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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Those Muslims converted to Islam in the hope of a better future are no any better in modern India.
better future?? so changing your religion because you can't pay jaziya gives you a better future :cheesy:
Sry but this is as stupid as going to a Texan steak house and protesting against animal slaughter. :D
Hindu extremists insulting, belittling, issuing threats to Indian Muslims, Bengalis, Pakistanis, Arabs, and other Muslims for 37 pages.

Let's put the topic to rest.

Cow slaughter is an Islamic commandment. We are forbidden not to slaughter cattle on Eid. It is obligatory on every Muslim head of a family who can afford it. The meat is to be distributed to the poor (Muslim or Non-Muslim), and a portion kept for the family.

“And cattle He has created for you. From them you drive wont and numerous benefits and of their meat, you eat.” (Quran 16:5-8)
Of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat: eat what Allah hath provided for you, and follow not the footsteps of Satan: for he is to you an avowed enemy. (Quran 6:142)
Maade snana being banned in Karnataka is also a good thing.
But there is a severe opposition against this barbaric practice within the Karnataka hindu community....None seems defending this practice..So its very easy for a government or a court to ban it without any outside resistance..
But that is not in the case of cow slaughtering during eids...
Though I support meat consuming, but find this cow slaughtering inhuman in the name of religion.

Our seculars do not have even this little sense in them that you have.

But there is a severe opposition against this barbaric practice within the Karnataka hindu community....None seems defending this practice..So its very easy for a government or a court to ban it without any outside resistance..
But that is not in the case of cow slaughtering during eids...

It is not because it was encouraged by the secularists. The Bengalis in the name of freedom have been advocating all cruelties and that is why this situation exists. No one says this practice will end tomorrow itself, but a start has to be made somewhere. Today is a good time.
Anything that involves non-violence. Say no to hurt, torture, pain, suffering.

All evolution comes through prevailing circumstances. If public perception goes against cruelty, then any and all traditions which support cruelty will end. It can be forced or it can be consensual.
You are in denial. You misunderstand Evolution. Meat isn't eaten by Muslims, only. It's only you Hindus, and a few other religions that seem to condemn eating cows. Don't give me the 'non-violence' crap, because your 'non-violence' crap seems to go, only for cows.
its beyond your imagination i think.. here what i am trying to say that if you can kill cows to irritate hindus then why can't we irritate you..its so simple..
With grammar like that, anyone would find it hard to understand. And 'imagination' isn't the correct term here, either. We don't slaughter cows, or any other animals to irritate you Hindus. It's just the fact that there is a percentage of Muslims living in a Hindu majority state.
With freedom comes responsibility. Freedom is misused by people to do whatever they please irrespective of their effects on others. that should not be allowed. you just can't hurt people's religious sentiments in the name of freedom. But we should definitely curb wrong practices like cow slaughter. if people want to eat cow meat then they can go somewhere else, eat and then come back.
And what about the freedom of these animals. don't they have the right or the freedom to live a life given to them by God? who are we to take away their freedom? please don't treat animals as objects with whom we can do whatever we like. What right do we have to torture them?
The first sentence of the first paragraph would be valid if freedom existed.
The second paragraph is just stupid. Animal rights? I don't see you guys having housing schemes, education, representation in government and the other basic rights for cows, in your country. A cow, and other animals are part of the food chain. Deal with it.
This is interesting the world has gone forward but Indians are so backward. Many of the cases ancient India was better than now. Racism in India is increasing day by day. Those Muslims converted to Islam in the hope of a better future are not any better in modern India.

Though I support meat consuming, but find this cow slaughtering inhuman in the name of religion.
what if some of us will start eating muslims in the name of humanity?
You are in denial. You misunderstand Evolution. Meat isn't eaten by Muslims, only. It's only you Hindus, and a few other religions that seem to condemn eating cows. Don't give me the 'non-violence' crap, because your 'non-violence' crap seems to go, only for cows..

These Hindu fanatics only created this topic to bait Muslims, so they can insult and belittle Islam. No use to reply to these demagogues. Indian Muslims and Bengalis are slaughtering cattle for Eid with relative ease. No one can forbid them, because it is against UN declaration of human rights and specifically freedom of religion.
Hindu extremists insulting, belittling, issuing threats to Indian Muslims, Bengalis, Pakistanis, Arabs, and other Muslims for 37 pages.

Let's put the topic to rest.

Cow slaughter is an Islamic commandment. We are forbidden not to slaughter cattle on Eid. It is obligatory on every Muslim head of a family who can afford it. The meat is to be distributed to the poor (Muslim or Non-Muslim), and a portion kept for the family.

“And cattle He has created for you. From them you drive wont and numerous benefits and of their meat, you eat.” (Quran 16:5-8)
Of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat: eat what Allah hath provided for you, and follow not the footsteps of Satan: for he is to you an avowed enemy. (Quran 6:142)

Then the muslims should be killed for blasphemy against hinduism. Blasphemy against islam has command for death . So blasphemy like cow slaughter should command death also.
A cow, and other animals are part of the food chain. Deal with it.
you do know that food chain starts with sun and plants are the only beings who can create food directly from the sunlight. So it's logical to eat plants than animals.
One man CAN make a difference.

All we needed to do was elect Modi to power. He's already saved the lives of 40,000 Cows. Now that is a good deed by itself. :tup:

:lol: meanwhile a good number of cows we are buying here in Pakistan have bene brought from India. Just last night my brother visited an animal mandi to buy one and he told us that traders from Punjab have brought Indian cows. We are having a nice cow at Rs70 to 80 thousands
These Hindu fanatics only created this topic to bait Muslims, so they can insult and belittle Islam. No use to reply to these demagogues. Indian Muslims and Bengalis are slaughtering cattle for Eid with relative ease. No one can forbid them, because it is against UN declaration of human rights and specifically freedom of religion.

Doesn't matter. We will beat/kill those who do blasphemy against hinduism.
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