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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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if you are offended by some people stay away…india can't make any to outlaw cow meat because you are secular not hindu…
So ? Should I conclude that muslims in majority are intolerant ?
if you are offended by some people stay away…india can't make any to outlaw cow meat because you are secular not hindu…

We are not a secular country because the govt is involved head deep in managing Hindu affairs and looting money from Hindu temples. Which secular govt does that? Which proves that our govt is a Hindu govt.
psycho??? U mean non vegetarians are psychos?

Im not a much religious person but at as a hindu it should not offend us unless we are brainwashed by rss agenda.
No. I am saying that I worship cows. Then I will be offended. What about my sentiment.
We are not a secular country because the govt is involved head deep in managing Hindu affairs and looting money from Hindu temples. Which secular govt does that? Which proves that our govt is a Hindu govt.
your government is not hindu… its secular… your last prime minister was a sikh…. your president was a muslim..
We Hindus need to learn scripture. Satsangh is equally important to love for God. Knowing the word of God makes you a good Hindu, not just emulating what your neighbor as a Hindu does. We have become a remote control religion by just doing what everybody else does and not verifying for ourselves what our religion requires of us :undecided:

LOL. Which Hindu scriptures have you learnt that teaches you to eat beef ? who was your guru ?
Srimad Bhagavatam,

namo brahmaṇya devaya, go brahmaṇa hitaya ca,
jagad dhitaya krsnaya, govindaya namo namaḥ,

Translation : I salute the supreme truth that is god, I salute krishna the protector of the cow and the brahman too,

From the Bhagvat Gita,

karmaṇaḥ sukṛtasyahuḥ, sattvikam nirmalam phalam,
rajasas tu phalam duḥkham, ajnanam tamasaḥ phalam,

The result of pious action is pure and will give you fruit of peace and goodness.
Action done in greed and passion gives misery, and action performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness.

Killing of the cow by a hindu is that act of Tamas that give the fruit of ignorance.

But for some ignorance is Bliss.

You just added the highlighted part of your "interpretation" of the sanskrit verse for special effects now didn't you, you naughty boy. That is not what it means :D
perhaps they are… so what should be done?? take them to jail??
You tell me. I am asking you. What would people of a country(Majority muslims) would have done if they were offended in that way ?
You tell me. I am asking you. What would people of a country(Majority muslims) would have done if they were offended in that way ?
i can't tell you because we are a islamic country… our laws take into account our religion…
your a secular country you can't behave same way.
psycho??? U mean non vegetarians are psychos?

Im not a much religious person but at as a hindu it should not offend us unless we are brainwashed by rss agenda.

Living a life of materialism without a thought for nature is being a psycho. Killing and lusting after the flesh of a creature so vital to our survival instead of showering it with care and affection is being a psycho.

When you have children, I hope you teach them to value humans and animals around them and not use them cynically.

It is not the people who follow RSS who are brainwashed, but the people who followed the commies who are brainwashed. So get out of your dialectical materialism and start having a humanistic outlook towards life.
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