is stupid. Actually your comment is a bit stupid. There are big differences between human beings and animals. By animal rights i meant, their right to live, eat, drink, reproduce. other things that you mentioned in your post apply to human beings only, not to animals.
Going by your logic a human being can also be a part of the food chain of carnivorous animals, so should we deal with it the way you said?
Animals do not have a choice. They have to act according to their nature. But we humans are more evolved and we have the power to choose. As higher beings shouldn't we make better choices? why act like animals?
I was referring to the 'freedom' in your country. Human needs for beef cannot be compromised. Try taking the deer from a lions diet. Force it to eat grass. That's your mentality. I don't follow your religion. I respect it, but won't compromise mine, over yours. End of discussion.
Arguing with someone in denial is futile. I won't waste my time here, anymore.
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