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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Don't force your religion on anyone. Muslims are required by God to slaughter cattle. We don't believe animals are gods. If we believed, we would be Hindus. A Muslim slaughtering and eating beef in his home is not offending anyone. We are Muslims, not Hindus, and Hindu laws don't apply to us. We reject your religion as false and man-made.

Every religion is man made.
Yes, it is. Prophet Muhammad commanded us to slaughter cattle on Eid. This is his sunnah (way). Cattle have 7 parts which can be divided for charity purposes. Cow slaughter is a part of the Islamic religion.
Cattle = \=cow. Other pakistanis are also agreed with me. so you are lying.
No we do not eat it alive. It is not compulsory to kill Chicken for humans. Read my statement again. I said if it is compulsory to kill, it should be outlawed. Nothing I do is compulsory.

You are ignorant to core i dint know.

Anyway you need to read up little more about animal sacrifice it has a long history in different faiths rather there had been human sacrifices too in some faiths (Not ours).

Above all killing animals whether compulsory or not is the same thing even if you are doing it just for food. so your notion sounds funny
Yes, it is. Prophet Muhammad commanded us to slaughter cattle on Eid. This is his sunnah (way). Cattle have 7 parts which can be divided for charity purposes. Cow slaughter is a part of the Islamic religion.

Yes, I know cattle, you can use goat, sheep, camel any cattle that human being consume. Its not mandatory for Muslims to slaughter a cow. So, there is no violation of religious right of Muslims with cow slaughter ban. You better educate yourself.
You are ignorant to core i dint know.

Anyway you need to read up little more about animal sacrifice it has a long history in different faiths rather there had been human sacrifices too in some faiths (Not ours).

Above all killing animals whether compulsory or not is the same thing even if you are doing it just for food. so your notion sounds funny

What is then killing kafirs to get 72 virgins and jannat about in Hadiths and Quran. Human sacrifice in form of suicide bombing .
You are in denial. You misunderstand Evolution. Meat isn't eaten by Muslims, only. It's only you Hindus, and a few other religions that seem to condemn eating cows. Don't give me the 'non-violence' crap, because your 'non-violence' crap seems to go, only for cows.

With grammar like that, anyone would find it hard to understand. And 'imagination' isn't the correct term here, either. We don't slaughter cows, or any other animals to irritate you Hindus. It's just the fact that there is a percentage of Muslims living in a Hindu majority state.

The first sentence of the first paragraph would be valid if freedom existed.
The second paragraph is just stupid. Animal rights? I don't see you guys having housing schemes, education, representation in government and the other basic rights for cows, in your country. A cow, and other animals are part of the food chain. Deal with it.
you can eat meat. But dont eat cows.
Cattle = \=cow. Other pakistanis are also agreed with me. so you are lying.

Thats because

1. Goats, Sheeps are costly and does not cater to needs of people if we follow rules for distributing the meat

and the rule is we have three shares in a sacrificial animal meat One is for own family , one is for relatives and one is distributed among poor people. All these three shares are equal.

2. Those who can not afford a Rs30k goat, sheep go for cows because in a cow more than one person can put their money which usually amounts to Rs10k so affordable .

3. Most of the people prefered cow meat as compared to buffalo
Don't force your religion on anyone. Muslims are required by God to slaughter cattle. We don't believe animals are gods. If we believed, we would be Hindus. A Muslim slaughtering and eating beef in his home is not offending anyone. We are Muslims, not Hindus, and Hindu laws don't apply to us. We reject your religion as false and man-made.
you are liar. I thought muslims don't lie.
What is then killing kafirs to get 72 virgins and jannat about in Hadiths and Quran. Human sacrifice in form of suicide bombing .

There is NOTHING like that in Quran. :)

So dont let your gas spread in the thread Gas-pron
Thats because

1. Goats, Sheeps are costly and does not cater to needs of people if we follow rules for distributing the meat

and the rule is we have three shares in a sacrificial animal meat One is for own family , one is for relatives and one is distributed among poor people. All these three shares are equal.

2. Those who can not afford a Rs30k goat, sheep go for cows because in a cow more than one person can put their money which usually amounts to Rs10k so affordable .

3. Most of the people prefered cow meat as compared to buffalo
So. since goat/sheep are costly, you insult our religion ? And why so ? Are you saying that it is ok for muslims to insults others since they can not afford money ?

It is mandatory. Present in Quran, I quoted you the verses. Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and other hadith sources. Slaughter of cows is obligatory on every Muslim male.

We are forbidden to follow other religious customs as well. Vegetarianism is forbidden in Islam. What other religions believe is meaningless to us.

We are Muslims because we follow Islam. Islam commands cow sacrifice.
No it is not. you are a liar. your pakistanis have said this.
It is mandatory. Present in Quran, I quoted you the verses. Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and other hadith sources. Slaughter of cows is obligatory on every Muslim male.

We are forbidden to follow other religious customs as well. Vegetarianism is forbidden in Islam. What other religions believe is meaningless to us.

bwahahahahahahahahah oh SHUT UP. you are such a piece of shit knowing nothing even about qurbani .

slaughter of cow is NOT obligatory. any halal animal can be sacrificed people even sacrifice camel .

ignorant goons like you are such irritants
There is NOTHING like that in Quran. :)

So dont let your gas spread in the thread Gas-pron

Don't reply to him. He is just a troll. He knows Islam is truth, but he denies it. This has been explained to him many times. Number 72 isn't even found in the Quran.
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