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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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and how many meals can that much meat serve one family? Isnt 2 lakh too expensive for just a ritual?

It is not given to one family as i said we have three shares in a sacrificial animal meat

1. One for family
2. one for relatives
3. one for poor people

for example if a cow has 6 tons of meat then 2 tons each a share it is.

Well Hinduism has many rituals and you spend sop much money so dont you think its waste of money on such rituals ?
Wow you are not being honest. Across the world Muslim slaughter any cattle they afford like sheep, goat or camel etc. and its not mandatory for Muslims to slaughter cows. I am done with you because you are not being honest.

37 pages of your "honesty" and "jingoism" against Indian Muslims, Bengalis for merely following their religious dietary laws. Threatening them with violence and claiming they are eating cattle just to anger you.

It is forbidden for a Muslim to follow the prohibition of cow slaughter because it is the belief of another faith. Muslims don't consider idol worship or animal worship legitimate. For us, it is blasphemy and an insult to God.

I quoted you the Quran that cattle slaughter is mandatory on Muslims. We are not allowed to make exceptions to our religion because you don't like it. We disagree with your worship of stone and wooden idols, but we don't force you to abandon your religion.

It is an obligation on every Muslim head of a family to slaughter cattle. We only are required to do this every year, for our holiday to commemorate our father Abraham's dedication when God tested him. God asked him to slaughter his own son, and when he was willing to obey, God stopped him to reward him instead with an animal to sacrifice. Eid is about conviction. We can't change our faith because you don't like it. Sorry.
It is not given to one family as i said we have three shares in a sacrificial animal meat

1. One for family
2. one for relatives
3. one for poor people

for example if a cow has 6 tons of meat then 2 tons each a share it is.

Well Hinduism has many rituals and you spend sop much money so dont you think its waste of money on such rituals ?

we dont spend that much amounts on religion ever
Yes they are. that is why we want a ban on it. Since cows are giving us milk, we treat it as az holy animal. But unfortunately some selective seculars are abusing our religion in the name of secularism. It is just like some muslims consume alcohol which is haram in islam. Some muslims become bankers etc. That is why I said we need a ban.
at ?
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) oh so its not about religion but about benefits. So please dont make it a religious thing then.
as i said even at 50k you can get 2-3 goats here. ! goat is sufficient for one family. So why use Cow ?

You are selective.

NO my dear goats are not sacrificed for one family. even if you sacrifice a goat you have to make three shares.

above all in Pakistan we can NOT get three goats at Rs50K. Goats cost more
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) oh so its not about religion but about benefits. So please dont make it a religious thing then.
It is about benefit. Since cow is giving milk, that is why it is treated as a holy animal in our religion : This is the explanation. See I know you are intentionally offending my sentiments.
You claimed COW is mandatory which IS NOT. You claimed it is said in Quran which is NOT

dont tell lies through your teeth.

I don't know which religion you follow, but Sunni, Shia Islam is very clear. If you want to fight with me. Sorry, it is a blessed time of year. I won't entertain you.

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we dont spend that much amounts on religion ever

will reply your post tomorrow am hurry now will show you how much you waste on those two dozen hindu rituals a year
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