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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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You are in denial. You misunderstand Evolution. Meat isn't eaten by Muslims, only. It's only you Hindus, and a few other religions that seem to condemn eating cows. Don't give me the 'non-violence' crap, because your 'non-violence' crap seems to go, only for cows.

I am not in denial. We do not just object Cow eating by Muslims but by Christians, Secular Hindus, and everyone. This is not an anti-Muslim stand. It is a pro-humanity stand. I am not misunderstanding evolution, you are. From being a forest destroying, hunting animals for sport, humans have traveled a great distance today. What Panchatantra taught the Buddhists and Hindus and Jains yesterday, is being taught by Animal Planet and PETA today.

That is evolution. A universal consciousness which is driving us towards a more just planet.
These Hindu fanatics only created this topic to bait Muslims, so they can insult and belittle Islam. No use to reply to these demagogues. Indian Muslims and Bengalis are slaughtering cattle for Eid with relative ease. No one can forbid them, because it is against UN declaration of human rights and specifically freedom of religion.

when its not mandatory for Muslims to slaughter a cow, why you think its against your religion.
I am not in denial. We do not just object Cow eating by Muslims but by Christians, Secular Hindus, and everyone. This is not an anti-Muslim stand. It is a pro-humanity stand. I am not misunderstanding evolution, you are. From being a forest destroying, hunting animals for sport, humans have traveled a great distance today. What Panchatantra taught the Buddhists and Hindus and Jains yesterday, is being taught by Animal Planet and PETA today.

That is evolution. A universal consciousness which is driving us towards a more just planet.
Cow eating>Bad>Pro Humanity
That's all I have to say.
My sense applicable for Hindu Muslim all. Offering god any animal is inhuman for me.

Don't force your religion on anyone. Muslims are required by God to slaughter cattle. We don't believe animals are gods. If we believed, we would be Hindus. A Muslim slaughtering and eating beef in his home is not offending anyone. We are Muslims, not Hindus, and Hindu laws don't apply to us. We reject your religion as false and man-made.
:lol: meanwhile a good number of cows we are buying here in Pakistan have bene brought from India. Just last night my brother visited an animal mandi to buy one and he told us that traders from Punjab have brought Indian cows. We are having a nice cow at Rs70 to 80 thousands

So you mean you are funding india and the traders whose taxes go to govt and ultimately indian army which dissected Pakistan 30 years ago ?

Strange people you are. Stockholm synodrome on mass scale.
With grammar like that, anyone would find it hard to understand. And 'imagination' isn't the correct term here, either. We don't slaughter cows, or any other animals to irritate you Hindus. It's just the fact that there is a percentage of Muslims living in a Hindu majority state.
tune socha k i feel ashamed because you have found mistakes in my english haha
abe mera pm hindi bolta hai and i am proud of that.. Hindus language is hindi.. Tumne to use bhi nahi chhoda..urdu bana ke..
Anyways what If We start eating muslims.. In the name of humanity?
Will not you protest?
Yeh Indian eat Chicken alive

No we do not eat it alive. It is not compulsory to kill Chicken for Indians. Read my statement again. I said if it is compulsory to kill, it should be outlawed. Nothing I do is compulsory.

My sense applicable for Hindu Muslim all. Offering god any animal is inhuman for me.

100% agree with you.
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Don't force your religion on anyone. Muslims are required by God to slaughter cattle. We don't believe animals are gods. If we believed, we would be Hindus. A Muslim slaughtering and eating beef in his home is not offending anyone. We are Muslims, not Hindus, and Hindu laws don't apply to us. We reject your religion as false and man-made.

And West,We hindus,Ex-muslims like Ali Sina,Russians,Atheists,communists reject Islam as false and man made.
So you mean you are funding india and the traders whose taxes go to govt and ultimately indian army which dissected Pakistan 30 years ago ?

Strange people you are. Stockholm synodrome on mass scale.

:what: :what: NO i dint mean that.

Now use some brain and read again what did i say ;) if you still dint get it then i will try to make you understand it
when its not mandatory for Muslims to slaughter a cow, why you think its against your religion.

Yes, it is. Prophet Muhammad commanded us to slaughter cattle on Eid. This is his sunnah (way). Cattle have 7 parts which can be divided for charity purposes. Cow slaughter is a part of the Islamic religion.
My taxpayer money goes for funding Hajj subsidy for Muslims but people still feel offended by cow slaughter ban to respect Hindu religious beliefs.
:what: :what: NO i dint mean that.

Now use some brain and read again what did i say ;) if you still dint get it then i will try to make you understand it

Doesn't matter .As you are funding india by buying cows from india. Well that money is invested by RAW into TTP and BLA. And these are reaping excellent results.

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