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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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So, anything other than what nature gives you?

Anything that involves non-violence. Say no to hurt, torture, pain, suffering.

Evolution is not forced upon people. Evolution does not mean stopping eating something. Evolution is a mutual change borne from necessity, and not based on centuries old traditions.

All evolution comes through prevailing circumstances. If public perception goes against cruelty, then any and all traditions which support cruelty will end. It can be forced or it can be consensual.
Their country their rules! Indian Muslims should shut the frack up and live with it.
Are you comparing this to sathi???
Anyway...But sathi was not a common or wide spread practice among Indian hindus..It was limited to some castes of North India...

That was just given as an example of bad practice. Maade snana being banned in Karnataka is also a good thing. All such practices which are inhuman should stop.
I don't get what you're trying to say...
its beyond your imagination i think.. here what i am trying to say that if you can kill cows to irritate hindus then why can't we irritate you..its so simple..
You both + Indrani dude are working on some shitty agenda. Please dont spread hatred
Of course. when sentiments of hindus do matter you become secular. that is why selective secular.
Ever heard of freedom? You can't force people to eat what what you want, against their will.
With freedom comes responsibility. Freedom is misused by people to do whatever they please irrespective of their effects on others. that should not be allowed. you just can't hurt people's religious sentiments in the name of freedom. But we should definitely curb wrong practices like cow slaughter. if people want to eat cow meat then they can go somewhere else, eat and then come back.
And what about the freedom of these animals. don't they have the right or the freedom to live a life given to them by God? who are we to take away their freedom? please don't treat animals as objects with whom we can do whatever we like. What right do we have to torture them?
Shariqattari said:
So, we can expect another MUSLIM state arising from INDIA..... as MUSLIMS in INDIA have higher birth rate compares to HINDUS.....
this shows illiteracy level of muslims in India.. and you are proud of this haha.. no wonder why Indian muslims are backward
i partially disagree with your comment. if meat had a place in human diet then Lord Rama or Krishna would have eaten meat. All great saints or incarnations of God were against meat eating. Even if you consider our teeth they are not like that of carnivorous animals which is nature's way of telling us that we should not eat meat. AFAIK meat is tamasic food which should be avoided according to the shastras and even the Bhagawad Gita

What will you say to a person living in a desert or tundra region? They do not have plants to eat. How are they meant to survive then?

We do have canine teeth. If all people started having satvic guna then the world itself will end. All people are not meant to be saints.
I'm not going to try to refute your point as you will dismiss it as a Pakistani just trolling, which is not the case.

We are just trading opinions. You are entitled to yours and I am entitled to mine. That is all I can say.
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